Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Lovely . everything looks Gorgeous and delicious.
kRopla I am not familiar with.. It looks like the hydroponic butter lettuce that they sell over here that still has the roots attached in the plastic containers they sell them in at the market.
You basil is so BUSHY! I like the little flowers on the strawberry's. My tomatoes have little yellow flowers on them which are kinda cute but no tomatoes poppin yet, I guess they take some time.
Broccoli seems to bloom super fast and the leaves are so darn BIG! does removing some of the broccoli leaves help the flowers that are covered up and not receiving sun to get more sun help to get them bigger? You ever grow romaine lettuce or spinich DST?
Yup, it's pretty much the same as butter lettuce.
The yellow flowers on the toms are the start of the fruit. You can let bees and instects pollenate or use a little paint brush early on to pollenate flowers. Unlike cannabis they are not dioceus plants.
I only tend to remove cotyledon leaves, and have not removed leaves from broccolis before. I would guess that removing leaves is not the best thing to do, but then there seems to be a massive debate that rages on about it in the MJ world....perhaps there is a similar blog discussion on ?!?!?!?
I grew a lot of different varieties of lettuce a couple of years back but got wiped out with bugs so never had much luck there. And spinach, god dammit i need to eat more of the stuff. I have never grown it though.
Hahah! I tried to find to find a broccoli forum and
thought I got lucky with the Broccoli Crew.
But I m really not sure what this forum is really about.lo..l last activity was last year from the dates I see. Bummer man .

Well it seems you have your bug issues well under control DST. great to see that!
The roses we planted really got hit hard the last couple weeks and the leaves are all eaten up!
It looks like a disease perhaps. really bummed bout that. broccoli is a splendidly easy and fast veggie to grow!!!! and got the inspiration from you to try it. THnaks DST! :hug:and
Thanks for all the feedback, you have given me some great ideas for future gardening as well. Have a wonderful week!:peace:.
Yeh. The only broccoli forum I found was a general forum and the guy was in Seattle and was moaning because it had been dry which broccles don't like. I did find out that you can also eat the leaves....mmmm. And my suspicions were correct. Cabbage whites love broccoli and rain keeps these at bay as well as they don't like fluttering when its pissing it down. Unlike mosquitos that can be hit with drops of water 10 times bigger than them and can still keep flying..... Bring back!! Lol.
Leaves look very good. A little bear and soap mixture should keep away the moths.

Just be patient, they are going to get bigger! What does UC Davis say? Add some SulPoMag and some flower nutes (PK)?