Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Try frying the lettuce with some sausage or veggies - good stuff :)

When I first looked at solar it was going to be 60K, and now it is down to 18K. If I keep waiting long enough they will offer to pay me to put up panels :)
ur stuff lookin good mate! those are interesting looking blue panels. I hope they work well for you matey. You were right, just found lil green catapillars eating my broccoli leaves up real bad . That lanky one I had on the top is now flowering little yellow flowers everywhere on it like the tomato plants do. I have no time to pluck my broccoli yet. Don't look like the catapillars are interested in the broccoli flowers anyways. Have a nice weekend DST!
Just wrote a reply and it was
Anyhow. Remember you can also harvest after the main crown is taken. You'll get smaller flowers from them though.

Having a braai with the boys.:)
fuckin LoVE your pebbles DSt .fuck man got me all sentimental and I miss my clay pebbles like real real bad.
I think I was hoakzed and they gave me brocollini instead of broccoli. cookin it up now with some mac n cheese.
Ya'll ever do BRatworst with crauwt and shit. ?We go to LEvenworth , a lil German town in the Central Cascades of Washington state and got this Jalepeno Cheddar Cheese Bratwusrt that Mikey likes would look good on ur grill. Trippy picure that one is with dat grill. Lookin Good mate.

brocollini 001.JPG
We got some Thunder but one would have been hard pressed to call it a storm.

Yipee, your broccolis have gone to seed Ambs. Free broccoli seeds:) Although you might want to leave potting them in the same place for a year (or amending your soil before running it again in the same spot).

I love sauerkraut but Mrs D is not so keen on it. Although she is in love with sausages at the moment..:) pregant women and their hankerings, hehe. She annihilated my bar of chocolate last night.
could be worse but only if i lived in Norway haha another couple of months and I'll at least have my grow started and work on the garden for next year. still unsure about a greenhouse or poly tunnel but deffo getting some chucks.