rogue plant


Well-Known Member
Well lemme tell you. I got up today and went outside to uncover HER. Yes that's right it's a chick. Got like 5 or 6 sets of little white hairs sprouting up. As for the lighting question I posed, I was only asking if it would differ in any way good or bad. Luckily I don't have to worry about not being able to get there considering it's outfront. I'll let you know what the bud tastes like once it's all said and done. Now I need to know how do you add rep?


Well-Known Member
you just go up to to the little weight looking thing right above the info of the post in the upper right corner right next to the post #...

Glad to see its a girl!!! Didnt really subscribe to this thread but what was technique for force flowering?


Well-Known Member
I just took one of my garbage cans and put it over the plant. Today was day 8 and it showed me what it had. Covered it basically when the sun went down on the 8th and didn't uncover it till 9. Just kept doing that and it's all good now. Thanks for the info on the rep thing.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear that someone else is actually interested in this besides me. LOL. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow morning.


New Member
Good to hear that someone else is actually interested in this besides me. LOL. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow morning.
I can already tell you, thats why Im interested.
Her buds are going to start filling in ever so slowly. Now its time to play the waiting game:)


Well-Known Member
Seriously I'm starting to get a little worried. I noticed today that she was getting a bit taller then I had anticipated and I'm becoming a little hesitatant on letting it grow. Hopefully it won't get too bad. Any suggestions other then topping that can help me keep her growing vertically, lower? If not by the time this is all done the plant might be like 3' tall and very noticable. Overall though looking good, noticed about 6 more sets of hairs on top of the ones spotted yesterday. Looks like we are about to get hit with a bad storm so I have to go put up the shelter.


Well-Known Member
you could always do some LST and tie her down a little bit..better for bud sites for flowering time i would say maybe two months or so...all depends


New Member
take a pic of her standing next to the trashcan and Ill tell you if you got room to start worrying yet. lol

topping slows down vertical growth but it dosent stop it. Lst may make the plant too wide to fit in the can but it will HELP keep her contained.


Well-Known Member
Alright so it's been 13 days into flowering and she is just about as tall as the can. Which stinks. What is LST and what are the pros/cons of using/doing it?

Oh yea, I forgot. Pistils are looking quite lovely. Can't wait.
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New Member
lst is tying down branches to something so that they bend. People have used it to create some really odd shaped plants, even plants that grow in circle spiral shapes.
The pros are that it allows the branches to get more light by keeping the others out of the way. The cons are that its a pain in the ass to do...

If the plant is as tall as the can youll have to find something else to use (like a trashcan isnt obvious enough right?;))
maybe consider transplanting it into a pot and setting it in a garage or shed for 12/12 and just take it out of the shed totally when its time for it to get sunligh, putting it in there when its time for it to have darkness?


Well-Known Member
Well I was reading up on how to do the LST however it's really starting to get pistils and I don't want to mess anything up. The can still works it hasn't really grown anymore up as girth. I'm not gonna transplant I'm just gonna let it do it's thing till the last day in august then I'm gonna rip her up and see what I got. It's only gonna be like 6 weeks of actual flowering but oh well. Kinda started to grow in late june I assume so whatever well see what happens. Thanks for the tips though. I am STILL searching for a good camera. Once I get a good picture I'll post it up. Sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
I'm still gonna continue to cover her, she seems to like it. I noticed a second set of pistils starting to come out of a few of the bud spots which is cool. So yeah I'm probably gonna continue to cover her although she is about as big around as the can and just about 3 inches shorter then the top of it. I know she is gonna outgrow the can but oh well I'll just keep her covered and we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Now I have a silly question. Now that I can see pistil what goes on next? Like what should I be watching for? Also I'm noticing the pistils all the way through the plant like from the very top all the way down to the bottom branches. I'm assuming this is normal and just means more places for buds to grow. Please correct me if I'm wrong.