Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, clearly angered by the impact of the Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp, said it had left over 100 civilians injured, forced thousands to flee, damaged schools and hospitals and disrupted water and electricity networks.

He also criticised Israel for preventing injured people from receiving medical care and humanitarian workers from reaching those in need.

“I strongly condemn all acts of violence against civilians, including acts of terror,” Guterres said on Thursday


Words matter when we talk about Jenin

Israel-Palestine | Tony Blair on the NHS | The Bristol accent | Funeral comings and goings
Fri 7 Jul 2023 02.47 AEST

There is one unfortunate phrase in your otherwise excellent editorial on Israel-Palestine (4 July). You say the residents of Jenin’s refugee camp are the children and grandchildren of those who “lost their lands to the new state of Israel in 1948”. In reality, this is a euphemism for “were deliberately driven out of their lands to make space for the new state”. The ethnic cleansing of upwards of three-quarters of the Palestinians in what would become Israel was deliberate and violent, and should not be whitewashed.
Richard Barnes
Chair, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions UK
we're tired about talking about this bitter old racist, antisemitic piece of shit...i'm unwatching this thread, there wasn't much value in it to begin with, and it's been wrung there are just scavengers picking the bones...
As was Australia, America, Canada- lots of countries that fought and suffered.

How old is India as a country?
India: 2500 BC

You would be surprised to know that the Indian subcontinent has been flourishing for around 5,000-6,000 years and its peoples joined together to form a civilization in roughly 1500 BCE when they created the Vedic Civilization, which laid out the foundations of Hinduism.14 Jan 2021

Will also be number two Super power in another 50 years.

My grand farther had great respect for the Gurkhas who he fought alongside in WW1.
As with much your beliefs regarding world events taking place outside of Tasmania, you have a child's knowledge of Indian history.

Most laughable is your confusion regarding Gurkhas. Gurkhas are Nepalese, not Indian. Yes, they served in the larger theater of WW1 and 2, but for most of the time during British occupation/colonization of India, they served the British occupiers of India to suppress the masses. After helping the British Army put down a rebellion in 1857, they became a unit in the British Army. One can only imagine what kinds of tasks they performed in India while in service of the British colonizers. Mostly, they did things that you despise the US for doing, or rather, what you imagine us doing in your childish rendition of our history.

The rest of what you said is mostly rubbish. Not all of it is rubbish but even when true, yours is a simple and distorted history. Like a child's history.
As with much your beliefs regarding world events taking place outside of Tasmania, you have a child's knowledge of Indian history.

Most laughable is your confusion regarding Gurkhas. Gurkhas are Nepalese, not Indian. Yes, they served in the larger theater of WW1 and 2, but for most of the time during British occupation/colonization of India, they served the British occupiers of India to suppress the masses. After helping the British Army put down a rebellion in 1857, they became a unit in the British Army. One can only imagine what kinds of tasks they performed in India while in service of the British colonizers. Mostly, they did things that you despise the US for doing, or rather, what you imagine us doing in your childish rendition of our history.

The rest of what you said is mostly rubbish. Not all of it is rubbish but even when true, yours is a simple and distorted history. Like a child's history.
So what was incorrect about?:
"How old is India as a country?
India: 2500 BC
You would be surprised to know that the Indian subcontinent has been flourishing for around 5,000-6,000 years and its peoples joined together to form a civilization in roughly 1500 BCE when they created the Vedic Civilization, which laid out the foundations of Hinduism.14 Jan 2021"?
- You can let wiki know and if your correct they will change it.

You had a lovely rant but didn't state what was incorrect.

I didn't say the Gurkhas were Indian. So that makes the majority of your post irrelevant. For someone who is child like you should be able to follow along easier and not get confused.
I said my grand farther had great respect for them in WW1 who he fought alongside with.

Yes lots of colonial troops served suppressing others. But that's a given that we all should know. Don't we?

Gorkha regiments (India)
Wikipedia › wiki › Gorkha_regiments_(I...

