>>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<


Active Member
So Today is Feb 8 and this is day 12 from seed.

I was thinking that the yellowing was due to my camera's flash....well I was in denial :wall:

I inspected my seedling under various light conditions and determined that indeed, there is some yellowing going on....but the growth has not been stunted, the second pair of leaves grew out substantially during the last 12 hours....Also there are more roots forming at the bottom of the pot and starting to stick out.

So, fearing that this might be a PH Problem as I have mixed my own soil....I'm going to do some run-off tests now.

I'm going to use de-mineralised water for the run-off test. It's PH being: 6.7

Here are some pics that I just took.



Active Member

It's a 7!!!! SO I guess I was right, the water at 6.7 goes in, comes out from the other side at 7....so my soil's PH was deff higher than 7!!!!

I'm not adding any nutes to the girl before the issue is resolved, don't want to cause salt build ups due to things not getting absorbed because of the high PH.

I'm worried that I think I gave her too much water (approx 200mls) to get the run-off needed for the test....

So how should I treat this? wait a couple of days before giving her a PH 5 watering? Or can I go straight ahead? :?:



Well-Known Member
i would wait till she needs water, no sense keeping her too wet. Although i donno about dropping the ph that fast, maybe start with 5.8 and see how she responds .. just a thought

happy growin


Well-Known Member
I have a Pineapple Chunk going right now too in a hydro system. I do have to say, it really hates a lot of nitrogen so be careful if you decide to fertilize. A PH of 5.8 in soil is not a good idea! PH between 6.3 and 7 is optimal for soil. I would leave your PH alone, when you add fertilizer it will drop anyway, in fact, soil being too acidic is a more common problem because of ill prepared soil, IE no buffers added to keep it in check. Google PH LOCKOUT CHART and print it off, it will be helpful. Also, if you prepared your soil well you should not need to fertilize at all till you have at least 3-4 nodes. Good luck man, Ill be watching your thread.


Active Member
Yeah MISSPHOEBE, I'm gona wait, looks like the wisest thing to do ^^

I hear you tellno1, been reading somewhere that drastically changing the PH can do more harm than good, plant gets stunted...hats off for the tip ^^

I think you might be on the money internode, I did enrich my soil with lots of Nitrogen, gonna follow your lead since you already been down that road. Thanks for the chart tip and I'll try slowly lowering the PH down to 6.5 and keeping it there. I'm also gonna add a bit more neutral medium (as in not so heavy in Nitrogen) to the the soil where I'm going to transplant into.

Thank you all for the valuable feedback :)

In the mean time, I think she might be almost root-bound as the leaves started developing at a faster pace now...will post pictures tomorrow :)

Damn I need a smoke......but me stash is ash :!:


Well-Known Member
Also, internode, do you have a journal?
I don't yet, I gotta learn how to post photos and such to this site, plus the paranoia factor has yet to dissolve. LOL. I will probably start something soon.... You are welcome to PM me any questions or whatever too, I used to grow in soil but moved on over the years and would be glad to help where I can...


Well-Known Member
I don't yet, I gotta learn how to post photos and such to this site, plus the paranoia factor has yet to dissolve. LOL. I will probably start something soon.... You are welcome to PM me any questions or whatever too, I used to grow in soil but moved on over the years and would be glad to help where I can...
I just subscribed to your journal BTW, I hope you can keep her goin!


Active Member
I don't yet, I gotta learn how to post photos and such to this site, plus the paranoia factor has yet to dissolve. LOL. I will probably start something soon.... You are welcome to PM me any questions or whatever too, I used to grow in soil but moved on over the years and would be glad to help where I can...

That's easy bro, you can use the little frame icon with the tree in it to quickly upload from your pc, or you can upload to a third party site, and post the links.
If you're paranoid, you can get behind a proxy....using a third party software. But yeah, paranoia.....it's understandable :)

Hope this grow comes to a nice finish ^^


Active Member
Feb 9 - Day 13 from seed.

Well it seems that she liked the generous watering I gave her last night, today there is substantial growth!

See for yourself


I also placed a hood on my aquarium and keeping my window open, thus my temp is now perfect and I managed to lower the Humidity down to 55%

I'm happy!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9 - Day 13 from seed.

Well it seems that she liked the generous watering I gave her last night, today there is substantial growth!

