Ronnie's Rolling In His Grave Now..Introducing The NEW Welfare Queens..

What is it with right wingers and bitching about freedom and liberty, but when it comes to labor they support complete and utter submittal to any authority or social contract, without any consideration given to the quality of the contract. It's no different than a modern form of slavery. It just seems like an oxymoron to me, or even plain stupidity.

Well then for your posts we'll have to find something to the right of Mein Kampf.

Could it be that the "right wingers" on this site aren't whining and complaining about where they're at in life, that they're more focused on their own finances instead of everyone else's?
when it comes to labor they support complete and utter submittal to any authority or social contract, without any consideration given to the quality of the contract.

You weren't aware that you had a choice in whether or not to take a job or negotiate wages? You don't have to take what they give, ask and you shall receive, it has ALWAYS worked for me. Once you are good at something, it costs a shit ton to get some other guy to do your job as well as you, years of experience do count for something.

What is the worst that could happen? They say no? Then walk away, and see if they call you the next day. You will earn respect from your employer and they will know that you aren't a push over, and as long as you perform well, you will reap the benefits.
It was designed to draw in the feeble minded and watch them spin a web of partisan bullshit as to why they do not vote with their heads. You should know better considering your implied omnipotence. Sadly though you have characterised me in a false political light - that I've come to expect from the under achievers that support socialism.

There are thousands, if not millions of jobs on the market at any given moment, if you don't like pay and conditions - LEAVE.

If you want a liveable minimum wage then lobby your representatives and when they don't listen, vote them out of office and vote in someone who will take up your cause.

I support minimum wage or I wouldn't be living in Australia :dunce: We recently went through an overhaul of our labour laws in response to the will of the people. We voted in a government that would take up that cause and they did, it worked and our country is better for it.

Until the American PEOPLE demand REAL change by ditching the two major parties, paid for in full by these same corporations and multi-nationals, nothing will change.

lol "under-achieving" socialists... Labor works a lot harder than a business criminal on any given day. I'm glad you think you're intelligent, but all you are is a narcissist. You talk about voting outside the two party system, but for what? The right wing as a whole despises the working poor, and sees them as a means to an end, nothing more. Leave your job if you don't like the pay? You need to come back to Earth, because the reason people work these shitty service jobs is because those are the only jobs in supply. So what? Quit McDonalds and work at Target? This is the problem with you right wingers, you just regurgitate the propaganda from your talk shows. There's no critique of information going on in that empty head of yours.
lol "under-achieving" socialists... Labor works a lot harder than a business criminal on any given day.

So your idea of "work" only involves the use of muscle?
You think when the architect designs your home so that it doesn't fall over when the big bad wolf blows is really just engaging in a hobby or something?

You think quitting at McDonalds and getting a job at Target for $2 an hour more is a bad choice? Asking for a raise is bad thinking?

Thank you sir, May i have another.


Some people are just willing to lie down and accept an increasingly shittier world as long as they get the panem et circenses. Are you one of those people?

Some service jobs pay quite well, but they require skills.
Could it be that the "right wingers" on this site aren't whining and complaining about where they're at in life, that they're more focused on their own finances instead of everyone else's?

you whine like a little bitch every day and worry about my finances more than i do.
if this thread were about reagan's mythical welfare queen, the right would be having an angry circle jerk over that mythical person who doesn't actually exist.

but since this thread is about a very real welfare queen, the right seems to be having an angry circle jerk that the subject was even brought up, and will defend the very real welfare queen to no end.

simply pathetic. and revealing.
if this thread were about reagan's mythical welfare queen, the right would be having an angry circle jerk over that mythical person who doesn't actually exist.

but since this thread is about a very real welfare queen, the right seems to be having an angry circle jerk that the subject was even brought up, and will defend the very real welfare queen to no end.

simply pathetic. and revealing.

RIU software says it all:clap:: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.
So your idea of "work" only involves the use of muscle?
You think when the architect designs your home so that it doesn't fall over when the big bad wolf blows is really just engaging in a hobby or something?

You think quitting at McDonalds and getting a job at Target for $2 an hour more is a bad choice? Asking for a raise is bad thinking?

Thank you sir, May i have another.


Some people are just willing to lie down and accept an increasingly shittier world as long as they get the panem et circenses. Are you one of those people?

Some service jobs pay quite well, but they require skills.

0_o and i thought it was..yes, sir..thank you, sir..may i have another, sir..
lol "under-achieving" socialists... Labor works a lot harder than a business criminal on any given day. I'm glad you think you're intelligent, but all you are is a narcissist. You talk about voting outside the two party system, but for what? The right wing as a whole despises the working poor, and sees them as a means to an end, nothing more. Leave your job if you don't like the pay? You need to come back to Earth, because the reason people work these shitty service jobs is because those are the only jobs in supply. So what? Quit McDonalds and work at Target? This is the problem with you right wingers, you just regurgitate the propaganda from your talk shows. There's no critique of information going on in that empty head of yours.

Dude wank on all you want about your socialist utopia - at the end of the day you have admitted your family comes from money. I guarantee you they ain't driving around throwing stacks of $100 notes into peoples front yards. Shitty jobs are there for the shitheads that need them. I'm not going to apologise because povos can't make anything of themselves. Soft science indeed.
lol "under-achieving" socialists... Labor works a lot harder than a business criminal on any given day. I'm glad you think you're intelligent, but all you are is a narcissist. You talk about voting outside the two party system, but for what? The right wing as a whole despises the working poor, and sees them as a means to an end, nothing more. Leave your job if you don't like the pay? You need to come back to Earth, because the reason people work these shitty service jobs is because those are the only jobs in supply. So what? Quit McDonalds and work at Target? This is the problem with you right wingers, you just regurgitate the propaganda from your talk shows. There's no critique of information going on in that empty head of yours.

