Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!


Well-Known Member
The royal wedding, we see it here in the US all the time. Big deal I say, but there sure are alot of folks who just love them. The Charles and Diana wedding was the same way.


Well-Known Member
im not a massive fan of the ukip party but for the most part they have common sense solutions but they get labelled as racists yadda yadda
im not talking about racism thats more for the EDL or bnp i have seen farage at work and he's an embarrassment
all policies aside that is a dick standing there


New Member
w0rd, fuck the royals...they're just people like you and me. why are they placed on pedestals. why do politicians talk on their high-horses about "democracy, everyone is equal"...obviously not. how do they obtain such wealth...


Well-Known Member
I think the fawning over the bullshit is simply because kids are brainwashed with propaganda royalty love stories since before they can even read on their own. Parents read their children stories of every type having to do with anything from frogs turning into princes to ugly peasant girls turning into queens riding pumpkin carriages. That's why there's popularity for them to this day. I don't get it at all, but then again I'm a guy and that tired kind of fantasy story line never did anything for many of us.

Our news in the US builds them up too, totaly brainwashing for the masses as if we're all supposed to live vicariously through them just like those childrens stories because our own lives suck so bad and we're so powerless it's the only way we can imagine a better life or something. It's sickening, but if you notice online where there is a slightly more educated free thinking younger audience than the average brain dead tv watching troll, royal wedding articles comments from readers are practically 99% negative in the US. Anything from who gives a shit, to get the fuck outta here with this frivelous crap...

It's anything and everything to do with distracting the public from what's really going on too. Don't think about how we're running all your countries into the ground, creating a world of massive debt for you and your children so large you'll be slaves for eternity, spying on you all, taking away all your money with high taxes and interest such that retirement will be a thing of the past and you'll have to work at wallmart as a greeter even past 80, outsourcing your jobs and food so you're dependant on the government charging you all your lives just to eat drink and breathe and live on land even if you already own it, look over here at the pretty wedding...

Lady diana seemed to have had a heart, though I don't agree she changed shit for a single poor country in reality, but the rest of them seem like absolute vampires. Vlad the Impaler at least didn't hide his true colors or intentions. They should be outsourced right out of the country and off the world stage for the situation they've left you in. Look around in the UK next time you're out for a walk and try to find one place there isn't a camera spying on your every move, and then thank them for creating the false flag terror events and bad attitude of so many common people that created the need for those cameras.

And that shit is happening over here in the US now, more and more spying and cameras and TSA and metal deterctors and so forth and so on. That kind of society doesn't lend itself to a happy life for anyone except those at the top. I wish our fucktard public in the US would wise the fuck up and vote all this shit down before we have more camera's per capita spying on us and giving us automatic traffic tickets than you guys do.

As far as tourism goes, you'd make more money letting the public tour the empty palaces inside and out and having lifesized nutcracker dolls instead of payed palace guards with fuzzy bear hats.

We in the US have totally lost our sense of history though, or this kind of fawning over the royals on TV would simply not be put up with.


Well-Known Member
We have a nationally controlled and mandated "all children left behind" dumb us down basic education system mandated here that doesn't allow time to learn history like that, or doesn't allow the proper books to get the truth. People have to take it upon themselves to learn things like that later in life, but few do.

You do know we now rank near the very bottom on education, even behind half the former third world countries right?


Active Member
We have a nationally controlled and mandated "all children left behind" dumb us down basic education system mandated here that doesn't allow time to learn history like that, or doesn't allow the proper books to get the truth. People have to take it upon themselves to learn things like that later in life, but few do.

You do know we now rank near the very bottom on education, even behind half the former third world countries right?
Thanks for the laugh "all childern left behind"!!!!!!!!!!

And I believe as parents, we need to take the proactive stance, and start teaching our childern what is missed in the public school system.
I realize that it takes alot, especially after a long days work, but many parents say they would die for there childern, but when it comes to helping them most are way to passive.

I find it exhilirating helping my daughter, kind of brushes up certain points I have not used in years.


Well-Known Member
I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Alas the governemnts idea of "teach them well" is more along the lines of "remove all parental responsibility, make everything illegal and hope the children know these acts are illegal and adhere to them! And pummel them with innaprpriate television and media content just for the shits and giggles of the controversy" let's not even get started on what they're actually being taught in school.


Well-Known Member
I had to teach my kids how to do multiplication, the school teaches them a stupid way that only works for 2 digits

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Dude, some kids, must have been 15 or so, sat down and started writing out that crazy shite maths, i couldn't follow a damned thing they were doing, the way i was taight can take into account any size number, 2 digits what a joke. everything is becoming really really dumb. I watched idiocracy a few days back, once funny now chilling! I have noticed that homeschooled children, where the parent was acutally capable, not just some kukoo christian, well thge kids often seem to come out pretty fucking clever, by the time theyre 13 no less. We all know that the brain develops during childhood, yet we don't seem to give two shits about actually nurturing it. The chinese may be a bunch of rather weird people at times, but well, their kids start off learning maths and musical instruments from almost a toddler, result, great success. It's not just a coincidence.