The troops are mainly from ethnic Gurkha communities of India and Nepal. A seventh Gorkha Rifles regiment was re-raised in the Indian Army after ...
1st Gorkha Rifles (The Malaun... · ‎4th Gorkha Rifles · ‎5th Gorkha Rifles (Frontier...

the Gorkhas have fought in every major campaign involving the Indian Army, and have been awarded numerous battle and theatre honours. Gorkha regiments have won many gallantry awards, such as the Param Vir Chakra and the Maha Vir Chakra.

Nearly every/every country has done or is currently doing what the US has done/is doing. It doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean they cannot be called out on it. Hence Israel getting called out for it by Waters, me, Roger, the UN. etc etc etc. Most reasonable people can see Israel is not a nice country at the moment.

What else did i say? .. India will become the 2nd biggest super power in 50 years? Not sure if that's rubbish. Its certainly an educated prediction so shall see. Its on track to be the the 4th largest economy in the next two to 3 years (some reports have at 4th now) and is growing faster than China.

"India has emerged as the fastest-growing major economy in the world and is expected to be one of the top three economic powers in the world over the next 10-15 years, backed by its robust democracy and strong partnerships."

But that's not history that's future predictions.
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we're tired about talking about this bitter old racist, antisemitic piece of shit...i'm unwatching this thread, there wasn't much value in it to begin with, and it's been wrung there are just scavengers picking the bones...
But then you reacted to the post after yours- Have some conviction!

Nice to know you talk for whoever "we are". Was there a vote? What do you call yourselves? The Karen's?

You do know he is around the same age as Americas last two presidents? He is also fitter, more eloquent, relevant and more intelligent. Imagine someone like him running for prez next election? It would be amazing for your country and the world.

Thank you for letting us know. I for one wouldn't of been able to sleep at night wondering why you had stopped commenting. The worry might make my hair fall out. I might even get shingles and a heart murmur. I'm so relived you told us all.
And thanks also for 17 pages and no antisemitic or racist remarks from Waters. Which along with the German court ruling makes the title true and sad at the same time.
There was no meat in the story to start with so it was just scavengers (Karen's) picking the bones from the start.

There were some really good interviews with Waters posted, that last one Sativa supplied was fantastic- I've watched it 3 times. The comments section of it was also a fab read. Just proves how anti fascist he is and not antisemitic at all. The world should embrace Love and acceptance much more.

That calls for a song.
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But then you reacted to the post after yours- Have some conviction!

Thank you for letting us know. I for one wouldn't of been able to sleep at night wondering why you had stopped commenting. The worry might make my hair fall out. I might even get shingles and a heart murmur. I'm so relived you told us all.
And thanks also for 17 pages and no antisemitic or racist remarks from Waters. Which along with the German court ruling makes the title true and sad at the same time.
There was no meat in the story to start with so it was just scavengers (Karen's) picking the bones from the start.

That calls for a song.

i learnt this solo on guitar he is a genius on a fender is what he is
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correct i forgot it was daves solo on that track a band always needs a visionary person to steer the ship tho

Definitely, Waters wrote the great post- Syd Barrett Pink Floyd stuff, and he had some cool ideas about performance and presentation. The old/original Wall concert videos, all bootlegs as far as I can tell, are pretty amazing. YouTube. But it’s also true that the other band members were all essential to the sound. Gilmore is also the vocalist on many great Floyd tunes. Drums and keyboard are also essential to the Floyd sound. One can be brilliant without a blindingly misguided ego, however. It’s important to see that our hero’s can be highly flawed and often misguided humans as well.
As with much your beliefs regarding world events taking place outside of Tasmania, you have a child's knowledge of Indian history.

Most laughable is your confusion regarding Gurkhas. Gurkhas are Nepalese, not Indian. Yes, they served in the larger theater of WW1 and 2, but for most of the time during British occupation/colonization of India, they served the British occupiers of India to suppress the masses. After helping the British Army put down a rebellion in 1857, they became a unit in the British Army. One can only imagine what kinds of tasks they performed in India while in service of the British colonizers. Mostly, they did things that you despise the US for doing, or rather, what you imagine us doing in your childish rendition of our history.

