Royal Wedding- Bow to Royalty!


Well-Known Member
the majority for the wedding is being paid for by the royal family and even if it was being paid for by the uk government the amount of interest it will create from overseas and the amount of tourism that will result will be priceless. as to the checking of lamposts and such for bombs well if you put your nose into peoples bussiness where its not wanted someday someones going to cut off your nose.
This is not true, the bulk of the wedding cost is going directly to the Middletons and the rest to the public, our taxes pay for the police presence and other logistics. The Windsors are paying for very little comparatively..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wonder if i can send off a freedom of information request asking for all the figures such as policing costs etc. Did you know the police were running around the UK yesterday breaking in doors arresting people for thought crimes? We have officially entered the minority report.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Heehee, just caught a glimpse of Williams face while sitting in his chariot thing, he doesn't look like he's having a fun day haha, don't blame him, "After the couple said their vows, in which she did not promise to obey William" hahaha, whipped!


Well-Known Member
How many Royal weddings does one actually get to see in ones lifetime? Today's was my third I think. It was classy, simple and shit, I even shed a tear...because I stubbed my toe on the sofa leg...fuck that hurt.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, arrested on 'suspicion of conspiracy to cause a nuisance - tomorrow' - basically anyone the police deems has a personality which might potentially clash with the mindset desired for the royal wedding, thy're locking them up, just in case they had had any private thoughts relating to not cooperating with wedding plans prior to the event happening.

How messed up is that, first people were being arrested for conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism because they joked that they wanted to blow up their school, and now people are being arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to be a nuisance. Hell, i could do any of 50 ghazillion things and be a nuisance, being a nuisance is not a crime, . Not even an actual conspiracy, just on the suspicion that they might be planning a conspiracy. All before anything actually happened. No such thing as innocent until proven guilty any more.


Well-Known Member

Here's one example on camera. Being arrested before they even did the deed, which would not have been an illegal deed either, street art.
That is some crazy shit there....I'm not surprised though! I think getting stats about actual costs will never really be released, I'm pretty sure the covert stuff will never be justified monetarily, that would merely expose more than they want you to know!!

F**king cocksuckers......


Well-Known Member
That is some crazy shit there....I'm not surprised though! I think getting stats about actual costs will never really be released, I'm pretty sure the covert stuff will never be justified monetarily, that would merely expose more than they want you to know!!

F**king cocksuckers......
I had to look up thought crime, and here is what I found.

Does saying what you said make you a potential terrorist?

[youtube]qtfvsyk_SUs[/youtube] (Anti war protestors face 10 years in prison...)

I must be late in catching on:

No freedom of speach or freedom of assembly or freedom of thought. Ok, does that leave staying at home and saying enough is enough as a legal option? If everyone stays at home and stops feeding the system, just cares for their neighborhoods, doesn't give an excuse for marshall law, is that too a "protest" that can net you 10 years?