people are afraid of other with a strong self character. He will survive. the world need more people that do not fall inline with the current trend. nothing I weaker than a follower.I'm speechless.
I'm speechless.
people are afraid of other with a strong self character. He will survive. the world need more people that do not fall inline with the current trend. nothing I weaker than a follower.
His lawsuit against other members of the original Pink Floyd to prevent them from performing under that name claimed without him, the band was artistically bankrupt or something obnoxious and narcissistic like that. I once had a roommate who had one of Water's early releases after the break-up and he played it a lot. His work never even approached what Pink Floyd did after the breakup.Eh, he's free to do and say what he wants. If people don't like what an entertainer has to say they are free to stop paying attention to them. If his statements over shadow people enjoying the music, well tough shit for him.
Entertainers pitching a fit about getting canceled is dumb. They are in the business of having the public like them, if they act in a way that makes the public not like their art/performance...well that's too bad.
Maybe waters is a has been that hasn't put out material in 30 years, its not cancel culture when you are trying to blame someone for the public not caring about you anymore.
But thats what great musicians do. Without music the Vietnam war would not of ended as soon as it did.
I bought a digital delay (198i caln play a half decent version of shine on you crazy diamond on the gibson![]()
Has been? He still doin ok for 79 and still packing them in.
He was born in England in 1943. His idea of war is different than yours but its his right to have it and to speak it. Its also anyone's right to disagree with him.
One of my fav Floyd tracks.
fuck entertainers with opinions. when they have a degree in a subject they're talking about, i'll listen, no degree, they're just another loud mouthed fuck with an opinion i could not possibly give a fuck less about.Well, to the point I was trying to make, then I guess he isn't that offensive to his audience and can say what he wants without it causing them to not like his performances.
Kanye is a good extreme example. People bought tickets to his show, he yelled at them about Jesus and then left...the artist was no longer entertaining to the fans so they stopped caring but he complained about cancel culture (and the jews) as the reason. If you as an entertainer stop entertaining your fans, then it's not cancel culture, you just stopped being entertaining and mistakenly thought you were more important than you were.