Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

That is not true. Spreading homophobic lies is cause for getting banned. I just thought you ought to know. What you call cancel culture is simply a matter of a commercial enterprise taking out unsightly and smelly trash .
It is true.

Nothing Kola said was Homophobic. He didn't even mention homosexuals which Trans people may not be. Just like nothing that Waters said was antisemitic or Fascist.

Here are 21 out trans women who have won national or international competitions — all competing within the rules — in the women’s category.

Tiffany Abreu
The volleyball player was a big part of the team that won the 2022 Brazilian Cup. Abreu came out several years earlier, stating she wanted to play in the Olympics. She was not selected by Brazil to compete in Tokyo.

Molly Cameron
Cameron won the female category of the three-day Cascade Gravel Grinder in 2023.

JayCee Cooper
Cooper won the women’s 2019 national championship for bench press in the super heavyweight division.

Michelle Dumaresq
Michelle Dumaresq had fits and starts competing in the women’s category about two decades ago. Ultimately she won the right to compete and won the 2003 Canadian National Championships in downhill mountain biking. @michelledumaresq1

Laurel Hubbard
The Olympic weightlifter won two Oceania Championships and two Commonwealth Championships, amongst many gold medals she won during her competition years, adding a World Masters Games title in 2017, when she won a silver in the World Championships.

Jamie Hunter
The billiards player won her first major ranking event when she took the 2022 US Women’s Snooker Open title.

Veronica Ivy
Ivy is a two-time masters world champion, notably winning the 2018 UCI World Masters Track Cycling Championships in her age category. Ivy was quickly denounced with hateful social-media messages. She continues to weather that storm, and she has been a vocal proponent of trans inclusion in sports. @drveronicaivy

Austin Killips
Killips won the female New Mexico’s Tour of the Gila in May 2023. UCI shortly after announced they were re-examining their trans-athlete policy.

Lana Lawless
In 2008, Lawless won the Long Drivers of America competition, hitting a 254-yard drive against a strong headwind wind in the final round, winning a $12,500 prize.

Jenna Lingwood
Jenna Lingwood won the 40-44 Masters championship at the 2022 USA Cyclocross Nationals in Connecticut.

Victoria Monaghan
Monaghan won the New Zealand Open darts championship in 2022 and is the first out trans woman to compete in the World Championships. She was previously a ranked national player in the male category.

Tiffany Newell
Newell won the women’s 45-49 Canadian indoor 5,000-meter race, setting a national record along the way, in 2022.

Valentina Petrillo
Petrillo has won multiple Italian national championships both before and after transitioning. She had hoped to compete in the Tokyo Paralympics but was barred due to a change in classification. @valentina_petrillo

Wren Pyle
Pyle won the 2022 USA Skimo 2022 National Championship in the women’s U23 Sprint.

Natalie Ryan
Ryan won two major competitions in Professional Disc Golf Association’s elite tier in 2022, including the MVP Open. @natalieryan114560

Juniper Simonis
The roller derby athlete has won multiple World Championships with the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. She was featured on The Trans Sporter Room podcast in 2019.

CeCé Telfer
Telfer won the Division II NCAA championship in the 400-meter hurdles as a senior at Franklin Pierce University in 2019. She was named Outsports’ Female Athlete of the Year that year. @cecetelfer

Lia Thomas
The University of Pennsylvania swimmer won a national NCAA Division I title in the 500 freestyle and made it to the final heat of the 100-free and 200-free.

Natalie van Gogh
Natalie van Gogh won the Trofee Maarten Wynants in 2015. The race is an international competition in Belgium. She finished top-10 in various other national and international competitions. @nvgogh

Kate Weatherly
Mountain biker Kate Weatherly has won two national titles, including the downhill race in the New Zealand national championships in February 2018 and another race title in 2022. @kateweatherlymtb

Chelsea Wolfe
The BMX rider won a UCI USA BMX Freestyle event in Texas in 2022, shortly after the state advanced anti-trans policy. @chelseawolfebmx

Earlier this month, Brían Nguyen, 19, made Miss America history when she became the first transgender woman to win the Miss Greater Derry title.

the 42-year-old said: 'I won the Miss Great Britain competition in 1998 and aside from all the glitz and glamour on the surface, it involved a lot of time and effort.
'Miss Great Britain 1998 winner Leilani Dowding said she was disappointed to see Brían win the crown over other contestants. Seeing the news that Brían Nguyen won the pageant made me think how I would feel if I was beaten by a large biological male after spending months training and preparing for the contest.

