Hey guys, got one seed popped finally!
None of them were germing I was using paper towel method but it didn't even make any seeds pop open. It jst made them like rot and crumble eventually. Kind of disappointing really lol I used like 8 seeds and all died
So I said fuuuk it I'm just putting it in soil and waiting cus it's my last seed. And I should have done it sooner. Definitely the best for viable seeds is just put it in soil it didn't even need heat I put it in my drawer. it takes alot of patience though I have to admit, I started digging and thats how I know the seed popped.. the thing is like the size of a pea, and its green so I imagine it has a taproot I didn't see and its about to push it's way up unless I killed it lol. Anyway I immediately covered it back up with dirt and put it in my window. Hope it lives, I found another seed since and am definitely using directly in soil method.