Well-Known Member
What you say may be true about "a decisive victory" I will point out that Israel is hardly a healthy democracy. It is trending toward fascism and their treatment of Palestinian Israeli citizens is deplorable. Most Jewish Israelis are native born to the area and have every bit of a right to life and happiness as the Palestinians in the area. I'm not into genocide as you seem to be but agree that a peace of death might be one solution. It would be a horrible crime against humanity and should trigger serious sanctions against Israel if that's where it ends.
Given that genocide is the direction Israel is heading, I don't want the US to provide aid to Israel any longer and we should distance ourselves from the current government..
I condemn Zionism and anti-Semitism. They are both bad. But I don't have any solutions to offer. It's going to have to come from the people living in the area.
Well I said it too here when we went down this road before nearly a decade ago, sometthing about only a decisive win bringing us closer to world peace. I also remember how quickly things escalated here back then and the for this subject almost pavlovian strawman attacks. See examples above.
It’s genocide of the jews why Israel is Israel and a for decades constant threat of an enemy who wants to finish the job is why they respond like they do. It does not follow someone is “into genocide” for suggesting those who are the victim of genocide and under attack again and again have every right to respond to the threat and feel safe by any means necessary. Just as the US, Europe, or Australia would have done in undoubtedly far more aggressive ways (the latter would relocate all the aboriginals to an island and let them starve if they behaved like Palestinians).
I was trying the illustrate how Israel is judged differently, always more harshly. When everything else is equal except for one difference: they’re jews.
I’d of course prefer a different reality, but I’ll never judge whatever Israel does to keep its people safe and as result of that ongoing effort. Definitely easier, don’t have to add disclaimers like “I have nothing against jews but…”, “I’m not anti-semetic but…”, “it’s just the zionist ones I don’t like”. It all sounds too familiar, whether it’s about black people or any “other”. It’s not guilt that makes Germany support Israel, it’s because they still remember what happened during and before WW2. Don’t need books, movies or documents for that, we (I say we cause it’s no difference in NL) still know. It’s because anti-semitism regardless of how it’s packaged is still outside the Overton window for some.
And while it’s healthy to be able to disagree with your president of choice, that by itself would still make me think twice. In case it’s Biden, thrice.
“Israel is hardly a healthy democracy. It is trending toward fascism and their treatment of Palestinian Israeli citizens is deplorable”
Yes too the last part. Not sure what the first part means. Let’s not compare support and approval and protest percentages with
the US and support for republicans and Trump. Or the difference in how religious freaks try to tell others how to live. Let’s go with your opinion Israel is hardly a healthy democracy and trending towards fascism. Is that a good reason to end the support against actual religious fascists. You seem to ignore how much worse the alternative is. It’s kinda like complaining about corruption in Ukraine while the Russians are trying to take over the country with terrorist attacks. What I get from the replies to my post is “Israel is bad and you’re guilty too for supporting them”. Nothing about how Palestinians treat Palestinians worse and want all jews to die.
Should the civilized world drop relations and abandon the US by distancing themselves from its government if enough Americans are dumb enough to elect Trump. Abandon the left cause the right went nuts? Of course not. Netanyahu IsNot Israel.