My brain works harder at any given second than Labor.
the Tax Policy Center found last year that there about 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million that were not paying anything at all.

Even if these assholes paid the income tax low of 10% and ONLY made 1million, thats 400 million dollars in tax money.... that could fund a whole hell of a lot of things with that including education and career training. Don't get me wrong though, I do think Wal-Mart should pay their employees much more.
the Tax Policy Center found last year that there about 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million that were not paying anything at all.

Even if these assholes paid the income tax low of 10% and ONLY made 1million, thats 400 million dollars in tax money.... that could fund a whole hell of a lot of things with that including education and career training. Don't get me wrong though, I do think Wal-Mart should pay their employees much more.

400 Million could fund government for almost 12 hours.
the Tax Policy Center found last year that there about 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million that were not paying anything at all.

Even if these assholes paid the income tax low of 10% and ONLY made 1million, thats 400 million dollars in tax money.... that could fund a whole hell of a lot of things with that including education and career training. Don't get me wrong though, I do think Wal-Mart should pay their employees much more.

Or you could buy everyone in the country a grab size bag of Cheetos.

There is a great big world out there. Discover it.
you whine like a little bitch every day and worry about my finances more than i do.

That would be because he is the bread winner of the family, unlike you.

6 year olds dont worry about their finances either, they get what they need from mommy and daddy. Most of us grow out of that bucky!
the Tax Policy Center found last year that there about 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million that were not paying anything at all.

Even if these assholes paid the income tax low of 10% and ONLY made 1million, thats 400 million dollars in tax money.... that could fund a whole hell of a lot of things with that including education and career training. Don't get me wrong though, I do think Wal-Mart should pay their employees much more.

According to your source, the Tax Policy Center, over 63.2 million tax filers making $50,000 or less paid ZERO in federal income taxes.
Even if these people paid only $100 for the whole tax year, that would be over $6billion in tax dollars!
Hell, I'd be willing to bet that 50%, if not more, of those tax filers that paid Zero federal income taxes have a smart phone and a big flat screen TV.
According to your source, the Tax Policy Center, over 63.2 million tax filers making $50,000 or less paid ZERO in federal income taxes.
Even if these people paid only $100 for the whole tax year, that would be over $6billion in tax dollars!
Hell, I'd be willing to bet that 50%, if not more, of those tax filers that paid Zero federal income taxes have a smart phone and a big flat screen TV.

And children. People making 50k a year and not paying taxes have to be paying for dependents. I make the same and get raped in taxes as I have no childrens.

You can argue why there is a financial benefit from the government for having children but the fact remains there is. I personally would be fine with abolishing all tax-free organization status as it's been abused by everyone from the NFL to churches. Everyone should pay their fair share, and I just personally feel more for the guy making 10 bucks an hour than a tax-free mega church needing money to put up more flat screen tv's.
That would be because he is the bread winner of the family, unlike you.

6 year olds dont worry about their finances either, they get what they need from mommy and daddy. Most of us grow out of that bucky!

good job at trying to justify why beenthere is so obsessed with my finances.

so did you "service" another dozen people at $20 a pop today?


you probably go through a lot of tic tacs and mouthwash with a "job" like that!
epilogue: star date 26122013

(CNN) -- It seems that McDonald's has finally realized how tone-deaf its internal employee resource website was. It has shut it down.
The final straw? A tip on the site to employees to avoid McDonald's fare.
A graphic on the site shows a meal with a cheeseburger, fries and drink under the caption "Unhealthy choice." Next to it is a picture of a sub, a salad and water under the caption "Healthier choice."
The latest embarrassment is among a string that's cropped up since the McResource Line website went live.
A McResource budget-planning guide for its employees was ridiculed in July for being out of touch.
"For starters, it didn't account for food and gasoline," CNNMoney reported. "The second line on the sample budget leaves room for income from a second job, which many called an admission by the fast food giant that its workers can't live on its wages alone."
And then earlier this month, NBC News reported that the site offered a guide on how much one should tip a pool cleaner, housekeeper, and even an au pair.
The only problem: The University of California Berkeley Labor Center and University of Illinois released a study in October that said 52% of families of fast food workers receive assistance from a public program like Medicaid, food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
The fast food giant found itself again having to deflect unwanted attention from its internal site this week after CNBC reported that McResource ostensibly advises McDonald's employees to not eat at McDonald's.
"Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced, and readily available alternatives to home cooking. While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt and may put people at risk for becoming overweight."
Visitors to McResource Line on Wednesday were greeted with this statement: "We are temporarily performing some maintenance in order to provide you with the best experience possible. Please excuse us while these upgrades are being made."
McDonald's confirmed the site had been taken down in a statement posted on its website. "A combination of factors has led us to re-evaluate and we've directed the vendor to take down the website. Between links to irrelevant or outdated information, along with outside groups taking elements out of context, this created unwarranted scrutiny and inappropriate commentary. None of this helps our McDonald's team members."
Bill Clinton and McDonald's: Let's forgo the fries and fight the fat