Well-Known Member
Lets see an example of the new math from someone familiar with it please, I am curious. Not having kids I'm not familiar with the specifics of how bad it is.

I heard china has more colleges than we have college graduates, not that china is a good example of how to live or good government, just saying... Is it true or just their propagada?

I went to high school in the "just say no"/Iran Contra days. Back when we first learned who the real drug dealers are, who the law applies to, and who it doesn't.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well there certainly are a lot of em so it would seem to make sense :D In the UK we probably offer more university courses than there are places haha, how about a degree in surfing on your parents credit card anyone? :D i kid you not. As to the maths, i can't remember what it was, some sort of grid system or something, but it made no sense to me. It seems that like with a lot of subjects these dys, everything is geared around just knowing a formular or figure, there's little no cognitive or logical side to it. If it "works" ok but it makes exams pretty much utterly pointless. We don't care one bit about what your brain is like we just care about your memory, you life will then be based on that. I don't know, but i kow i don't like where we're currently sat.


Well-Known Member
Lets see an example of the new math from someone familiar with it please, I am curious. Not having kids I'm not familiar with the specifics of how bad it is.

I heard china has more colleges than we have college graduates, not that china is a good example of how to live or good government, just saying... Is it true or just their propagada?

I went to high school in the "just say no"/Iran Contra days. Back when we first learned who the real drug dealers are, who the law applies to, and who it doesn't.
For example 12 x 13... the way they teach the kids to do it is to break it down into easy to multiply numbers then add them up. So 12x10+3x10=150, now try that with 136x123, can't do it as easy, but it gets really really hard when you try to multiply 5 digit or higher numbers......
Here I actually found a fucking video that explains exactly what I am talking about.....[video=youtube;Tr1qee-bTZI][/video]


Well-Known Member
Ok I watched the whole video, and especially loved the part in the teachers textbook where it says the authors don't believe it's worth the students time and effort to develop highly efficient paper and pencil algorythyms...

I admit I'm a bit of a dumbass because I had one hell of a time paying attention in school as boring as it was, and with the old stupid requirements, but this is just on a whole other level. It's like the ebonics of mathematics.

I also have to admit this just showed me that I've completely forgotten how to do long division on paper, and become 100% calculator dependant myself. :(


Well-Known Member
The most ironic thing about the whole video is that it is being demonstrated by a meteorologist instead of a math professor.


New Member
I think it's all just too cutesy and sugar and whipped cream. The monarchy is dieing, everybody knows it.
All that money being wasted on a royal wedding. It would've been better spent on a national dental plan. The horror.
But these people are mostly gullible and easily led. I mean look. They drive on the wrong side of the road for Christ's sake.
i'd agree with you, except....

the monarchy is not dying. the monarchy, has never had as much wealth & control as they currently do. the peasant surfs...the citizens...are struggling...and the monarchy is throwing their lavish lifestyles in the faces of the public, to be worshipped like celebrities...when they do nothing for the public. they're a bunch of PEOPLE who've recieved birth-rights to live the kinda lives they live.

other than that, they're nobodies, FUCK 'em

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, it made me realise i'd forgotten how to do exam style multiplaication on paper :D calculator dependant here as well.

The methods they're being taught for long multiplicaiton, nothing wrong with it, but that's for small scale mental mathematics, it makes perfect sense in that regard, but for learning maths learning maths exmas and that lot, what's the point in being taught something that only works upto a certain degree. Kinda like deciding pie is too complicated so coming up with an alternative that unfortunately only works for circles smaller than 20cm in diameter or such, just pointless. The reason for learning rules is that they work with any figures or circumstances, else what's the point in learning them!

Not sure why i only found it out today, but well, all you need is papal consent and you can be king or queen. Kinda explains how we're able to sit here and say right, gadaffi is no longer the leader, or blokey in africa the world decided was no longer president, um no, he's still president. So yes, they are nobodies. Was chatting with me mam just a few hours ago, it was one of our closest family friends who made the order to remove harry from afghanistan when his cover got blown. I think i need to have a sit down with him one day, apparently the idea of a prince soldier being nabbed by the arabs would have been too much of a situation. Then why's he in the damned armed forces if he can't do any of it? :D You don't join the army and do all the training and deployment if you're "too important" to die..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
HAhaha, only at a royal wedding

The Royal Mint has issued a commemorative royal wedding £1,000 coin made from 1kg (35oz) of gold. Only 40 will be minted in Llantrisant, South Wales, and they will cost £40,000 each to buy.
£39,000 to have their mugs stamped onto your gold? Alrighty!

And yeah, talk about indoctrination!

So instead of learning, the reason i have sent them to school, they are wasting their time having fake royal weddings, i'd be taking my child out of that school pronto and causing a huge scene.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, the news are reporting thousands of people are celebrating. Last i checked the country was built of millions and millions, not a handful of morons. I leant out if my window into the street, it's a posh area, toffs and that lot, just business as usual. Not a single piece of bunting to be seen.

Anyone else read that the queeny is buggering off early for a weekend break and missing out on her grandsons best man speach and that of kates father. hahahahahahaha, queeny doesn't consent commoner kate! :lol: