Rodger Stone set too walk

what is this deadline you keep mentioning?
Roger has known Trump for decades and one of Roger's MOs is to befriend people to get information he can leverage or use against them. Roger knows a lot about Donald besides the fact that Roger was the link between the Russian hacking and Trump, the hacking that Trump publicly requested and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. Roger is a narcissist and would not react well to prison, he might, leak, write a book or cut a deal etc, he doesn't want to spend a single day inside, he saw what happened to Manafort. Donald will most likely commute his sentence and not pardon him, that would be too dangerous because Roger would have no 5th amendment protections then and would have to squeal before congress or a grand jury..
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Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison amid Trump complaints against prosecutors

Washington (CNN)Roger Stone, a longtime showman, political strategist and friend of President Donald Trump's, was sentenced Thursday to 40 months in prison.
Stone was convicted last fall of lying to Congress and threatening a witness regarding his efforts for Trump's 2016 campaign.
The sentencing is the culmination of an intense week that provoked Twitter fury from Trump and a reckoning within the Justice Department, leading a prosecutor to declare Thursday: "This prosecution is righteous." It's also the near-end of a case that's had several shocking moments that exposed Trump's interest in WikiLeaks during the campaign.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson spent much of the hearing criticizing Stone's actions and also defended the Justice Department prosecutors at the center of last week's drama.

"At his core, Mr. Stone is an insecure person who craves and recklessly pursues attention," she said before issuing her sentence, which also includes 2 years of probation.
Without mentioning Trump's name, Jackson said claims Stone was being singled out for his politics were wrong.
Stone was not prosecuted "for standing up for the President," she said. "He was prosecuted for covering up for the President."
Prosecutors had initially asked Stone to be sentenced to seven to nine years in prison, resting that recommendation on the severity of his crimes and behavior. Trump called that ask "very unfair," however, in a late-night tweet. Attorney General William Barr overrode the recommendation the next day, saying seven years in prison would be too harsh a sentence.
Although Jackson's sentence was ultimately much lower, she said prosecutors did the right thing when they followed the guidelines in their original efforts.
None of the prosecutors who won the case at trial signed the revised sentencing memo, and two new DC US Attorney's Office supervisors were assigned, exposing how politically charged the case has become inside the Justice Department.
New prosecutor John Crabb, Jr. said he wanted to apologize to the court for the confusion.
"This confusion was not caused by the original trial team," he said. "The original trial team had authorization to submit" the original sentencing memo.
Crabb said he stands by the original sentencing memo, adding, "it was done in good faith."
The Justice Department and US Attorney's Office operate "without fear, favor or political influence," Crabb added. "This prosecution is righteous."
"The court should impose a substantial period of incarceration," Crabb added.
Jackson also delivered a veiled swipe at the President during the hearing.
"For those of you who woke up last week" and decided sentencing guidelines are harsh, Jackson said, courts and defense lawyers have been acknowledging that for some time.
stop buying goods; no large purchases. Buy only what you really must buy until the election is over and we have a new president.

time to boycott, Men!
Fuck that. It is almost worth having Rollitup throw me in time out to say how that one makes me feel about you.

Letting millions of people suffer in a economic collapse that will just lead to more extreme politics is exactly what led to the Nazi's.
Roger has known Trump for decades and one of Roger's MOs is to befriend people to get information he can leverage of use against them. Roger knows a lot about Donald besides the fact that Roger was the link between the Russian hacking and Trump, the hacking that Trump publicly requested and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. Roger is a narcissist and would not react well to prison, he might, leak, write a book or cut a deal etc, he doesn't want to spend a single day inside, he saw what happened to Manafort. Donald will most likely commute his sentence and not pardon him, that would be too dangerous because Roger would have no 5th amendment protections then and would have to squeal before congress or a grand jury..
But also remember the FBI have everything from him and his home. Barr might have forced all the investigations into anything touching Trump to stop, but eventually it will all get used to lock them all up.

Also Trump is losing his mind, he is currently ranting about how unfair it all is and is talking a lot of noise about the juror.
Trump has threatened a witness DURING her televised testimony, on Twitter. Pardoned all white collar criminals that were prosecuted for fraud, corruption and lying. The very things he is involved with. And Barr backs it all, lol.

The rule of law is now partisan. Any non Trumper speaking out will have problems, if he finds out their identity.

Its the Gestapo 2020!!!!
Trump has threatened a witness DURING her televised testimony, on Twitter. Pardoned all white collar criminals that were prosecuted for fraud, corruption and lying. The very things he is involved with. And Barr backs it all, lol.

