Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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Well-Known Member
That's what I'm hoping for!
no need to hope, gary johnson will be running libertarian. that assures new mexico goes to the democrats, and can't hurt democratic chances in colorado or nevada, either. those are a big part of the electoral math needed to get to 270.

and your projection of 25-35% is one i would highly disagree with. ron paul is simply unelectable and has none of the kingmakers in his corner.


Well-Known Member
no need to hope, gary johnson will be running libertarian. that assures new mexico goes to the democrats, and can't hurt democratic chances in colorado or nevada, either. those are a big part of the electoral math needed to get to 270.

and your projection of 25-35% is one i would highly disagree with. ron paul is simply unelectable and has none of the kingmakers in his corner.
exactly he got ther from many small citizens holding him up

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
and your projection of 25-35% is one i would highly disagree with. ron paul is simply unelectable and has none of the kingmakers in his corner.
He needs to brand himself as the christian alternative. If he does that, he'll win.

The religious right doesn't have a horse in this race. If Paul can make the case that he's their guy, it's game over.


Well-Known Member
he needs to brand himself as the christian alternative. If he does that, he'll win.

The religious right doesn't have a horse in this race. If paul can make the case that he's their guy, it's game over.

ron paul endorsed by pastor of nora springs christian church... iowa


Well-Known Member
Fox has gotten so much hate mail this happened.... OMG...did hell freeze over




Well-Known Member

the geezer gets cranky about getting caught in a lie.

they just dug up an interview he did in 1995 with c-span where he boasts about his newsletter. so much for "i had no idea what was in them, i never read them!"

typical lying politician. you know he read them, you know he let them go out with the racism because it made him money.

old, racist geezer, go away.


Well-Known Member
Its okay for Cain to ignore his sexual harassment cases but god forbid they come to you with an article you didn't write.


Well-Known Member
I would be annoyed to if they kept asking me a question i answered for 5 years in a row
his answers have been contradictory and do not put the issue to rest.

for fuck sake, he contradicts himself in the short 2 minute clip i posted. do you see his body language? if there were a hole nearby, he would crawl into it and hide.



Well-Known Member
they just dug up an interview he did in 1995 with c-span where he boasts about his newsletter. so much for "i had no idea what was in them, i never read them!"

Yea he boasted about his newsletter not that particular article. If you started a resterant would you condemn yourself because a chef gave someone food sickness.


Well-Known Member
Yea he boasted about his newsletter not that particular article. If you started a resterant would you condemn yourself because a chef gave someone food sickness.
i wrote them.

i didn't write them.

i read them.

i didn't read them.

i read them 10 years later.

but i boasted about them well before that.

i have moral responsibility for them.

i disavow them.

you make me president now please?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
hmm.. dozens of articles that were racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic in nature. And he knew nothing about them? Riiiiight.
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