

Just curious I have plants that sprouted about 3 weeks ago and they have been under 250w hps light 18/6 for the last two weeks.

In the bottom of the pots there are the drainage holes. I am able to see that normal or would that make you think i need to transplant them to bigger pots. The current pots they are in are 1.5 gallon

I have pics if needed but my camera is garbage and you really can't see the roots all that well in the pictures.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
If i was you i would transplant into a bigger pot (bigger is better). 1.5 gal is kinda small. Go with a 3 gal or above. good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey BP420,

Welcome to RIU. I would recommend transplanting them. MJ's root system is one that goes deep in search for water as opposed to other plants that stay shallow for nutrients. If you see your roots at the bottom of the container I would transplant, although these could be just the main root line branching around. If you have more than one hole being breached than the plant is close to being rootbound, and the reason the roots haven't grown out of the pot is because they are being "air pruned"which will inadvertly affect your plant size, yeild, nutrient uptake, and worse of all- toxic build up. So to be safe I would throw it into a deep 3 or 5 gal. Good Luck!



Well-Known Member
This knowledge was passed to me by a veteran grower when I started.

The plant will have the same mass above ground as below. If the plant you can see wouldn't fit into the pot folded up, time to transplant.


Thanks for the info...

WoW!!! Rootbound was an understatement....I dumped one over to check and you basically can't see any of the soil...its like soild white with roots all the way around the pot. I'll post some pics up tomorrow after i get them transplanted...I figure with the space i have to work with i could squeeze (3) 3 gallon pots. Would 3 gallon pots be big enough to support them all the way through flowering if i'm planning on doing a bit of lst and flowering once they hit about 1ft?

Edit: I've seen pics of people growing in what looks to be bags...where would i find something like that? Online only? Or possibly some square pots?


Well-Known Member
3 weeks old less then a foot tall and outgrown 1.5 gallon pots.... sounds weird man you must have strain that produces crazy root balls just hope they produce as much bud as they do roots i guess


Hopefully i wasn't seeing mold!!! I'm fairly sure i was over watering them at the begining. I'll take a much closer look tomorrow.


Could being rootbound cause the lower leaves to get brown spots then turn yellow, curl upwards and die? I was told that it was a mag deficeincy.


Well-Known Member
This knowledge was passed to me by a veteran grower when I started.

The plant will have the same mass above ground as below. If the plant you can see wouldn't fit into the pot folded up, time to transplant.
i guess if i were to have ground it up once it was dried, .... IMG_2676.jpg
