Roe vs wade

How long does it take to do an inspection? I've read it takes somewhere around 3 hours for a new or relatively new house is that about right? Also, do you work 7 days a week or fewer than that? Is $300 per inspection about what you charge? How much time do you spend writing a report and doing your book keeping? Rule of thumb that I use is time spent doing the work is burdened with about extra time, I assume 30% paper work and book keeping on top of time on task when lining out a job. Is that about right for you?

An inspection averages 2 hours. I work whenever a job is scheduled. $300 is about the minumum I charge. The last inspection was $400, the next one is $370. The report is mostly written on site so maybe 1/2 hour to an hour to finish it off. There is almost no bookkeping. I take appointments, do the job, get paid on site and go home.
You are putting waaayyyyy too much effort/thought process into this, dude....he's a 30-year-old red state nazi that lives in a small apartment and subsists on fast food and various forms of public assistance. He recently pawned his Playstation in a desperate attempt to raise his $600 monthly rent...
While his stated age does vary depending on his dementia, I read he's something around 50-55, single, has a bad back, has a gun in the closet, lies about his income and lives in CA or AZ. That said, yes, he's totally a waste of time. Which pretty much describes my time here. I'm just here for entertainment anyway.
An inspection averages 2 hours. I work whenever a job is scheduled. $300 is about the minumum I charge. The last inspection was $400, the next one is $370. The report is mostly written on site so maybe 1/2 hour to an hour to finish it off. There is almost no bookkeping. I take appointments, do the job, get paid on site and go home.
Are you claiming that you do 16 inspections a week?
Are you claiming that you do 16 inspections a week?

He meant to say that he smokes 16 cigs per hour and that he's got every season of 'Full House' on DVD.

Really, though, he's 50+? He mentioned (avatar pic) 'Home Alone' being a "good movie", so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming him to be a 90s kid.
If he is 50+, shit just got a lot creeeeeeepier....
(Shudder of disgust)
He meant to say that he smokes 16 cigs per hour and that he's got every season of 'Full House' on DVD.

Really, though, he's 50+? He mentioned (avatar pic) 'Home Alone' being a "good movie", so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming him to be a 90s kid.
If he is 50+, shit just got a lot creeeeeeepier....
(Shudder of disgust)
yeah he in that 50 range. I could go back to when he used to so call manage some warehouse, but why ?
He does not need to answer, his post shows he could get only one inspection today at best, Yesterday was a big fat ZERO.
Guy might have to get another loan.
Alot of people telling me that this guy gets a loan for living expenses instead of getting a loan for his business and writing off the interest.

There's wisdom there folks...

Are you claiming that you do 16 inspections a week?

I am claiming what I am claiming.

Last month was a record month. This month could be bigger.

I said it was possible for me to make 288K per year (based on time slots) and for 2 weeks you have been assuming that I make that and studiously trying to prove me wrong when I did not say that was what I made. Seriously, get a girlfriend....
I am claiming what I am claiming.

Last month was a record month. This month could be bigger.

I said it was possible for me to make 288K per year (based on time slots) and for 2 weeks you have been assuming that I make that and studiously trying to prove me wrong when I did not say that was what I made. Seriously, get a girlfriend....
You will never make 288k a year as a Home Inspector. I give you 65k tops...and that's being generous. Get a second gig.