Rope smokers first cfl grow bagg seed closet grow

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
High ganga pincess How you doing today? Thanks for stoping in.
the girls are doing good. I have been bad, I fimmed my two smaller plants the other day.You will see my bad in the pics. The first pic is the smallest plant that I fimmed way to much,I guess I really topped it. The 2nd pic is the bigger of the 2 smaller plants. the 3rd pic is of my first plant with the 2nd 1 in the back ground.
I'm exited to see if I have any girls. Any comments welcome.
:peace:peace man:peace:


humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member

I'm sure your just loving these results! That stem in the first picture looks like its getting pretty strong!

By the way what is fimmed?!



Well-Known Member
heya rope,,what's happenin,,first one doesn't look so bad,,and the other 2 look great,,keep it up and stay positive

Keep on Growin


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member

I'm sure your just loving these results! That stem in the first picture looks like its getting pretty strong!

By the way what is fimmed?!

It stands for fuck I missed It is when you cut 90% of the top out and you get multiple tops to grow out. I don't have this figured out yet but I'm still a noob at this.
Yes I am loving this! It is awsome whatching what you planted grow so much so fast! Thanks for stoping in humbo jumbo! :peace:peace man:peace:
heya rope,,what's happenin,,first one doesn't look so bad,,and the other 2 look great,,keep it up and stay positive

Keep on Growin

Thanks for stoping in hole! They are doing good. I'm ashamed to say I got drunk Fri and Sat and didn't cheak on them, they where dropping pretty bad Sun when I could cheack on them but percked right up then.
Need to pull them out tonight and give them a good going over to look for balls and hairs. :peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
6 days in flower. No hairs or balls yet. Plants are looking good. Can't wait to see hairs on my girls! Hopfuly tonight I'll get some new pics to post tommarow!
:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoping in hole! They are doing good. I'm ashamed to say I got drunk Fri and Sat and didn't cheak on them, they where dropping pretty bad Sun when I could cheack on them but percked right up then.
Need to pull them out tonight and give them a good going over to look for balls and hairs. :peace:peace man:peace:
don't be ashamed bro,,I get drunk all the time:hump:,,or is it I get sober once in a while,,lol,,either way

Keep on Growin


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:cry:I found balls an the bigger of the 2 smaller plants last night Grrrrrrr :twisted:
:hump:But I still have 2 more yet to show yet. So I still have a good chance for a coupla girls.
I will be keeping a good Eye on them every day to look for hairs. Tonight I will kill the male. So sad. :peace:peace man:peace:

Sorry I Had a migrain kick in yesterday and didn't get andy new pics but hopfully I will tonight! catch you all later!

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
:cry:I found balls an the bigger of the 2 smaller plants last night Grrrrrrr :twisted:
:hump:But I still have 2 more yet to show yet. So I still have a good chance for a coupla girls.
I will be keeping a good Eye on them every day to look for hairs. Tonight I will kill the male. So sad. :peace:peace man:peace:

Sorry I Had a migrain kick in yesterday and didn't get andy new pics but hopfully I will tonight! catch you all later!

AH man what a bummer! Best of luck on the other too! Im looking forward to an update!

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Well the little time I had for my plants last night was lost when a friend stoped over. So no pics, sorry but had a little time to look them over. The other 2 no signs of sex yet that I could see.
Tonight maybe I can get some pics and get rid of the male!:cry:
I am still positive on the other 2 they just feel like girls!
It is day 8 of flower today. The 2 smaller plants are just over 4 weeks old the oldest plant is 8-9 weeks old. It is what I learned to ph water on very slow growth in the begining. But it took right off when the ph was right, and is the largest of them. Probubly would have left the other 2 in veg longer but the oldest plant was getting big enough that 2-3 times bigger in flower I would run out of room fast.:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
High all! Last night I killed my male!:cry: But I think my other 2 are girls.:hump:
I think there are hairs on them both at least they don't look like the male! So I am a very happy camper!:hump::hump::hump:
Here are pics from last night.
I have not used any nutes for weeks. But no signs of any deficencys that I can see. I may have to look for some flower nutes this weekend, and see what happens. :peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hey hole hows it going today? the pics are up now. Sorry no close ups, camra is shit! They are looking good. I'm probubly 80% shure they are girls but a coupla days should tell for shure! Your girls are really putting on some buds man! Hope mine continue to do good!catch you later Hole.
:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey hole hows it going today? the pics are up now. Sorry no close ups, camra is shit! They are looking good. I'm probubly 80% shure they are girls but a coupla days should tell for shure! Your girls are really putting on some buds man! Hope mine continue to do good!catch you later Hole.
:peace:peace man:peace:
no worries bout the close-ups,,they look healthy,,I'm good today,,off cuzza rain,,so I went and got a haircut and beers:mrgreen:,,cheers man,,and keep up the good work

Keep on Growin



Active Member
How tall are they? It looks like we both started in the same week. I think I started my very first seed ever somewhere between Jan 15 to the 20th. I lucked out and she is a girl. I started to grow her in front of the window for the first 3 weeks and then took her outside. She is at about 25" now and is in her 4th week of flower. She is nugging up pretty well considering she gets limited light. I also started another 3 more plants in the middle of February. I just sexed them and I managed to get another 2 more females. I just killed the male.
I am not trying to hijack your thread but since this is my first grow, I have been looking for different journals to follow and I think your has been the closest. I just want to compare to see if I am doing things right and compare my growth to others. I thought my plant would be somewhere close to 3 ft by now but since I have used no lighting or nutes or anything other than nature, I have been worried about my plants and see if the lack of sun has stunted the growth. If I offended you by asking a question or feel i high jacked your thread....I apologize.

By the way, your plants look great and vibrant.:weed:;-)

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
No poblem man the more the merryer! Glad you stoped in. Sounds like we started just about the same, In the window on my first one. But it started in Dec some time. I wasn't ph cheacking my water and had realy sow growth for a few weeks so my plants arn't what they could be, but I'm very happy with them!:hump::hump: Didn't see if you had a link to your journal or not in your sig if not leave a link and I'll stop in and see how your doing!
:peace:peace man:peace:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Wow they look like they are doing real good!

Im glad you got some females!

Keep up the awesome work, and I totally looking forward to how this all plays out!

p.s these pics are better than the last :))

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Thanks humbo jumbo Kind words are very apreciated! Yes I'm happy Ive got 2 girls. Now to wait for the buds to start forming. This is the exciting part so far till I get to harvest! Hahahahaha Well I better get some work done. catch you all later, have a good weekend!:peace: peace man:peace:


Active Member
Nope. I don't have a journal. My camera is shot. I am working on getting one soon. Kind of low budget right now.
Since this is my first grow, I am just trying to absorb knowledge and compare growth. I am still amazed that my plant is turning out a great as it is....not a bushy as yours but looking healthy. Thank you for your kind response.