We have a squirrel in the neighborhood who loves to eat the tops off of my sunflowers. I was angry about this until I started getting multiple heads on the sunflowers. I guess he was topping them for me
Will be planting four of these Purple Daisy pots on our cats' graves in the back yard
And picked up seeds:
Sunflower, Nasturtium (Alaska variety), Lupine (mixed colors), a pack of wildflower mixture for sunny meadows, and two packs of wildflower mixture for shaded areas
Nice stuff fellas, need to get my swerve on and get some pretty flowers on the go....tulips have gone boss in the last few days. Pics later if I get time.
All of my BestSteak tom clones are going nuts in this heat (90 today) and there are plenty of seedlings popping up everywhere. I started turning the soil in the screenhouse garden but I hit the old sprinkler pipes and remembered I need to remove them and set up the new sprinklers. Always something. I need a couple helpers!
Just when it gets cool enough to work in the garden the mosquitoes come out to eat
me to g mo has me jealous. i miss mine a lot. i pulled up some indian peach threes last weekend i have some more under the tree at my old place. i got 7 this time 3 for me and two each for my boss and coworker
Tulips from the rooftop....going to get my toms planted outside soon then it's ON!
sheesh, the pic uploader is a right fussy fart innit! some pics it just doesn't seem to like.
i would give up my left nut to have that for my orchids i am getting this kind from the sheriff's brother
he has one up but he has this kind apart and on the ground he is going to sell me. i have to get legs so i will put it six ft / 2 m at the start of the arch