Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam


nice assortment there lad, jasmine smelling nice i bet. my toms are only 2" tall presently lol. think i started a bit later than i shoulda
Cheers Dr.

Our jasmine hasn't started flowering yet, Don the white flowers above are the Oleanders. I panic everytime o go near them as the leaves are poisenous:)
clearly... heed up arse moment. the flowers are clearly from the plant in the first pic. lol i'm so codeine'd up.

surely only poisonous if you eat em?
Not sure, just remember the label saying the leaves are poisonous and to wash hands.

Been dropping a few codeines myself, just seems to bring me out in the sweats though, lol. I think I have managed to convince my Doc by email to give me a prescription for antibiotics which is rare in NL...
they aren't really helping me tbh they make my blood itch in my ears, or that's as close as i can describe it. script by email is unheard of in uk lad. though i spose it's non addictive stuff antibiotics. owing to my location the quacks rarely give scripts for anything pain killer related. druggies coughing up their methadone outside boots on the reg man.
I get weirded out by most prescription opiates. Oxycontin is the only one where I didn't enter the game of thrones :)

When my Grandmother was in the hospital in her 90s she was not doing well. She did not understand where she was and kept asking the same question over and over. I got them to change her meds from natural opiates to synthetic replacements. She responded very well.
dst you will not get a scrip in the us like that ether not even antibiotics. yea you have to eat oleander to get poisoned you should be fine, but i dont grow them because of my kids. It will kill you three people have died since 1985.
Mo you can take nightshade you just have to be careful. it has the same alkaloids as jimson weed, but more consistent.
I guess women would take a little in the olden days because it gave them big pupils like young pretty girls or Bella Donnas.

Kinda like having fat lips now.
you can make a tea witches drink. had a friend drink some one night in a club in germany, and i had way to many rolls. That was the only time i have blacked out in my life. i had taken about fifteen double stacks that night and i still can not remember most of the day after we left the club. it was like two weeks latter and old boy is like " remember that park" " what park" " the one in Frankfert " " what " "you know the one you where on the ground smelling the flowers " " WHAT! " Yea man you dont remember that" :oops: