Well-Known Member
Browsing around over the last few weeks it has really struck me just how much shit talking goes on here. Sometimes there's 10 friggin' pages of nothing but shit talking right in the middle of good threads. I see this as a problem because, unless I'm mistaken, this is a site for stoners or people who smoke at the very least. I also see it as a problem because it should, though not in all cases, be something that is rather simple to deal with.
If somebody starts a thread then they should be able to delete posts in that thread. I know that means somebody could start a thread stating that the sky is bright green and if anybody said otherwise they could delete those posts but if that was the case then people would know pretty quickly where that person stands. It's when a thread goes from discussing cooling methods and turns into 10 or 20 pages of talking shit that the person who started the thread could just delete the shit talking with no problems.
I know that sometimes a thread grows old and the person who started it doesn't visit anymore or not often at least and there's nothing to be done at that point, but for those with threads that get taken over by the bullshit and who actually want to put a stop to it and remove the bullshit, well they should have the power to do so.
I know this could lead to tit for tat deletion of posts if ABC posts on DEF's thread and DEF deletes it and then posts something constructive on ABC's thread and ABC deletes it out of revenge but that's just a hell of a lot better than the pages of complete bullshit that would ensue otherwise.
Anyways. Rollitup. Can we do something about this? I think that if we start a thread then it is in effect OUR thread and we should be able to decide whether a post is allowed there or not.
Thanks. Keep it green. Peace.
If somebody starts a thread then they should be able to delete posts in that thread. I know that means somebody could start a thread stating that the sky is bright green and if anybody said otherwise they could delete those posts but if that was the case then people would know pretty quickly where that person stands. It's when a thread goes from discussing cooling methods and turns into 10 or 20 pages of talking shit that the person who started the thread could just delete the shit talking with no problems.
I know that sometimes a thread grows old and the person who started it doesn't visit anymore or not often at least and there's nothing to be done at that point, but for those with threads that get taken over by the bullshit and who actually want to put a stop to it and remove the bullshit, well they should have the power to do so.
I know this could lead to tit for tat deletion of posts if ABC posts on DEF's thread and DEF deletes it and then posts something constructive on ABC's thread and ABC deletes it out of revenge but that's just a hell of a lot better than the pages of complete bullshit that would ensue otherwise.
Anyways. Rollitup. Can we do something about this? I think that if we start a thread then it is in effect OUR thread and we should be able to decide whether a post is allowed there or not.
Thanks. Keep it green. Peace.