Root Development vs Plant Growth


New Member

Height: 33"
Cola: 17"
Weight: 154g

This is the smallest of the lot, and this has much to do with the mistake of instigating stretch right at the start of veg'. I picked the wrong plant for the position, this plant's position should have gone to the last background plant i took at 8 weeks.



New Member

Saved the biggest till last, and these were harvested today, as opposed to the other 3 being harvested yesterday. I also accidentally deleted the weight pic' on this one so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Height: 37"
Cola: 19"
Weight: 200g



Well-Known Member
excellent effort.....awesome results! good for you have my mail address right? hehehehehehe


Well-Known Member
very nice x-mas harvest there mate :mrgreen: Great job!! You making lots of oil for x-mas then?? I know you like ya oil :joint:


New Member
Thanks guys. Yes I will be making lots of oil out of the trim. I'm smoking some right now.

I do think there is a difference between using the bigger pots and the smaller ones. With the smaller pots, I do get slightly less bud per plant... but the slight loss per plant is outweighed by the two extra plants I could squeeze in.

I used less medium, less nutients... and gained more bud. Remember this was not a SOG grow, but a normal grow in small pots.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Yes I will be making lots of oil out of the trim. I'm smoking some right now.
Nice...I've just ordered a honey bee extractor and 3 cans of butane so I can make my first ever oil this x-mas. I really need to do this to keep me in smoke anyway and I've got some trim from my snow white and satori grows, so it just has to be done.


that's it I'm smoking some honey......................I like dropping it on a hot charcoal and sucking the smoke up through a me the tingles....


Well-Known Member
all being well with the x-mas post, my Honey Bee Extractor will turn up today :)

Just a couple of questions for you guys in the know if you don't mind.

Aprox how much butane do you put through each batch of trim? Or is it just obvious when no more 'oil' is coming out of the extractor.

Is it worth doing 2 x separate extractions on one batch of trim, or do you find 1 extraction enough?

Also, I've been looking at vids on YouTube for this technique and one guy pours his butane extraction into warm water which helps the evaporation and the oil forms a film on top of the water, making it easy to collect! ....looks so nice and gooey. Ayone ever try this method?

Check it out if you fancy some pure THC porn!!


Thanks! :joint:


New Member
wow, skunk! well done! i'm going to have to read thru each page of this thread to appreciate all the lessons learned. i am already applying similar techniques to my hydro-organic hybrid system.

it's great to see such successful results. enjoy it!


New Member
one question: if the roots are mearly a vehicle to transport nutrients and water, at what point is the pot too small? at what limit does it get rootbound? you can't have a tree in a bucket, can you?

it took 5 weeks for the majority of my 18 seedlings to get rootbound in 16 ounce cups, at 6 inches tall. how are your plants fine in 1/2 gllon pots, at 18" height?


one question: if the roots are mearly a vehicle to transport nutrients and water, at what point is the pot too small? at what limit does it get rootbound? you can't have a tree in a bucket, can you?

it took 5 weeks for the majority of my 18 seedlings to get rootbound in 16 ounce cups, at 6 inches tall. how are your plants fine in 1/2 gllon pots, at 18" height?

they get root bound searching for nutes, i flower in 1 gallon pots and yield 2-3 ounces per plant...but i feed every single day...they don't get rrotbound because they don't need more roots..i'm bringing the nutes to them every day so they don't need to go find them, same with's more work growing in small containers but i find it very rewarding.....

also i find in my small pots i get less roots but they are big and fat, but in larger ones they are tiny and stringy but there is tons of them.........if you do it right in small pots they will develop large strong roots.....


Well-Known Member
Hey 420, I have looked at those carbon scrubbers before, and wondered about them. Do you own one? PM me if you would, and let me know what you think...


New Member
one question: if the roots are mearly a vehicle to transport nutrients and water, at what point is the pot too small? at what limit does it get rootbound? you can't have a tree in a bucket, can you?

it took 5 weeks for the majority of my 18 seedlings to get rootbound in 16 ounce cups, at 6 inches tall. how are your plants fine in 1/2 gllon pots, at 18" height?
My plants were in 500ml containers. That's an 1/8 gallon pots.

Plants also get root bound... although I believe natmoon's term would describe the situation best... pot bound.

If you were to repot the plants after this occurs then the roots would have difficulty moving into the new space. The roots would still be capable of uptaking nutrients.

I did get less per plant, slightly... but I believe this was more down to the thrips, and squeezing in more plants. I usually only grow four under 1 light.

Squeezing in more plants allows less light for side branches, so they don't grow as healthily. Also, during veg'... I was a little confused (being a stoner) as to what i was doing myself, and treated it like a SOG grow. The good thing this did was give me plenty of background plants, which provided me with plenty of oil and a chance to study the root development.

I first got onto this through a combination of things, the first thing was on a DWC grow I did, I allowed the roots to become exposed to light for long periods, and they rotted and died. In fact quite a substantial part of the roots disappeared (with help from cannazym) and the plant above remained almost perfectly healthy, and i could still bring it through for a decent yield after now covering the roots from all light. Honestly, it was like the plant above didn't even notice. The other thing was fdd's tree in the ground... the way the roots seemed to just shoot straight outwards... and of course his immense outdoor plants/trees in relatively tiny pots.

I've used way less medium and less nutrients for a better yield.