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An antisemitic Sir Bob Geldof... :rolleyes:.
"in an interview with the Manchester- based Jewish Telegraph, Geldof said "I was a quarter Catholic, a quarter Protestant, a quarter Jewish and a quarter nothing – the nothing won. "

He did such an awesome job as Pinky.

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Let's say you find yourself back in those awkward teen years and you and your group of acquaintances all go to the mall. Bill recently read The Game and got into pick up artists, he's pretty convinced that negging a chick is the way to go. The rest of you are normal teens. Well each time your awkward group convinces some group of awkward girls to come starg talking, Bill interjects with "aye bitch, I would offer to take you to dinner but you a bit chubby so let's get to the sexercise." ...and the chick's leave because bill's shitty view/opinion makes them uncomfortable.

Would yall consider telling Bill to shut the fuck up or to leave to be cancel culture? Is it wrong to tell Bill to shut up?
That's it, in a nutshell...
Conservatives can't accept that other people don't agree with their horseshit idiocy, and have to blame something for others turning their backs on conservative stupidity and insanity. It can't possibly be their own faults for holding stupid, offensive positions, it must be cancel culture, brainwashing people into thinking they're wrong...

also, doesn't the reek of hypocrisy choke conservatives while they're busy boycotting every business in the country that isn't hostile to the LGBTQ community?
I don't believe that any business should be allowed to refuse anyone service. A Christian cake shop refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is no different that a KKK cake shop refusing to bake a cake for a black wedding.

But I also believe that men should not be competing in womens sports. What's your take on biological men who have an obvious advantage competing against women? These men are winning titles and setting records in womens sports. Why should society allow this when it very obviously pure insanity?

And while you may think that cancel culture isn't only harming the hardcore conversations there are cases where women are being discriminated against in order to allow supposed trans rights to prevail.
I don't believe that any business should be allowed to refuse anyone service. A Christian cake shop refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is no different that a KKK cake shop refusing to bake a cake for a black wedding.

But I also believe that men should not be competing in womens sports. What's your take on biological men who have an obvious advantage competing against women? These men are winning titles and setting records in womens sports. Why should society allow this when it very obviously pure insanity?

And while you may think that cancel culture isn't only harming the hardcore conversations there are cases where women are being discriminated against in order to allow supposed trans rights to prevail.
Don’t you think that someone who was born into the wrong body, then has undertaken the long, hard and painful procedures to correct the physical, all the time knowing that she will face bigotry and ostracism from the unenlightened — has earned the right to be recognized as a woman?
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I would argue cancel culture is not a serious problem and 99% of the time it's just someone crying about dealing with the consequences of their actions. In the specific instance of a government telling someone to shut the fuck up, yes, that would be cancel culture and I don't back that.

The other 99% of the time, it's someone complaining their shitty opinion makes other people not like them. To bad, that is how it works. We the public have a right to an opinion, and it gets swayed by what someone does.

Can anyone point out an example outside of Roger waters? If it's a major issue, give some examples. I think if someone acts badly enough, you have the right to not like them. They certainly have a right to express their terrible views, but the complaint about cancel culture seems to revolve around the idea that people shouldn't be able to respond to what's happening around them. We get to have opinions about opinions, and if your opinions are bad enough it can cause people to not want anything to do with you.
I'd like to see some examples of Cancel Culture gone amok. I think the claim and complaint of Cancel Culture is a right wing fabrication or at the very least an exaggeration.

If, by that term one means avoiding gratuitous insults to people who don't meet the cis WASP profile then I'd call it progress and not something to complain about. It's a good thing people avoid the n word.
has earned the right to be recognized as a woman?
To me, the real issue is "What the fuck is it to you? Are they your children? Do you have one second of experience dealing with a child that tells you he or she isn't who they feel like they are? Why the fuck is this so important to a group that has the highest incel and child rapist count of any group in the country? republicans just really seem to have deep convictions about ANYTHING that has to do with ANYONE about deep that they just have to be shared, even though no one wants to fucking hear their ignorant hateful opinions."...
I'd like to see some examples of Cancel Culture gone amok. I think the claim and complaint of Cancel Culture is a right wing fabrication or at the very least an exaggeration.

If, by that term one means avoiding gratuitous insults to people who don't meet the cis WASP profile then I'd call it progress and not something to complain about. It's a good thing people avoid the n word.

That isn't quite what it means though, as I understand the term as being used by people complaining about it. Cancel culture refers to the backlash against people using those terms/behaviors, not the avoidance of using those terms. The avoidance of those terms is what I would go with as the definition of woke, or at least as a component.

