Ron paul is STILL working with white supremacist groups!


Active Member

only a half a dozen separate newspapers covered it in 1996. he said it himself in an interview. he defended the newsletters as his writings. then he said someone else wrote them. then he said he had no idea about anything.

i'm pretty sure the old racist has alzheimer's as well.
Source to the newspapers? Or was it just another "letter" you read online saying half a dozen newspapers covered it?

Out of all the RECORDED interviews I've seen, he declines supporting the newsletters as his writings. Would you be so kind as to provide the recorded interview where he actually supports those writings? I hope this interview isn't just another "letter", because that would be all the proof in the world....

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Now that you have shown us the output of your decoder ring, let me take this opportunity to show you what the law of the land has to say, no decoding necessary.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."


New Member
This thread was so full of fail I had to make an account after 4 years of not posting here. Ron can't control who supports him or why. Ron is in no way a racist and any claims about him being one have vague evidence at best. This was all the rage on the internet in 2008 when Don Black of Stormfront donated a whopping 200 dollars to his campaign and had his picture taken with him at a public event that anyone could attend. After reading through all of these emails I conclude that this Kelso guy and his followers had a plan to "infiltrate" Ron Paul's movement and hopefully win over some white people to their cause. According to people active in Southern California and Chicago politics these guys mentioned by him as being #2 men of Paul in these states have never been heard of by people actually involved with his organization and the best evidence they provide is that Kelso is photographed standing 10ft away from Ron at an event while Ron speaks to a supporter with his back turned. Worst conspiracy theory ever and if anyone believes this shit I've got some beach front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in. Reading their own "evidence" I come to the conclusion these guys have a very vague connection to Ron and on their own site this douche and his wife (Sigrid) state that they never got to speak directly with Paul or had a conference call with him or his campaign. You fail hard and do so at the expense of your own movement you idiot. Enjoy voting for Obama again and having your liberties taken away.

Your own signature is proof that nobody should listen to you. Obama hasn't done shit for cannabis in this country like he promised and he continues Bush's policies in the Middle East when he said he wouldn't. You are dick riding hard.
nice first post.


New Member
you'll never believe anything that makes ronald the paul look bad in any way, so i don't really care what you think.

i predicted on page #1 that you'd still defend the guy if he worked with white supremacist neo-nazis.
If he worked with white supremacist neo-nazi's then no I wouldn't but that has yet to be proven.


Thanks. I debunked this piece of shit story over 8 times today on many other sites including Facebook and this came up during a Google search. This guy clearly isn't looking at the evidence he is putting forth at all. At least I did actual reserach and can provide you with links to these people saying these things on their own forum.


Well-Known Member
This thread was so full of fail I had to make an account after 4 years of not posting here. Ron can't control who supports him or why. Ron is in no way a racist and any claims about him being one have vague evidence at best. This was all the rage on the internet in 2008 when Don Black of Stormfront donated a whopping 200 dollars to his campaign and had his picture taken with him at a public event that anyone could attend. After reading through all of these emails I conclude that this Kelso guy and his followers had a plan to "infiltrate" Ron Paul's movement and hopefully win over some white people to their cause. According to people active in Southern California and Chicago politics these guys mentioned by him as being #2 men of Paul in these states have never been heard of by people actually involved with his organization and the best evidence they provide is that Kelso is photographed standing 10ft away from Ron at an event while Ron speaks to a supporter with his back turned. Worst conspiracy theory ever and if anyone believes this shit I've got some beach front property for sale in Arizona you might be interested in. Reading their own "evidence" I come to the conclusion these guys have a very vague connection to Ron and on their own site this douche and his wife (Sigrid) state that they never got to speak directly with Paul or had a conference call with him or his campaign. You fail hard and do so at the expense of your own movement you idiot. Enjoy voting for Obama again and having your liberties taken away.

Your own signature is proof that nobody should listen to you. Obama hasn't done shit for cannabis in this country like he promised and he continues Bush's policies in the Middle East when he said he wouldn't. You are dick riding hard.
{denial of reality}

{deflection to obama}

{personal insults}

{intimation of personal bigotry toward gays}

how surprising that a bigot defends a racist.



Yeah, I'm black and a bigot, keep riding that dick. I have no problem with you dick riding for reasons of pleasure in your sexual life as that is your personal matter and I nor anyone else should be able to tell you what to do in your bedroom. You're responses are just making my case for me. A thread would be about why you still support Obama and are delusional and choose to deny reality when I am providing you with actualy information available to the public on the internet and you are providing me with evidence that even further proves my point. Fail


Well-Known Member
Source to the newspapers? Or was it just another "letter" you read online saying half a dozen newspapers covered it?

Out of all the RECORDED interviews I've seen, he declines supporting the newsletters as his writings. Would you be so kind as to provide the recorded interview where he actually supports those writings? I hope this interview isn't just another "letter", because that would be all the proof in the world....


Well-Known Member
Now that you have shown us the output of your decoder ring, let me take this opportunity to show you what the law of the land has to say, no decoding necessary.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
yep, should have left it to alabama to deal with segregation :D


Active Member
you'd rather trust what a politician says in public rather than what he tries to get away with when he thinks no one is looking?

yeah, keep trying to write off the newsletters as a myth. he defended them as his writing. now we know he actively works with white supremacists.