See for yourself

View attachment 2048210

I also placed a hood on my aquarium and keeping my window open, thus my temp is now perfect and I managed to lower the Humidity down to 55%

I'm happy!
Looks real good bro. with regard to yellowing, this early in the grow i doubt you are deficient in any nutrients, usually the first to go is nitrogen and you will see this start in the little oval leaves (cotyledons) they will go sharp yellow and die off when you start to become deficient in N. My chunks new growth looks exactly the same as yours.... Too much N in these plants makes the leaves extremely dark green with a felt texture, then they dry to a crisp. Chunk has a heavy sativa influence, sativas don't produce as much chlorophyll, and healthy growth tends to be a lime green... Oh and with that sativa influence comes a monster sized plant if you veg too long!! I also noticed with mine, at night the temps can get down to upper 50's lower 60's and is causing my stems to be purple. Its not a serious issue more of a reaction to the cold. If you see any purple in your leaf stems or branches don't freak out :)


Active Member
Looks real good bro. with regard to yellowing, this early in the grow i doubt you are deficient in any nutrients, usually the first to go is nitrogen and you will see this start in the little oval leaves (cotyledons) they will go sharp yellow and die off when you start to become deficient in N. My chunks new growth looks exactly the same as yours.... Too much N in these plants makes the leaves extremely dark green with a felt texture, then they dry to a crisp. Chunk has a heavy sativa influence, sativas don't produce as much chlorophyll, and healthy growth tends to be a lime green... Oh and with that sativa influence comes a monster sized plant if you veg too long!! I also noticed with mine, at night the temps can get down to upper 50's lower 60's and is causing my stems to be purple. Its not a serious issue more of a reaction to the cold. If you see any purple in your leaf stems or branches don't freak out :)
Thanks for stopping by mate. yeah I think I will be holding off on the feeding for at least another 2 weeks, she is developing fast though and I'm probably going to transplant this Sunday (also moving her into the Growbox ver. 2 - which is almost completed;))

I was reading a lot of mixed reports about the genetics of PC and a lot of people are saying that this strain has not been stabilized yet, so some people are getting more of a the Sativa Phenos, others more on the indica side...well I think it's a bit too early to tell which one I got.

I'm not going to veg at all, so far been giving the seedling 16 hours of light per day, just to get it acclimated faster and finish the seedling phase asap. I'm gona go 12/12 once I transplant cos I don't think I can manage her in my 2 cubic feet of space (I'm also going to scrog and LST the hell out of her)

I'm not worried about the purple, even if I get it (Green and purple go well together :D) My temp differences are no more than 12 degrees between light on and off....Now I'm sure this is going to increase once I get my 110W worth of CFLs in that space ^^

Thanks for stopping by bro and good luck with your grow too...wouldn't mind seeing some pics of it ^^


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2046130View attachment 2046131

It's a 7!!!! SO I guess I was right, the water at 6.7 goes in, comes out from the other side at 7....so my soil's PH was deff higher than 7!!!!

I'm not adding any nutes to the girl before the issue is resolved, don't want to cause salt build ups due to things not getting absorbed because of the high PH.

I'm worried that I think I gave her too much water (approx 200mls) to get the run-off needed for the test....

So how should I treat this? wait a couple of days before giving her a PH 5 watering? Or can I go straight ahead? :?:

dude, not to worry! I grew mine at a constant 7.5. For soil is perfect, don't worry! and regarding feeding...I feed mine at the beginning with still water that had 5.5 pH and after I just started giving her pipe water ;) and she was fine. Just make sure that you have Ca juice and Mg epsom salts near by, you never know when it will strike and it's better to have them rather then searching them when the problem occurs. And as I said, every time you are watering, give it plenty, but only when she's dry. It'll be fine and it's looking nice


hi, ive done pineapple twice already and each time it was just one plant on a mixed cycle. Both times got lovely results, so ive just started a full cycle of eight. the first plant was a free seed from the attiutde and i was an inexperienced grower so although it produced some lovely smoke it hermyed and gave a few seeds....the second plant i grew one of those seeds coz a cheese seed didnt germinate and needed a back up. All my friends said it was awesome and yielded well. I didnt know that pineapple was considered contraversial till my mate mentioned it last night and now reading these pages today. i have delerium 4 weeks in flower and critical x. Then on with the PC....I always grow in soil. cant wait!


Active Member
dude, not to worry! I grew mine at a constant 7.5. For soil is perfect, don't worry! and regarding feeding...I feed mine at the beginning with still water that had 5.5 pH and after I just started giving her pipe water ;) and she was fine. Just make sure that you have Ca juice and Mg epsom salts near by, you never know when it will strike and it's better to have them rather then searching them when the problem occurs. And as I said, every time you are watering, give it plenty, but only when she's dry. It'll be fine and it's looking nice

Yeah man, like you said, I think it's better to water the plants only once the soil is completely dry and give it plenty of water, than to water regularly every other day ^^


Active Member
she looks great, the aluminium foil...it's controversial. Can overheat and cause burns to your plant

That's not Aluminium, it's Mylar diamond diffusion foil, and I spent 3 hours last night lining the interior of the box with it, pix coming in a bit ^^



Active Member
So these pics were from last night while I was lining the inside of the cab with Mylar, I took her out and snapped a couple of shots ^^


And I can smell a faint smell of ganja already when I bring my nose up close for a whiff :D

So, in other news, I still have a weee bit of work to do on the box, and it's ready:

Gotta, mount the door.
Drill the required holes for venting and extraction.
Mount the DIY Light array.
Install the fans.

But right now, I can't do anything until the glue is dry :/