Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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Well-Known Member
Ron Paul it just sayin leave that up to the states, IF your in the bible belt and dont like it you can always move at least you have the freedom to decide.

Respect property rights. You yourself are property. The Child is property to itself. You should not take the life of another unless in self defense. Without the right to life, the others are meaningless.


Well-Known Member
it actually helps you have harder more durable teeth
If you topically apply it to teeth, yes, but when you swallow it, it doesn't do shit for your teeth and instead causes harm to internal organs. Proven fact. Do you drink water or just swish it around some?


Well-Known Member
I think a Paul GOP just got more likely

Santorum's Nephew Endorses Ron Paul

"If you want another big-government politician who supports the status quo to run our country, you should vote for my uncle, Rick Santorum,"

Now newt is spending all his money trying to smear Romney out of revenge. Those two will self destruct.



Well-Known Member
the guy has been in the lead since way back 5 months ago atleast and is going to win by a landslide end of the conversation.


New Member
Actually CNN reports Santorum Leading with 1% of the vote in
But that could be The Bilderburgs twisting the actually numbers


Well-Known Member
43% of the first 1% to vote is in for ron paul.
with an entire 13 votes in :dunce:

now he is at 23%, still only 1% in.

the guy has been in the lead since way back 5 months ago atleast and is going to win by a landslide end of the conversation.
he has not been leading that long, you are once again lying. empirical evidence shows that you are lying. you liar.

and no, ron paul will lose. he has no path through. deal with it, liar.


Well-Known Member
Its not about the total votes its about the counties won

"The non-binding results are tabulated and reported to the state party, which releases the results to the media. Delegates from the precinct caucuses go on to the county conventions, which choose delegates to the district conventions, which in turn selects delegates to the Iowa State Convention. Thus, it is the Republican Iowa State Convention, not the precinct caucuses, which selects the ultimate delegates from Iowa to the Republican National Convention. All delegates are officially unbound from the results of the precinct caucus, although media organizations either estimate delegate numbers by estimating county convention results or simply divide them proportionally."


Well-Known Member
you are so pathetic. santorum? national polling the dude is like 2% and you call that reality LMAO you're a joke.
have you checked iowa polls lately?

you make no sense. you are not worthy of my time or anyone else's. you are a proven liar time and time again.
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