Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Its been pretty quiet over here anyway ;). Nae worries, getting shit sorted. One of my old mates who used to pick up nepali from me just rang and said he was going to have to pass on anything in the future as his wife doesnt like him stoned, fucking pussy, BUT he can go down to the bar and get pissed out of his fucking head. Stupid ass people
Good stuff man, hope it stays that way!
Lol, yeah, as if getting pissed out of your head isn't worse than being stoned...people's logic baffles me sometimes!

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Yep but that shit hurts the hands too :)
I am an infidel. Fasting is great until you are a bunch of men working offshore and fucking people are falling out because they wont fucking drink water etc.
Cant see the point myself.However,im trying to get more self-control.Abstinence never hurt anyone.
Im quite comfortable not smoking.Weed will be such a pleasure when it comes.I might even stop smoking it before breakfast....:fire:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member

Cant see the point myself.However,im trying to get more self-control.Abstinence never hurt anyone.
Im quite comfortable not smoking.Weed will be such a pleasure when it comes.I might even stop smoking it before breakfast....:fire:
I stopped smoking for 11 years. I wasn't able to stop until I had smoked up all the weed I had, but after that I never had any real problems stopping. I used to dream about smoking all the time though. Since I started back, I don't dream about anything anymore.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I stopped smoking for 11 years. I wasn't able to stop until I had smoked up all the weed I had, but after that I never had any real problems stopping. I used to dream about smoking all the time though. Since I started back, I don't dream about anything anymore.
Hi.I quit booze after a 30 year habit.Thats enuf quitting .If you like dreaming.Have some melatonin.:sleep:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Hi.I quit booze after a 30 year habit.Thats enuf quitting .If you like dreaming.Have some melatonin.:sleep:
Smoking puts me in a deeper sleep, so I dream less. When I first stopped smoking, my dreams were so intense. I had smoked from age 13 until I was 43. Hadn't really thought that much about not dreaming, until I started having four or five long complicated dreams a night.


Well-Known Member
I read an article few days ago about how cannabis "overrides" dream state and I can definitely relate to that. I dont dream fuckall and if I do dream I definitely dont remember them. When I am at work and unable to consume anything for a month then my dreams come and go.
Summer solstice and full moon in a few days,

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I read an article few days ago about how cannabis "overrides" dream state and I can definitely relate to that. I dont dream fuckall and if I do dream I definitely dont remember them. When I am at work and unable to consume anything for a month then my dreams come and go.
Summer solstice and full moon in a few days,
I must remember to take some drugs on the summer solstice.
check out melatonin.first time i took it i had the most vivid dream ever.very lucid i could do want i wanted.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
hows your weekend looking bro? I havnt forgotten the beans mate no escuse really for a 5 min drive to post them I just been really busy with spur of the moment renovations to my house..its all gd saying fuck it we will take that wall out and open up the living area but when u start taking the face off to be greeted by steel frame that is a mirror image in that theres 2 wheels cos that's where the house joins..holy fuck nine 5 inch steel cutting blades and two 9 inch blades...that's a lot of gd old aussie made steel ( house is 30 yrs old) its definitely aussie made!! everything now is cheaper imported Chinese steel


Well-Known Member
hows your weekend looking bro? I havnt forgotten the beans mate no escuse really for a 5 min drive to post them I just been really busy with spur of the moment renovations to my house..its all gd saying fuck it we will take that wall out and open up the living area but when u start taking the face off to be greeted by steel frame that is a mirror image in that theres 2 wheels cos that's where the house joins..holy fuck nine 5 inch steel cutting blades and two 9 inch blades...that's a lot of gd old aussie made steel ( house is 30 yrs old) its definitely aussie made!! everything now is cheaper imported Chinese steel
Its all good, kids went to wife's friends house so its all quiet. Thinking about filling the kiddie pool up on the roof and sitting my fatass in it