Out of all the RECORDED interviews I've seen, he declines supporting the newsletters as his writings. Would you be so kind as to provide the recorded interview where he actually supports those writings? I hope this interview isn't just another "letter", because that would be all the proof in the world....

Yes I do trust overt, good, genuine character as opposed to mysterious, typed letterhead, written by anyone.

Ron Paul isn't trying to "get away with anything". What is he trying to get away with?


lol he offered and then never mentions the meeting in any of the emails or forum posts and he and his own wife admit they have never discussed anything with him or the campaign. You are failing hard. Just stop and look at his website. I'm not even kidding, look at the emails they provided in #OpBlitzkrieg, all it proves is that a crazy guy supports Ron. And you fail to mention that they are supporting Merlin Miller for president in 2012 and not Ron. FAIL

desert dude

Well-Known Member
There is a reason that the word "racist" has become a joke amongst America's yutes, and clear thinking people everywhere. It is the standard fall back word used by liberals to end an argument going badly from their perspective.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm black and a bigot, keep riding that dick. I have no problem with you dick riding for reasons of pleasure in your sexual life as that is your personal matter and I nor anyone else should be able to tell you what to do in your bedroom. You're responses are just making my case for me. A thread would be about why you still support Obama and are delusional and choose to deny reality when I am providing you with actualy information available to the public on the internet and you are providing me with evidence that even further proves my point. Fail

as in YOUR continued attempts at trying to insult me by implying that i am gay makes you a BIGOT.

they have done studies showing that those with attitudes like yours are often hiding latently homosexual feelings themselves.

anything you want to tell us, big boy?



Well-Known Member
What is he trying to get away with?
he's trying to have his cake and eat it too.

he's clearly catering to the bigoted vote, then trying to turn around and deny that he is doing so.

it is well recorded that in 1996 he defended the newsletters as his own, so did his campaign people. this is HISTORICAL FACT.

you refuse to believe it due to the cognitive dissonance it would cause.


No, its an insult to how much you love Obama despite everything he has done, it has nothing to do with you being gay or not. Your logic is failing hard. I have no problem with homosexuals, Hispanics, Jewish people, or anyone else. If you seriously think I am calling you gay then watch this video:


Well-Known Member
That's one of the most credible sources I've ever witnessed...

People like you never cease to amaze me as to what you believe is proof.
the lengths you go through to protect your delusion never ceases to amaze me.

...archived newspaper clips from Paul's '96 congressional campaign against Lefty Morris and unearthed several new instances of Paul or his campaign pleading for a more sympathetic understanding of what he wrote.
The Dallas Morning News -- May 22, 1996.
Dr. Paul denied suggestions that he was a racist and said he was not evoking stereotypes when he wrote the columns. He said they should be read and quoted in their entirety to avoid misrepresentation.Dr. Paul also took exception to the comments of Mr. Bledsoe, saying that the voters in the 14th District and the people who know him best would be the final judges of his character.
"If someone challenges your character and takes the interpretation of the NAACP as proof of a man's character, what kind of a world do you live in?" Dr. Paul asked.
In the interview, he did not deny he made the statement about the swiftness of black men.
"If you try to catch someone that has stolen a purse from you, there is no chance to catch them," Dr. Paul said.
Austin American-Statesman -- May 23, 1996
"Dr. Paul is being quoted out of context," [Paul's spokesman, Michael] Sullivan said. "It's like picking up 'War and Peace' and reading the fourth paragraph on page 481 and thinking you can understand what's going on.""You have to understand what he is writing. Democrats in Texas are trying to stir things up by using half quotes to impugn his character," Sullivan said. "His writings are intellectual. He assumes people will do their own research, get their own statistics, think for themselves and make informed judgments."
Austin American-Statesman -- July 25, 1996
Morris distributed Paul's article to reporters at a Capitol news conference. It was not the first time. Morris has been scrutinizing Paul's writings and sharing his findings with reporters. In May, he released an article in which Paul described a majority of black men in Washington, D.C., as ''semi-criminal or entirely criminal.''Morris, a Bee Cave lawyer, once again called on Paul to release back copies of the newsletter he has published for more than a decade. Paul, a Surfside obstetrician, has refused.
He said he has written ''thousands of items'' during the past 20 years and that releasing these materials would be impractical. Paul said releasing all those writings would be like asking Morris to ''provide documents for every lawsuit he has been involved in during his lengthy legal career.''
A request for comment from the Paul campaign was not immediately returned.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yep, should have left it to alabama to deal with segregation :D
You need to reread the 10th. Nowhere does is say that Alabama, or any other state, has the right to deny anybody due process.

It is a nice "boogeyman" argument, though. Keep making it. Maybe you will be able to resurrect George Wallace's smoldering body from the grave so you can point your finger at the real man instead of just his memory. How Wallace is connected to Ron Paul is a mystery though.


Well-Known Member
No, its an insult to how much you love Obama despite everything he has done, it has nothing to do with you being gay or not. Your logic is failing hard. I have no problem with homosexuals, Hispanics, Jewish people, or anyone else. If you seriously think I am calling you gay then watch this video:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
lol, now you are trying to deny that you were trying to insult me by implying that i was gay.

you fail so fucking hard it hurts.

anyone who can read can clearly see that you tried to use homosexuality as an insult, and failed.

bigots of a feather flock together.