Roofwayne 12/12 from seed Mt.Man grow


Well-Known Member
Good Day Mate!!lol How you doing? Yes you can clone before flower. I have done it before they flower. In the next few days I going to clone some that are in early flower. Other say you can clone in full flower. This guy ask a question this morning on the 12/12 from seed thread about growing a seed, clone, grow the clone. clone the clone. All clone in early flower, One guy he ask knows so when we get that answer, a guy could do a perpetual clone grow. The SOG thing is what 12/12 from seed is, but instead of a few plant with lots of colas, you have more plants with single cola. You could have many different strains and stagger them out and perpetual with one box. Of course I have I would not want to use up all my seeds I paid for either and don't. Hopes that answers your questions. The answer to the question on 12/12 thread would be something you would want to try. Then you stretch your seeds good It'sbongsmilie time. You keep on growing!!!


Well-Known Member
my brother from another mother you are the shit.... thank you for clearing that up for me i have been reading the 12/12 from seed forum almost all day and have yet to find a BAD grow.. but who show the F#@K UPS .. ok so if i used just reg beans and there males they will show about week 3-4 and should be very noticeable i would shouldn't assume anything with growin
again thank you for the help i'm putting some original amnesia from denifem.., blue lemon tahi, and green bud, all freebies from attitude when i got my other beans.. great place to order and very prompt and discrete.. i will order agian IF i have to...


Well-Known Member
hey so another question i too am in the mountians but only about 2000ft and my water ph is a 7.1-7.5,, i use well water and it always goes back up from a 5.5-5.8 to a 7-8 within a few days what gives? any ideas will help.. i don't want to kill my girls by using ph down all the time.. is white viniger better or do you suggest another method to keep it down


Well-Known Member
So Bass are you in soil because with my mix I add garden lime and don't worry about the ph because lime adjusts the ph. I think you use cider vinager for ph. You get ph up and down, I forget who make it, but thats what hydro guys use. I get water from a spring it is 6.7, unless the water company mess with it. You can almost guess the males or hermies because they grow faster then females. Between 3 to 5 weeks you can sex them.
You know most of the time the plants turn out good. Bad almost means small or low weight, not every strain does well, I have not found one personally, but the other guys say there are, I believe them. I lived in Jackson, Kentucky for a summer in 1975 after high school. Hope that helps. It's bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I was using ffof with ewc, bat poop and used soil. I using General Organics go box. Is called 400w grow light, I ordered it from amazon, my friend got an i-power from amazon for 20 buck


Well-Known Member
light and fan on timer, no carbon filter, thank god. I have legal medical grow. You probably later in the grow, when they smell you run fans and filter full