We really need some people on the other side of the discussion to give us more examples to further examine if this is correct. I am struggling to come up with them myself. As neither you or I view cancel culture as a serious issue, we are not ideal people to find the examples that illustrate the problem.
To me, the real issue is "What the fuck is it to you? Are they your children? Do you have one second of experience dealing with a child that tells you he or she isn't who they feel like they are? Why the fuck is this so important to a group that has the highest incel and child rapist count of any group in the country? republicans just really seem to have deep convictions about ANYTHING that has to do with ANYONE about deep that they just have to be shared, even though no one wants to fucking hear their ignorant hateful opinions."...
It is a consequence of the cruel doctrine against any and all sexual expression that marks the more repressive religions. In this country, that is primarily the close-knit group of fundamentalist Protestant teachings. The runner-up are conservative Catholics. Lotta Catholic support for the more draconian attitudes on the right.
The phrase "cancel culture" has become shorthand in right wing circles for describing the folks who no longer want to support a-hos. Right wingers have given themselves permission to be offensive but they can't prevent the rest of us from doing business with people who we want to support. As right wing philosophy has gotten more and more offensive, the rest of us are making our free choices.

Roger Waters is not a victim of anything. He is a rich a-ho and many of his former fans are just figuring that out.
That isn't quite what it means though, as I understand the term as being used by people complaining about it. Cancel culture refers to the backlash against people using those terms/behaviors, not the avoidance of using those terms. The avoidance of those terms is what I would go with as the definition of woke, or at least as a component.

We really need some people on the other side of the discussion to give us more examples to further examine if this is correct. I am struggling to come up with them myself. As neither you or I view cancel culture as a serious issue, we are not ideal people to find the examples that illustrate the problem.
I don't know of any specific examples. Can you provide something I can read about that give concrete examples of who is affected and how much harm it does?

Roger Waters hasn't even been canceled.
I don't know of any specific examples. Can you provide something I can read about that give concrete examples of who is affected and how much harm it does?

Roger Waters hasn't even been canceled.
I’m not sure if this will do, and I don’t agree with all of it, but I found the article informative and interesting.

That isn't quite what it means though, as I understand the term as being used by people complaining about it. Cancel culture refers to the backlash against people using those terms/behaviors, not the avoidance of using those terms. The avoidance of those terms is what I would go with as the definition of woke, or at least as a component.

We really need some people on the other side of the discussion to give us more examples to further examine if this is correct. I am struggling to come up with them myself. As neither you or I view cancel culture as a serious issue, we are not ideal people to find the examples that illustrate the problem.
I don't think cancel culture is a problem. I don't think cancel culture is a real thing, and never has been.
People have boycotted things for as long as there have been people selling things or pushing agendas. This is the logical progression of social media meeting the practice of boycotting. It's no longer a grass roots thing, spread by word of mouth, organized in small areas by local activist. Now it's nationwide, with "influencers" getting involved, and their sycophantic lapdogs amplifying their opinions mindlessly...
If there is a problem, it's with the effect of social media on society, not with a made up concept to explain pre-existing behavior that is just being amplified.
I don't think cancel culture is a problem. I don't think cancel culture is a real thing, and never has been.
People have boycotted things for as long as there have been people selling things or pushing agendas. This is the logical progression of social media meeting the practice of boycotting. It's no longer a grass roots thing, spread by word of mouth, organized in small areas by local activist. Now it's nationwide, with "influencers" getting involved, and their sycophantic lapdogs amplifying their opinions mindlessly...
If there is a problem, it's with the effect of social media on society, not with a made up concept to explain pre-existing behavior that is just being amplified.
I do think it is real. However it isn’t as big or as effective as the alarm propagandists would have us believe.
I’m not sure if this will do, and I don’t agree with all of it, but I found the article informative and interesting.

The follow-on about the hijacking of the term by the hard right

I don't know of any specific examples. Can you provide something I can read about that give concrete examples of who is affected and how much harm it does?

Roger Waters hasn't even been canceled.

No I can't give any examples, as I don't think it is a real thing so there aren't good examples. Neither of us really seem to, at least in the context of it being a large societal issue.

Edit: I say government involvement is the only thing that can approach what is called cancel culture, otherwise it is just people with opinions about opinions.
No I can't give any examples, as I don't think it is a real thing so there aren't good examples. Neither of us really seem to, at least in the context of it being a large societal issue.

Edit: I say government involvement is the only thing that can approach what is called cancel culture, otherwise it is just people with opinions about opinions.
I think Roger has a point when he says it’s a rebranding of boycotts.

The articles I’ve referenced say that it usually brings temporary and mild consequences to an affected celebrity.