Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

I was geekn on that plant man. Looks like it got hit with bleach. Lol. Sorry to hear..
I cut 110ish 2nd week into flwr down few days ago in order to move. It hurt. But for the good!
Aye, it was the wifes bike as well so my knees where hitting me chin, lol.....big box on the back and rucksack on my front. Nothing like a few heart palpatations of a morning.

and yup, I think it's a high bleach concentrate that is used for the mold removal over here....most bathrooms in Amsterdam have mold, you just can't escape the spours, they are verywhere. I have used it on my bathroom, I think my spray bottle broke so I moved the contents to another spray bottle, which I then proceeded to spray on the two Deep Blue, lmfao.....
This is what I think was in the bottle>>

Haha. Wtf. Mold in every bathroom. Thats crazy, or not i guess. But word. Lol. I gota hit up amsterdam sometime and check it out. Prolly for the cup one year.
I sprayed some worry free i picked up to kill the SM that showed up and it killed one dog s1 and fried the other one i think it will finish though killed it clone too. The rest of the 20 or so strains where fine
mine is cream crackered. needs a new seat & for a bike i barely use i'm gonna grab a second hand methinks.

and aye there's nothing like cycling baked in the very early hours the still of it all is mint
LOL.. that's cool Thundercat. lol.. u sound like a new born baby or something. lol... what are you smoking these days> lol...I can tell you are high as a fuckin kite mate. I want

Been smoking mostly blue Thai herb, and some afghan dabs this week. All kinds of other dabs at the glass shop :). So yeah I was high as a kite like usual. About to have a couple dabs now before I go shopping.
Thanks D!
Why can't we do that here?!

Do you have a baby seat for the yin? I rode around with my mom until I could ride my own bike. I had blocks on the pedals so I could reach :)
He's gone from holding nervously onto the handlebars on my wifes bike, to being quite comfortable just sitting and checking everything out as we ride along on my bike (mountain bike with handle bars that are forward so can't be reached). He blethers away like mad when we are going along, and funnily enough he always seems quite shattered when we have been on a long trip (little brain taking things in at 10 to the dozen). It enables me to get things done reasonably quick if needs be, rather than public transport, buggys, baby bags, etc.