Well-Known Member
I hate to keep pointing it out, but no, I am not an idiot. That bell curve thing again.
I did not apologize to the wanna be tyrant store clerk. Haven't seen that particular woman for a while. Maybe she moved on to Walmart greeter or prison guard.
Actually many people want to live like me, but due to the debt traps they're in, they find it difficult. Government caused debt traps in many cases.
I don't even care much about money, but I do like apples.
lulz. You say you are not an idiot. How would an idiot know they are stupid? Speaking of you, a narcissist, what narcissist believes they are stupid? Never mind, rhetorical question. I know you for an idiot from what you say.
Now then. Selling apples and working for yourself, high or not. The economy you describe is not 20th century, not 19th century and not even representative of the late 18th century. We have to go back to the early 18th century or 17th century to get back to the time when agriculture and trade were the mainstay of world class economies.
The kind of economy you describe is pre-railroad. Rail and industrial manufacturing of goods such as textiles revolutionized the economies of the world. Countries based upon pre-industrial economies failed. The last major economy to modernize was Imperial Russia. They stuck with an agricultural economy for far too long. The US old south was another that didn't modernize quickly enough. The north beat them with one hand behind its back when it became necessary. The north was an industrial economy. So, 19th century was the last gasp of the kind of agricultural life you demand we all go back to. Fuck that.
A modern semiconductor fab costs between 3 and 20 billion dollars, depending on line width it lays down on its chips. The kinds of products I help develop can take 5 or more years and hundreds of millions of dollars to develop, test and scale up for mass production. It's necessary to make these investments in order to stay competitive. As I said, competition in the marketplace is another form of war. If a country or company gets too far behind in investing in technologies or has inefficient markets, they go under. Even when appropriate investments are made, investing billions doesn't guarantee success. Sometimes an asshole like me figures out a better way and everybody else loses their investment. The great economies of the world have nothing in common with your "utopia" which actually sounds more like some medieval hell than anything else.
So, you are foolish, Rob. The kind of bullshit you talk about would fail. Assuming anybody listened to you.
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