Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?

[h=2]Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?[/h]

perhaps he should attempt to stage a Munich. and then he can write a book. "my Struggle."
Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?

perhaps he should attempt to stage a Munich. and then he can write a book. "my Struggle."

Or he could fly planes into buildings and call it terrorist. Or have a Reichstag fire and blame it on every other candidate.
The only way to win seems to be fear mongering, war propaganda and telling others how to live their lives. Oh and take all their money through unconstitutional taxing.

With all that said... "Love Your Country, Question Your Government"
Or he could fly planes into buildings and call it terrorist. Or have a Reichstag fire and blame it on every other candidate.
The only way to win seems to be fear mongering, war propaganda and telling others how to live their lives. Oh and take all their money through unconstitutional taxing.

With all that said... "Love Your Country, Question Your Government"

and u called me a fucking
it blows my mind the way u people hang on to this ...... he has no chance...... he is not going to win anything.........he already lost
And that is what they said in 08 about Obama and....... Look what happened!

As said before the corrupt GOP will do all they can to make sure Paul is the misfit and yes I am sure Ronald will do his fair share of sounding stupid in the eyes of the sheep! I do not agree with plenty of his policies, but he does have some firm standards he believes in and those beliefs are which this great nation was founded on and lately both the GOP and the Dems have pushed aside for some progressive or conservative BS!
Sure Paul =

Sorry Romney = :wall:
Sorry Sanitarium = :wall:
Sorry Newt =

Obama = :wall:

Honestly Obama sounds better with every click of the mouse, but I can not support the majority of the liberal left's agenda in which he supports!

Can we find some middle ground....?

Can we have a candidate that crosses party lines rather then following them just for the party line donations....?
oh give me a fucking break... another ron paul thread?>???

there's millions of issues affecting tens of millions of americans every day and you keep parrotting this ron paul bullshit.

kudos to NXSSLKDF for the GM thread. it has great potential, given the fact that Repub front runner mitt opposed the move and GM has posted a record profit the last few days...

unemployment numbers are improving every day.... gay marriage is being legalized left and right, while the federal government still holds true to it's antiquated ways....

i mean this is historic stuff and you guys keep bitching about ron paul?? the 30 year career polititian and washington insider??? give me a FUCKING BREAK PLEAASE
"oh give me a fucking break... another ron paul thread?>???"

This is the politics forum. Ron Paul is a populat politician. get use to it.
this is the politics section in the RIU forum.

Ron Paul is a politician, i wouldn't say he's popular given his and his opinions' dismal showing in poll after poll after poll....

it's very spammish and robotish the way you keep repeating the SAME BULLSHIT.

it's like your mind is numb to any sort of reality that is not the ron paul steamroll to nowhere.....
The topic of the thread: "Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?"

I supplied two links to stories from two different sources that addressed that very topic. Ron Paul's strategy has been to "go after delegates". The delegates have not been decided and are not bound by the results of the popular vote.

Personally, I think RP will get more delegates than most expect him to get, but I don't think he will get the nomination. What I am hoping is that he wields some influence in both the R convention and the general election, i.e. he drives both candidates to make some libertarian concessions.
this is the politics section in the RIU forum.

Ron Paul is a politician, i wouldn't say he's popular given his and his opinions' dismal showing in poll after poll after poll....

it's very spammish and robotish the way you keep repeating the SAME BULLSHIT.

it's like your mind is numb to any sort of reality that is not the ron paul steamroll to nowhere.....
So switch off your computer and fuck off outside. Nobody is forcing you to read the "SAME BULLSHIT" ;)
this is the politics section in the RIU forum.

Ron Paul is a politician, i wouldn't say he's popular given his and his opinions' dismal showing in poll after poll after poll....

it's very spammish and robotish the way you keep repeating the SAME BULLSHIT.

it's like your mind is numb to any sort of reality that is not the ron paul steamroll to nowhere.....

or maybe the truth cant be told any other way... the truth is the truth will always sound the same..

2+2 will always be 4 no mater how many time your repeat it..:o

Yes lets not vote for the only guy with a phd..... counter argument yes it is in medicinal treatment but the the title of phd means you can understand anything with enough thought ........
Someone needs to make the scene from Star Wars with Ron Paul instead of Obi-wan.

"Help me Ron Paul, you're my only hope."
this is the politics section in the RIU forum.

Ron Paul is a politician, i wouldn't say he's popular given his and his opinions' dismal showing in poll after poll after poll....

it's very spammish and robotish the way you keep repeating the SAME BULLSHIT.

it's like your mind is numb to any sort of reality that is not the ron paul steamroll to nowhere.....
Shut the fuck up. You sympathize with the Throne? You have dishonored your Family.
The Ron Paul supporters seem to be missing the point here, and the disgruntled Ron Paul haters are also. The issue is that the state of Maine was called before all votes were cast and that many are in jeopardy of not being counted; this is undemocratic and a ridiculous blunder on the part of the GOP leadership in Maine. The fact that Mitt Romney seems to be the candidate benefiting from this is troubling and needs to be rectified....all Ron Paul love and hate aside.