Rookie to Rollitup, 1st grow


you can still lst but 1 gal is kinda small to go from seed to flower but it can be done so if you have nothing else bigger and no more soil then it will be fine. also i just noticed the pots arent full with soil, it isnt bad, but next time try to fill almost to the rim of the pot
yeah I know about the pots i was just thinking that


Well-Known Member
are you feeding it any thing at all, also do you measure you ph at all.
also are you foiler feeding or just spaying with water, if just water theri is really no need to do so


Well-Known Member
well i just noticed your soil and it had nutes in it so it should not be hungry.
and ph could be the prob if you dont know what it is. i suggest you get a ph meter.
and foiler feeding is feeding the plant with spray. like you add a lil amount of nutes in the spray bottle them spray it. i never did this as i never really saw anything great happin from it. so if your not foiler feeding then you dont really need to spray.
my bets are on its ph though.
was it you who said your from oregon or no?


Well-Known Member
Ya dude i would check the ph for sure, i foilar feed only once and thats when transplanting to bigger pots, i use thrive green bottle as the foilar supplement!!

It really isnt needed i just do it for fun i guess lol.


Well-Known Member
Ya dude i would check the ph for sure, i foilar feed only once and thats when transplanting to bigger pots, i use thrive green bottle as the foilar supplement!!

It really isnt needed i just do it for fun i guess lol.
it helps alot on a plant that has nute lock out to foiler feed cuz it is not getting nutes through the roots so if foiler fed it can get nutes through the leaf just not as much. and i had a sample of the thrive green stuf and used it and i did really see any differnece but it could have still made the plant a lil happier.


Well-Known Member
thats what i think when i use it seems like they arent as stressed out but really minimal results


well i just noticed your soil and it had nutes in it so it should not be hungry.
and ph could be the prob if you dont know what it is. i suggest you get a ph meter.
and foiler feeding is feeding the plant with spray. like you add a lil amount of nutes in the spray bottle them spray it. i never did this as i never really saw anything great happin from it. so if your not foiler feeding then you dont really need to spray.
my bets are on its ph though.
was it you who said your from oregon or no?
okay, no im from michigan here are some more pics, i was thinking about putting those lawn fertz in a water bottle and mixing it with the water and feeding it to the plant like that what do u think?

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Well-Known Member
Are you using straight tap water? if you are you need to let that stuff evaporate (just let the water sit in the open at room temp) for at least 18 to 24 hours. Plants don't take to well to the chlorine in it


Well-Known Member
ya i use tap water luckly it is ph of 6.5, but i use airstone to air it up for at least 24hours before using it!!!

you can get by for 12hours with a airstone, or 24 for just standing still!


ya i use tap water luckly it is ph of 6.5, but i use airstone to air it up for at least 24hours before using it!!!

you can get by for 12hours with a airstone, or 24 for just standing still!
Thats deffinitly the problem then because I dont always wait 12 hours or 24 but I have a fish tank pump and Im just going to put the tube in and use that


Well-Known Member
okay, no im from michigan here are some more pics, i was thinking about putting those lawn fertz in a water bottle and mixing it with the water and feeding it to the plant like that what do u think?
since your using soil with ferts in it i really dont thin they will need any yet. and i would folow what the bag says

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Thats deffinitly the problem then because I dont always wait 12 hours or 24 but I have a fish tank pump and Im just going to put the tube in and use that

no not the prob, ive used water that did not sit out and it never did that i get city water to so alot of chlorine is in it. it wont casue this type of prob if any. it is most likely ph my friend


no not the prob, ive used water that did not sit out and it never did that i get city water to so alot of chlorine is in it. it wont casue this type of prob if any. it is most likely ph my friend
okay, what about the fert idea??


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need either a soil conditioner and/or you need to PH check your water man. I would test the water first and if that's sitting neutral then your gonna have to tackle your soil. Conditioners such as Lime to Raise the PH, aluminum sulphate to lower soil PH. There are different ways to raise and lower soil PH, you need to research bud =)


Sounds like you need either a soil conditioner and/or you need to PH check your water man. I would test the water first and if that's sitting neutral then your gonna have to tackle your soil. Conditioners such as Lime to Raise the PH, aluminum sulphate to lower soil PH. There are different ways to raise and lower soil PH, you need to research bud =)
thanks man


Well-Known Member
i would go with what the bags says to do at a small does on 1 plant to test it first but they shouldnt need it for awhile with the soil you have


Well-Known Member
i would go ahead and start to try it on 1 plant, but if they have a lock out from bad ph then they wont even be getting the nutes any way