The funny thing about Donald giving Roger a pardon is that he will squeal his head off before congress and a grand jury, he's free and clear, but with no 5th amendment rights, he has to talk or go to jail for Donald. Why wouldn't Roger come clean, no skin off of his nose with a pardon and why serve time for contempt or perjuring himself with easily proven lies to benefit the ex president.?
Roger could leave the country though, if he could afford it, maybe Vlad will help him out with expenses if he lives in Europe. It also occured to me that good old Roger will be a fact witness in the Assange trial and possible grand jury too, again, with no 5th amendment protections. He did talk to Assange about the Russian emails and they made certain "arrangements"...
Yep Roger could be paid off and living on foreign soil, or Vlad could just snuff him, another way to rid oneself of pesky witnesses!