Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?

Reinforcing sterotypes makes you a racist? I thought hating another race and believing they are inferior in all ways was racism. It's not surprising how often people use that word incorrectly, makes you wonder if they even know what they are talking about.

You eat Hamburgers and drink beer. Does that make me racist too?

last time i checked, burgers and beers were not a stereotypical fare of any certain race.

and yes, racist was the wrong word. his prejudicial stereotypes and general tone leads me to believe that he either has a racist streak in him, or is simply trolling. better?
last time i checked, burgers and beers were not a stereotypical fare of any certain race.

and yes, racist was the wrong word. his prejudicial stereotypes and general tone leads me to believe that he either has a racist streak in him, or is simply trolling. better?

The words in bold makes you guilty of prejudice, which also makes you guilty of hypocrisy :)
I fully plan on drinking a bottle of whiskey tonight and probably eating a few potatoes, am I being "racist" against myself?
I fully plan on drinking a bottle of whiskey tonight and probably eating a few potatoes, am I being "racist" against myself?

if there was a country full of black people whose main export was fried chicken, it probably wouldn't be offensive to try to ridicule them for it, since it is what they are known for. but the whole 'black people eat so much fried chicken' thing is more like coded language or simple trolling rather than cracking wise at an iowann for growing corn.

based on chronic obsession's other posts, i would have to say he is being a shitty troll rather than a dumb racist.
if there was a country full of black people whose main export was fried chicken, it probably wouldn't be offensive to try to ridicule them for it, since it is what they are known for. but the whole 'black people eat so much fried chicken' thing is more like coded language or simple trolling rather than cracking wise at an iowann for growing corn.

based on chronic obsession's other posts, i would have to say he is being a shitty troll rather than a dumb racist.
Do Black people *really* eat a disproportionate amount of fried chicken? You always see it on the tv and such but we don't have many black people here.
Do Black people *really* eat a disproportionate amount of fried chicken? You always see it on the tv and such but we don't have many black people here.
Hmm, well mostly just the same as someone else but it is a 'soul food' fried chicken with hot sauce it is kind of a tradition..not a 'disproportionate amount' its just tradition and they do even more since its a 'sterotype' I people I know are black and lived in detroit and flint all my life fyi
Do Black people *really* eat a disproportionate amount of fried chicken? You always see it on the tv and such but we don't have many black people here.
Shit man.... I am white, hang/vote right and well fried chicken is right up there with T-bones in my book YUMMY! Now grits, well um yeah maybe a bite or 2 :|
Ron Paul is the new black guy, however because he is old and doesn't play basketball or eat fried chicken because of weak arteries, the public is telling him to get to the back of the candidacy. Tiger woods for 2016
Ron Paul is quite healthy. I love fried chicken.
Do Black people *really* eat a disproportionate amount of fried chicken? You always see it on the tv and such but we don't have many black people here.

ya know, i'm not sure. i like fried chicken myself until i get to the third piece. it always seem like a good idea to order 5 or 6 pieces....but then attrition sets in.
ya know, i'm not sure. i like fried chicken myself until i get to the third piece. it always seem like a good idea to order 5 or 6 pieces....but then attrition sets in.

"The meal is not over when I'm full! I eat until I hate myself!" - Louis CK

"but the whole 'black people eat so much fried chicken' thing is more like coded language or simple trolling rather than cracking wise at an iowann for growing corn."

Bullshit. They are both stereotypes, and what is so bad about stereotypes in the first place; get a fucking sense of humor. The standard hypocrisy of the left is showing in your comment that stereotyping "Iowans growing corn" is "cracking wise" and all just in good fun, whereas it is "coded language" to mention fried chicken in the same sentence with a a black person. There is a reason the term "racist" has become a standing, one-word joke.

You guys that are always on the hunt for "coded language" have only two motives:

1. To be "offended' because you are so "concerned and racially sensitive".
2. To whimper "racist" to shut down the discussion, and this is, by far, the main motive.
you guys don't even know what soul food fried chicken is, its way better then white people fried chicken. You would be addicted also.
seems we skipped over the news...Ron paul won washington county 163 votes for Ron Paul, 80 votes for Mitt Romney...The other dudes got like 5 or 6 votes..T

So it seems Ron Paul could likely win Maine straw poll...we will see once they count the rest of the counties that had their votes go to the 'Spam Box'
