Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Added 13 more beans to pop today so its like this, Fukn snails topped 3 seedlings so will go into starter cups 1st on those. Some in 1 gallon, some in cups, some in dvd case

8 x Garlic Bud 98 x Vortex from @Mason Jar 92705
3 x Platinum Delights x Sinmints from @eastcoastmo
2 x Sinmints x BLP from @eastcoastmo
5 x Greenman Black Malawi
3 x Bodhi Synergy
5 x Bodhi Buddhas Hand
1 x HSO Green Crack
1 x HSO Blue Dream

1x Green Poison x Lemon Skunk (Louisiana) from @getawaymountain

Mason Jar 92705

Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see some pics once they get going! I have a feeling that the GB98xVortex will do really good outside in your environment. The one I have from seed, inside, is a low yielder but is covered in resin, looks dank and soon to come down. + no late term nanners to be seen :)


Well-Known Member
Been raining pretty hard and furious here daily with some high winds. I counted 13 seedlings this morning. All of the GBx Vortex crosses, 2x Plat Delights crosses, Green Crack, few Buddhas Hand & a few Synergy remain. Im not trying to plant anything else outside until this shit calms the fuck down.
They call those typhoons there, right?

Here in Colorado, we call it a lil crummy weather...


Well-Known Member
Been raining here for a few days now.....with the odd sunny spell. Warm, damp, not the greatest conditions.