root blocked by shell


i germ my seed 3 of them at one pot ,2 seed already sprout and rising ,but the other one ,its almost 3 days , i can see her just stalled there with the open shel and litle tap root,after i look closely look like the root blocked by its own shell,and she looks like start to decay:confused: because i can see litle white worm there ,soo should i lift it and transplant it anyway,or else


Active Member
Similar thing happened to me this season. I germinated four seeds, using saucers/paper-towels, and then threw em in the soil. A few days later when they all sprouted, one had the seed still attached to the top. Any time this happened before, the seed usually pulls right off, but this time it was really stuck. I removed the seed and was left with almost no green on top, but she made a full recovery! Since they are all in the same pot, I would suggest moving the slow one into its own. This way you will be able to keep the soil a little damper, in the new pot. That should help/make it sprout. But it's normal for the seed to stay attached before the shoot-system actually breaks the surface


start decomposing (many worms,at bottom shell),so i lift it and the shell fell off directly,onli closing cotyl all i can see .look nothing unusual,aand i put it in a soil,litle rough cause the root prety short,and soil is too lose,ihave to hold it several times,sterilized doubt, and should i watering it?


hi green ,yes but this seed didnt sprout at all, while the 2 are look tall and healthy,sativa,she just lying with her short tail,headed toward wrong direction of a shell not the open door,in my logical thought shel be ran out of energy bfore it can break it,or make turn


Active Member
Is it like coming off? If it is, don't be afraid to take it off. Be very gentle though, use tweezers. If not, just wait a couple days to see if it comes off on its own.


As people have said mate just be patient maybe pot on its own so you can water a little more without troubleing the other baby's..
Good luck :D
