Runoff @ 1400 ppm

Winner Winner
Chicken dinner !!!
I wish I had heard of this before I bought the cheap meter. I might have sprung for $100. I had to look up what you were talking about. This video
told me more about what to look for when measuring ppm in the last 15 minutes than every thing I've read the last few days and anything in this whole thread.

Thank you lusidghost
For the slurry test, let it sit overnight then strain through an unbleached coffee filter. Distilled water or measure water ppm before and after to adjust. Or not…
Just keep in mind the "exact number" it displays is likely off by far more than than the truncheon. Not unlike a $15 pH meter which displays to the hundredths.

Resolution without accuracy is meaningless.
I compare it to the truncheon and they hit the same intervals, so it seems close enough. I’ve never needed exact numbers, but I like to watch the number fall if I’m flushing down a plant that was overfed or something like that. Also I prefer measuring fluctuations of my tap water every so often to get a good idea of what my base ppm will be.
The organic soil alone could be reading 1400 ppm and organic ppm can be much higher than when using salts and really dosent give you an accurate reading for nutrient strength. If it looks happy dont mind the number.
If you had only posted this earlier in the thread I could have avoided a lot of the conflict.
Ran some water ph at 6.3 ppm at 225 through the clones in the fresh Fox Farms soil. Ph went up to 6.8 and the ppm went up to 2145.
Almost all of my anxiety has been relieved. I still feel I need to work on how much the ph is going up on the girl we've been talking about but more reading has given me some relief. Mycorrhizae can adjust ph within the root zone somewhat and quick uptake of nitrogen can raise soil ph.
Coupled with what I got from the truncheon video I'm feeling much better.
Thank you jaked3800
If you had only posted this earlier in the thread I could have avoided a lot of the conflict.
Ran some water ph at 6.3 ppm at 225 through the clones in the fresh Fox Farms soil. Ph went up to 6.8 and the ppm went up to 2145.
Almost all of my anxiety has been relieved. I still feel I need to work on how much the ph is going up on the girl we've been talking but more reading has given me some relief. Mycorrhizae can adjust ph within the root zone somewhat and quick uptake of nitrogen can raise soil ph.
Coupled with what I got from the truncheon video I'm feeling much better.
Thank you jaked3800
You're growing in soil. Just throw in some garden lime, focus on your microherd, don't over feed, and you should be good to go.
If you had only posted this earlier in the thread I could have avoided a lot of the conflict.
Ran some water ph at 6.3 ppm at 225 through the clones in the fresh Fox Farms soil. Ph went up to 6.8 and the ppm went up to 2145.
Almost all of my anxiety has been relieved. I still feel I need to work on how much the ph is going up on the girl we've been talking about but more reading has given me some relief. Mycorrhizae can adjust ph within the root zone somewhat and quick uptake of nitrogen can raise soil ph.
Coupled with what I got from the truncheon video I'm feeling much better.
Thank you jaked3800
You seem to stress far too much. Just stop worrying about the ph. organic soil and feeding doesnt have to be hard. Stop relying on generic feed schedules given by manufactures. Learn how to read your plants and adjust. Stop pulling early and slow down. Oh and stop following insta models, YouTube and most of the junk out there. Look to people that have a true passion for growing.
You seem to stress far too much. Just stop worrying about the ph. organic soil and feeding doesnt have to be hard. Stop relying on generic feed schedules given by manufactures. Learn how to read your plants and adjust. Stop pulling early and slow down. Oh and stop following insta models, YouTube and most of the junk out there. Look to people that have a true passion for growing.
Maybe I need to find me a good indica to smoke to chill out on when I get stressed. Not for all the time just when it starts getting to me. Roflol. Been smoking hash since yesterday. Just now starting to relax again. Hadn't smoked anything for a couple of days before because I've been sick.

As far as my grow style it's just developed over the last 2 years. I tried to wing it but still need to step up my game. Two years ago I was getting an ounce per plant last grow I got a pound per plant. Even though this wasn't my best experience on rollitup I still feel I learned what I needed to know about using ppm to tell when to feed in soil.
I'm not really a follower. I only started an IG so I could follow my own progress as I grow better.