Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

A rhino doing a poo? whats that all about then?

Do you know that the way Zulu's tell the difference between rhinos? Well the black rhino always has it's young behind them, while the white rhino always has it's children in front....kind of like the way white people and black people also carry their children. Most African women will carry their children on their backs, while white people have Bjorns and carry them on their front. There is a reason for the rhinos doing what they do, I wonder why people do what they do.......?
Black rhinos live mainly in the brush, tree areas, while white rhinos live in the Veld mainly. So Black rhino has kids behind in case it meets up with any predators while making it's way through the brush, and the white rhino expects to be attacked mainly from behind in the Veld so has it's kids up front. They may be kind of blind, but they are not stupid!:) Thanks for the post, I enjoyed explaining that.
I think it was because you don't like irons in your house?
Username of iron-eyes?
Do you also harbour hatred for wheelchair-bound lawyers from 1950's television?


Or badass Canadian character actors?


Or perhaps you will have no truck with three-masted naval ships?


I dunno.
I am but a stoner...
That's cool, I love old school sayings and the meaings behind them. I guess I also hate the verb - "hot pressing":)

I do love me some hash piperooney though!

Nice one on the seeds Mo. Are they all looking healthy and ripe?

I was out in the greenhouse with my son yesterday, and he was attacked by a Pot Plant, lol. It was needing watered so was fairly light and he pulled it down from the stand it was on, luckily it was only the same size as him:) He wasn't hurt, just a bit of shock from something falling on him, shame:)
Yins have a ten foot reach! I was a wee climber :) Now my daughter is a world class rock climber!

Does he have a tiny bicycle yet?

I am craving a nice hit of the shish myself. Still abstaining for the job hunt.

The seeds look amazing! I will be posting pics soon.

Cheers T, good to see you around. Whats happening?

A couple pics, the paprikas are turning red, woohoo, got a couple of nice ripe toms from the celebrity, still waiting on better boy and the steaks to ripen. The guastly pm spray seems to have done the business so far on the outdoors, even though it left them looking like shit. They are finally kicking off, and if we continue with the mild one we are having (still rocxking shorts and t's in mid Sept) then things may be looking up (I am of course speaking far too soon:))
Blue Pit>>
Paprikas/ Bell Red Peppers
Deep Blue>
Blue Pit>
Slainte, DST
In theory it would be nice, however, without having all the facts I don't think anyone can really make a valued judgement on if it is a good thing or not. You would need a set of books like the Encyclopedia Brittania to get all info! If I had been of age in the 70's I would have voted for Independance then. The Scots voted in Majority for Independance but the Government in Londond said it was not valid due to the low % turn out.....and so the Revenues from the Oil fields where shared across the UK, distributed from London. I think if Scotland had got it then, it would have been a different story for the Scots over the last few decades.