Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

When I was in the 6th grade, our teacher would let us bring records on Friday, which she would play on a portable elementary school-grade record player in the grass outside our classroom where we sat in metal folding chairs set up for the occasion. I brought my 45rpm records of the Doors "People are Strange" and the Beatles "Come Together". I actually liked the B-sides better: "Unhappy Girl" and "Something"
I thought they only had 78rpms back then...
I don’t understand your point. Are your trying to justify Water’s antisemitism? Old maxim that holds true: two wrongs don’t make a right. Many racists fail to grasp this simple concept in their bigoted justification of flawed views.
I don’t understand your point. Are your trying to justify Water’s antisemitism? Old maxim that holds true: two wrongs don’t make a right. Many racists fail to grasp this simple concept in their bigoted justification of flawed views.
I didn't make a point. If you want i will and that's Israel is a far right occupying force that's drifting very, very fast to Fascism, if it isnt already. Its done so on American $ and Palestinian suffering.
I didn't mention Waters.
18 pages and there's been no proof of Waters Antisemitism. In fact its the opposite. Even a German court found no bases as we already know. Not sure why you are still bringing it up. The title of this thread is true remember.
That rule applies to everyone, not just racists. Not sure what you think the nuns might of done to deserve that. Why are you defending those people who disrespected the nuns for? Why deflect their actions? Are you OK with that behaviour?
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I didn't make a point. If you want i will and that's Israel is a far right occupying force that's drifting very, very fast to Fascism, if it isnt already. Its done so on American $ and Palestinian suffering.
I didn't mention Waters.
18 pages and there's been no proof of Waters Antisemitism. In fact its the opposite. Even a German court found no bases as we already know. Not sure why you are still bringing it up. The title of this thread is true remember.
That rule applies to everyone, not just racists. Not sure what you think the nuns might of done to deserve that. Why are you defending those people who disrespected the nuns for? Why deflect their actions? Are you OK with that behaviour?

I said “two wrongs don’t make a right”. I’m not defending Israel here. They do all kinds of wrong. I’m sympathetic of any unfairly persecuted peoples, that includes Palestinians, Jews and many others. Lots of Jews, most, aren’t Israeli, and I’m sure many Israelis are hateful about their government, as I would be. I didn’t think this was a hate on Israel thread either though. The truth is that many of Waters choice of symbolism and costume are easily argued as…problematic.
I said “two wrongs don’t make a right”. I’m not defending Israel here. They do all kinds of wrong. I’m sympathetic of any unfairly persecuted peoples, that includes Palestinians, Jews and many others. Lots of Jews, most, aren’t Israeli, and I’m sure many Israelis are hateful about their government, as I would be. I didn’t think this was a hate on Israel thread either though. The truth is that many of Waters choice of symbolism and costume are easily argued as…problematic.
Freedom of expression should be encouraged. He doesn't use Nazi symbols, he uses what could be fascist symbols, as well as religions' ones, and animals. Lots of stuff. He is an artist after all.

Waters is being attacked by the Israel state for saying what they are doing is wrong.

Your choice to be offended or not.

Does this video offend you more or the twin hammers on an arm band representing what this can become?

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Freedom of expression should be encouraged. He doesn't use Nazi symbols, he uses what could be fascist symbols, as well as religions' ones, and animals. Lots of stuff. He is an artist after all.

Waters is being attacked by the Israel state for saying what they are doing is wrong.

Your choice to be offended or not.

Does this video offend you more or the twin hammers on an arm band representing what this can become?

