rogue plant


Well-Known Member
those spear like things are called stipules to be exact and they only cross each other when the branches are opposite each other not as your mate told you meaning its a girl. that bud will continue to grow up will then develop into a characteristic female flower with two pistils but if its a male then it will droop over and become pod like


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I'll have to wait and see if it grows hairs or balls then huh? My buddy didn't say if the stipules cross, he was refering to the actual fan leaves, the veins within the fan leaves are offset each other and he said that this was a sign of a female. I don't really believe this but any information would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The anticipation is killing me. I'm not really expecting too much but just having the knowledge that I was able to create something like this is almost inspirational. lol. If it does however turn out to be male where is the best place to get information on making hash?


Well-Known Member
no man thats just down to genetics the only way to sex i know of is just what your doing if you see balls dosent always mean their male i have seen them once or twice change and start producing female flowers for the rest of the grow and vice versa i dont think this sexual trick is a true hermy that happens later has any one else seen this?


Well-Known Member
no man thats just down to genetics the only way to sex i know of is just what your doing if you see balls dosent always mean their male i have seen them once or twice change and start producing female flowers for the rest of the grow and vice versa i dont think this sexual trick is a true hermy that happens later has any one else seen this?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully by this time next week I'll have a more definative answer. Oh and I tried to take a picture of the newest stuff but it's really to blurry to see. Once I get a new camera, hopefully soon, I'll try to get a picture of it.


Well-Known Member
So I read something today that has me a bit confused. Someone wrote somewhere that you can keep the plants in the dark until the flowers are established. Does this mean that you can keep them in the dark until they flower? I thought they needed light to make energy so the plants would grow better. Anyone with information would be a great help indeed. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
putting plants into24hrs darkness at the start of flowering is supposed to get them going faster but thats a bit late i think just let it get on with it


Well-Known Member
Well it was just shocking to me to find out that I coulda jump started this but oh well, the site doesn't matter anyway. I'll just stick to my guns and pray that it's a female since it's the only one I have growing.


Well-Known Member
So I have another question. I'm using the 12/12 method, but what if i were to go to 11/13? Would that have any bad effects on the plant? Would it help it any? I appreciate any input on this.


New Member
So I have another question. I'm using the 12/12 method, but what if i were to go to 11/13? Would that have any bad effects on the plant? Would it help it any? I appreciate any input on this.
It would bud a little differently but will make no big improvment that could make it worthwhile. Its best to just give them 12/12 in my opinion if you are going to force flower them. If you dont stick to a set schedule then they may hermie on you and not bring you anythig but but very seedy buds.

this post looks like child abuse to me should of let it grow.
You dont know what you are talking about and shouldent be giving advice on a force flowering thread if it looks like abuse to you. The question was how he could force flower it not if it looked humane in your eyes.

its not like he gave it the axe or anything, he is letting it grow, just flowering it like anyone growing indoors would do, while its small so its easier to take care of and hes doing it outside.

People have grown this way outdoors since marijuana hity the asian populations, they were the first ones to grow sensemillia as well but Im sure that thats "child abuse" to you as well
learn a little about what you speak of, before you open your mouth to give imput on it.


Well-Known Member
its a bit of a rant but might help with answering some questions on changing photo periods for good and bad.


New Member
sorry dont know what im doing put that into the search thing at the top of the page
I know the benefits and disadvantages of someone fucking with light schedules, Its in my belief that he would get more advantages of using a 12/12 light schedule. The plant would get more bud doing it that way. Using a longer light schedule will just shorten the flowering time up a little as a trade off of bud size.
Sativa strain take a long time anyway you do it. Most that schedule will speed it up is 2 weeks TOPS to make a 12 eek strain tak 10 weeks. Not really a good trade but he should know that its an option.


Well-Known Member
shame i cant work out how to link back but ill get it sorted comercial was doing an experiment on changin photo periods but it dosent seem to make fuck all diffarance except reduced yields


New Member
shame i cant work out how to link back but ill get it sorted comercial was doing an experiment on changin photo periods but it dosent seem to make fuck all diffarance except reduced yields
they do speed up flowering by a few days. Ive experimented with it using clones. I saw that for every hour longer I gave them dark they speed up about 3 days. I only did it up to 15hrs dark though. Not much of a trade but It can be done if someone can only be around every 14 hours instead of 12. If you cant make it to ncover it all the time using 12/12 and be ontime instead of it getting like 13/11 1 day and then getting 11/13 or 12/12.
If thats the case then use 10/14 so you are sure you can be there on time and it wont go hermie from the light stress.

in order to make a link back just go to that page and copy the url on the internet browser(where you type rollitup .org to get here). paste it here by right clicking and well be able to get to it that way


Well-Known Member
yea i see what your saying now better to stick to a routine than to mess it around after all at the equator day length dosent change that much 10-14 either way and its mainly the drop below 12hrs day light that gets them going and im pretty sure they can grow some good pot. do you think any one has done this indoors max 14hr day light where the plant would be more governed by age/size than photo period?