The rest of what you said is mostly rubbish. Not all of it is rubbish but even when true, yours is a simple and distorted history. Like a child's history.
I put him on ignore after his posting of an article and claiming it proved Haiti was a safer travel destination than USA………Haiti!!! :-D LOL.
I put him on ignore after his posting of an article and claiming it proved Haiti was a safer travel destination than USA………Haiti!!! :-D LOL.

I don't remember claiming it was safer than the USA. You actually brought Haiti up not me. But lets not let the truth get in the way of a good whine.

I did say it looks pretty interesting after you mentioned Haiti beaches. Which was by the way the first mention of Haiti by either of us. I then posted a couple of Vlog's of Sailing Uma when they were there. It certainly does look like a cool and interesting spot to visit.

is this what your upset about? A little dated now. The world peace index chart? And i didn't claim anything regarding Haiti. s Not sure why you fixated on Haiti for, lots of countries on that list. Some with very cool beaches.

I do like how you and Roger (and im guessing his group of merry men he leads) take such pride in letting us all know they are not following this thread and how they are such hard men putting people on ignore. Even if their reasoning is really, really strange. But hey Roger is still following this thread...You guy's deserve a badge.
People are strange.
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Definitely, Waters wrote the great post- Syd Barrett Pink Floyd stuff, and he had some cool ideas about performance and presentation. The old/original Wall concert videos, all bootlegs as far as I can tell, are pretty amazing. YouTube. But it’s also true that the other band members were all essential to the sound. Gilmore is also the vocalist on many great Floyd tunes. Drums and keyboard are also essential to the Floyd sound. One can be brilliant without a blindingly misguided ego, however. It’s important to see that our hero’s can be highly flawed and often misguided humans as well.
An amazing story you may know. When they were recording the tribute song to Syd "Shine on you crazy diamond" Syd popped into the studio unannounced.

Syd had one final and noted reunion with the members of Pink Floyd on 5 June 1975. This was during the recording sessions for Wish You Were Here, when he turned up at Abbey Road unannounced and in a strange case of “random precision” as the band was working on 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond', their tribute song to him.

Syd's Life - Syd Barrett

"THE REUNION OF Pink Floyd‘s Roger Waters and David Gilmour could pack every stadium on the planet many times over, but when they reformed three years ago they opted to play at Jemima Khan’s country house. The show benefitted the Hoping Foundation, which raises money for the children of Palestinian refugees. Waters and Gilmour agree on very little, but they are both firm supporters of this cause."

Waters was ambivalent about the plan. “He sent me a number of very musical and eloquent demos of how we could do the song in two-part harmony,” he said. “I listened with a sinking heart, knowing that David, with his superior vocal skills, could sing either part standing on his head, whilst I would have to search for a different key and then struggle through hours and hours of routining a performance that lay way outside my vocal comfort zone. To my eternal shame I bottled out and told Dave I would happily do ‘Wish You Were Here’ and ‘C. Numb’, but that ‘To Know Him Is to Love him’ was beyond me.”

'Gilmour didn’t want to abandon the plan, so he dropped a bombshell on his former bandmate. “He made one final entreaty,” Waters wrote. “I quote, ‘If you do ‘To Know Him Is to Love Him’ for the Hoping Foundation Gig, I’ll come and do ‘C. Numb’ on one of your Wall shows.’ Well! You could have knocked me down with a feather. How fucking cool! I was blown away. How could I refuse such an offer. I couldn’t, there was no way. Generosity trumped fear . . . And so explaining that I would probably be shite, but if he didn’t mind I didn’t, I agreed and the rest is history. We did it, and it was fucking great. End of story. Or possibly beginning.”
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People are strange.
When I was in the 6th grade, our teacher would let us bring records on Friday, which she would play on a portable elementary school-grade record player in the grass outside our classroom where we sat in metal folding chairs set up for the occasion. I brought my 45rpm records of the Doors "People are Strange" and the Beatles "Come Together". I actually liked the B-sides better: "Unhappy Girl" and "Something"