I’ve already said that two things that are wrong don’t make anything right here. You’ve never heard me defend Israel’s behavior. This thread asks if Waters is a victim. As you say, I can choose who to support and not to support. If he’s a “victim”, then enough people have apparently made this choice that he is affected. I like Pink Floyd. I think it’s a shame that Waters has been an ass on so many non musical fans. Are these things representations of what he fears or what he desires? Honestly, his criticism of Ukraine and our support of Ukraine is a really good indicator of where Waters is coming from and now wrong he is on so many non-musical issues. He can say what he wants and people can “cancel” him if they don’t like it. But that’s not being a victim of anything but free choice.
I’ve already said that two things that are wrong don’t make anything right here. You’ve never heard me defend Israel’s behavior. This thread asks if Waters is a victim. As you say, I can choose who to support and not to support. If he’s a “victim”, then enough people have apparently made this choice that he is affected. I like Pink Floyd. I think it’s a shame that Waters has been an ass on so many non musical fans. Are these things representations of what he fears or what he desires? Honestly, his criticism of Ukraine and our support of Ukraine is a really good indicator of where Waters is coming from and now wrong he is on so many non-musical issues. He can say what he wants and people can “cancel” him if they don’t like it. But that’s not being a victim of anything but free choice.
No, only Sativa has supported Israel's behaviour from memory.
Israel isn't concerned with what Waters thinks of Ukraine and Russia and Biden.

Are people not allowed to criticise Ukraine? An Australian solider serving in Ukraine's international army did so the other day. Is that not OK? Most of NATO and Europe dont like the cluster weps America donated. Is criticism of that decision that will haunt the area for decades ok? Is Waters condemnation of Russia invading Ukraine not ok?

The trouble is when people make up what he does and misrepresents him and then the fake news and fake facts that came from the trump presidency seems to take hold. Smear is believed and facts are ignored. The cunt has effected the whole world, politics everywhere wont be the same again.
When a state is effectively trying to cancel you for no reason there might be a problem.

Or do you hate the twin hammers because you identify with them. You want everyone to agree with your views even if you need to use force. Which is very American. Are you American?
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No, only Sativa has supported Israel's behaviour from memory.
Israel isn't concerned with what Waters thinks of Ukraine and Russia and Biden.

Are people not allowed to criticise Ukraine? An Australian solider serving in Ukraine's international army did so the other day. Is that not OK? Most of NATO and Europe dont like the cluster weps America donated. Is criticism of that decision that will haunt the area for decades ok? Is Waters condemnation of Russia invading Ukraine not ok?

The trouble is when people make up what he does and misrepresents him and then the fake news and fake facts that came from the trump presidency seems to take hold. Smear is believed and facts are ignored. The cunt has effected the whole world, politics everywhere wont be the same again.
When a state is effectively trying to cancel you for no reason there might be a problem.

Or do you hate the twin hammers because you identify with them. You want everyone to agree with your views even if you need to use force. Which is very American. Are you American?
Please be careful making broad stroke assumptions. I am from the US. Judge me on the fact if you like, but that would likely miss the mark widely. I believe deeply in free speech and more than anything in individualism. The hammers definitely don’t appeal to me on any level other than as a rebel who is not interested in being part of any world order, and thus I reject such symbolism as anything other than protest. Some of that imagery really appealed to me in the late 70s early 80s. I think its meaning has changed a bit in a modern context and these are important things to consider. It’s ok to stop using symbols if they offend people. I think it’s considerate and important to do so at times. The Wall was once one of the most important works of music in my life, though I think it too hasn’t aged well. Still some great songs.

Waters, in a speech to the UN, blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on “provocation” by Ukraine and the West. Please go ahead and defend that stance if you like, but I’m not there at all, and his words have left a bad taste in my mouth. Russian leadership is foul and wrong. Go ahead and attack my country too, if you like. I recognize much of our destructive errors, and I probably overlook some of them too. But how is Russia a victim of anything but themselves? What was waters trying to say?
The hammers definitely don’t appeal to me on any level other than as a rebel who is not interested in being part of any world order, and thus I reject such symbolism as anything other than protest. Some of that imagery really appealed to me in the late 70s early 80s. I think its meaning has changed a bit in a modern context and these are important things to consider. It’s ok to stop using symbols if they offend people.
How does two hammers possibly offend you?

Would you ban the Swastika?