Well-Known Member
How long does it take to do an inspection? I've read it takes somewhere around 3 hours for a new or relatively new house is that about right? Also, do you work 7 days a week or fewer than that? Is $300 per inspection about what you charge? How much time do you spend writing a report and doing your book keeping? Rule of thumb that I use is time spent doing the work is burdened with about extra time, I assume 30% paper work and book keeping on top of time on task when lining out a job. Is that about right for you?
An inspection averages 2 hours. I work whenever a job is scheduled. $300 is about the minumum I charge. The last inspection was $400, the next one is $370. The report is mostly written on site so maybe 1/2 hour to an hour to finish it off. There is almost no bookkeping. I take appointments, do the job, get paid on site and go home.