The rule of law is now partisan. Any non Trumper speaking out will have problems, if he finds out their identity.

Its the Gestapo 2020!!!!
Many will say "FUCK TRUMP", just like now and unless he fucks with the elections he's doomed. With every pardon he issues he loses votes and support, every scandal and news bombshell that breaks he loses support. By the time november rolls around Donald will be down to his hardcore 35% because he's gonna go fucking nuts when the polls show the match up with the democratic nominee. All this is gonna happen after a Helluva long hot summer of house investigations, the courts coming on side with subpoenas and Trump's taxes among other things. Not to mention the insane doings of Donald during all of this shit, it will only get worse and more desperate as the election nears and Donald with doing poorly in the polls.
But also remember the FBI have everything from him and his home. Barr might have forced all the investigations into anything touching Trump to stop, but eventually it will all get used to lock them all up.

Also Trump is losing his mind, he is currently ranting about how unfair it all is and is talking a lot of noise about the juror.
Roger is a material witness in the future Assange case and grand jury and if Donald were to Pardon Roger he would have no 5th amendment protection and no reason to lie for Trump. Donald will commute Roger's sentence I think, I believe that would preserve his 5th amendment rights and it would be much safer for Donald.

Donald will be down to his hardcore 35%

Perhaps less than that if his base starts realizing he's lying behind their backs, and going against his previous claims. Within the last few days, Trump has been seeking a deal to allow more immigrant workers into the country.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of his supporters are too uneducated, inexperienced and completely mentally incapable to handle the jobs in the first place, they will see this nonetheless as a smite, I'm sure.

That said, they may be too dumb to understand what's happening. Trump is after all still after Congressionally appointed tax payer funds to cover more of the wall, and there hasn't been any tax rebate checks sent out because Mexico hasn't paid a dime. Not only that, the wall has fallen over in places due to wind, some areas have massive, constantly open water drain gates and people are getting through the wall with basic hand tools. Another Trump project at its finest.
Roger has known Trump for decades and one of Roger's MOs is to befriend people to get information he can leverage or use against them. Roger knows a lot about Donald besides the fact that Roger was the link between the Russian hacking and Trump, the hacking that Trump publicly requested and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. Roger is a narcissist and would not react well to prison, he might, leak, write a book or cut a deal etc, he doesn't want to spend a single day inside, he saw what happened to Manafort. Donald will most likely commute his sentence and not pardon him, that would be too dangerous because Roger would have no 5th amendment protections then and would have to squeal before congress or a grand jury..

What's the difference between commute and pardon? How do these pertain to the 5th?
According to a poll I saw on MSNBC Trump's approval rating is at an all time high. I wonder what the average IQ of an American registered voter is these days? I know for a fact, in RL the youngsters have less personal contact with actual people. They are online, my excuse is I'm old and retired.

What's the difference between commute and pardon? How do these pertain to the 5th?
In a pardon the crime is erased but with an implicit admission of guilt, since you can't incriminate yourself because you are pardoned, you don't have the right to non self incrimination because you can incriminate yourself. Commuting a sentence means to cut it short, no implicit admission of guilt and he can still incriminate himself, so he keeps his 5th amendment rights. Pardons can be blanket pardons like Carter did for vietnam draft dodgers or Trump might do for every criminal in America for shits and giggles. They may be for individual crimes and for crimes not even charged yet (as in Nixon) and be broad in nature too, covering multiple crimes (as in Nixon). The broader the pardon though the more 5th amendment protections they lose.
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The words "to," "too," and "two" are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The preposition "to" refers to a place, direction, or position. The particle "to" is used before the verb in a to-infinitive. The adverb "too" means also, very, extremely, or additionally.

"Two" refers to the number 2. It's probably the easiest one to remember, maybe because it doesn't look like it should rhyme with "to" and "too." It can be confusing for English language learners, and even native English speakers, to distinguish and use these terms.

I used to make this mistake too. But when Mamma was proof reading my writings, after about the hundredth time she marked it in red ink, I got to where I could remember it.
The words "to," "too," and "two" are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The preposition "to" refers to a place, direction, or position. The particle "to" is used before the verb in a to-infinitive. The adverb "too" means also, very, extremely, or additionally.

"Two" refers to the number 2. It's probably the easiest one to remember, maybe because it doesn't look like it should rhyme with "to" and "too." It can be confusing for English language learners, and even native English speakers, to distinguish and use these terms.

I used to make this mistake too. But when Mamma was proof reading my writings, after about the hundredth time she marked it in red ink, I got to where I could remember it.
I still do it as a typo as do most, we usually catch it on the proofing, sometimes it gets by though