Roe vs wade

which member do i have a bet going with?

thanks for not denying that you are racist.
MemberS you mean?

Will you still think me a racist after Justin brings his big black cock over her and let's me choke on it to death? What's a guy gotta do? Lol
no, he's just some moron from backwoods colorado who thinks that reading breitbart has made him smart and post-racial or something.

but he's a tool.
That didn't tie his membership to Hillary! Lol. Talk about moronic, now you won't leave!
The back is great. I didnt quit cleaning pools because my back was fucked up, I quit cleaning pools because I was worried about getting hurt to the point of not being able to do the job and ending up losing it all. If I have to take a few weeks off as a home inspector it is not an issue.

If it took you 5 minutes to do simple arithmetic and you fucked it up then I do feel sorry for you.

An inspector can do 2 inspections or more a day. Assuming an inspector had no life and was willing to work 7 days a week he could do 712 inspections per year. And yes, there are guys who do that and more. Now, if you made 400 dollars per inspection your income would be over 280K. It is very possible. How is my math wrong?

You probably didnt get to the next paragraph where I said I would likely top out around 150K before I hired employees... That would be 428 inspections per year which is absolutely possible.

Then you pulled some bullshit home inspector wage average that didnt take into account if you were an owner to prove absolutely nothing. Now, if you took the bullshit numbers you showed me and multiplied by 2 they would be very close to the average I already said I could make...

You spend a lot of time worrying about my income.
I have a bridge you might be interested in.

If my product sold to just 1% of all the people in China, I'd be rich

The old gold mining methods were inefficient. Old mine tailings contain a wealth in gold

Just watch the stock market and you'll see when to time your sales. You'll get rich.

Home inspectors can make 280 k/year. All they need is two inspections per day.

I'm a great businessman. You can tell from what I post on RIU.
I have a bridge you might be interested in.

If my product sold to just 1% of all the people in China, I'd be rich

The old gold mining methods were inefficient. Old mine tailings contain a wealth in gold

Just watch the stock market and you'll see when to time your sales. You'll get rich.

Home inspectors can make 280 k/year. All they need is two inspections per day.

I'm a great businessman. You can tell from what I post on RIU.

It doesnt matter what you think you know. Brought in over $400 today... Thursday is another $600... Poor me!!
Ok, so you are doing 1 inspection each day but not every day. Not bad and pays bills. I respect work, just not bullshitters.

You read every 3rd sentence and declared me a bullshitter.

I started this business in February of this year. Most businesses take 2-5 years to make a profit.

Within 2 months I was paying the bills and already I have a nice income. We got in a discussion about what I COULD make and suddenly you accused me of declaring I made that.

Next year I will easily exceed the averages you posted because I am an owner and not an employee.

Not sure what difference it makes in the RIU universe.
If you're making 400 an inspection how are you going to make 600 in a day. Your math doesn't make sense

I can do more than one inspection per day. Also, inspection pricing is based upon square footage and there are additional things people pay for. Inspections can easily be over $600.00 for a large house with a pool and additional termite inspection.