There's no perfect/magical fert schedule for any nute line. It really just takes experience in learning what to give your girls, and when. They speak - you have to listen.
That being said, I think you bought some good stuff for your first grow. The rootsO soil is great bag soil IMO, and the grow and bloom nutes aren't bad either. My only complaint about the nutes is how thick and gritty they are. They can make a mess, and really aren't that well suited for any sort of drip irrigation. You will have to be mindful of all kinds of bugs. I've found watering with a little neem oil, about once a month keeps them out of my dirt. But there are other methods, some more or less organic than others. Neem oil is a must for any organic gardner IMO.
I try to mix the nutes a day before I use them. I don't bother aerating them for just a day. premixing will certainly help it dissolve better.
What kind of water will you be using? tap or reverse osmosis?