Russians using FaceApp to collect people's images for deepfakes.


Well-Known Member
The Chinese and Russians have been collecting information on every US citizen for over a decade now. This FaceApp is collecting people's images for deepfake videos. God I hate that so many Americans are straight dumbasses and they put other Americans at risk every day (see Trump 40% approval rating). Fuck this.


Well-Known Member

Yeah. They're going to deep fake video a bunch of idiots with no standing, power or influence.

They're gathering data. They get your name, phone number, all your contacts and data from other apps potentially.

They can sell it, use it for targeting political posts as well as sales ads and things of that nature.

That's what they're after. It's the same thing Facebook, Amazon, Cambridge Analytica and others do/did


Well-Known Member
It can also be used to alter profile pics and things like that more easily so trolls can have multiple 'authentic' accounts with pics that won't show up as 500th russian model profile pic.

Yeah. They're going to deep fake video a bunch of idiots with no standing, power or influence.

They're gathering data. They get your name, phone number, all your contacts and data from other apps potentially.

They can sell it, use it for targeting political posts as well as sales ads and things of that nature.

That's what they're after. It's the same thing Facebook, Amazon, Cambridge Analytica and others do/did
Also all the black market financial data that they defiantly have from hacks of places like Target over the years. And hell if they want, they can easily just hack personal computers too and get live streaming data from the people they are targeting.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about deepfaking news and events. You would need eyewitnesses and you could falsify video testimony. That's all it would take to convince someone on Facebook or Instagram.

too larry

Well-Known Member
This app isn't bad because the code was written by Russian programmers. It's bad because they sell your personal info for ads. Just like all the other "free" apps out there.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The Chinese and Russians have been collecting information on every US citizen for over a decade now. This FaceApp is collecting people's images for deepfake videos. God I hate that so many Americans are straight dumbasses and they put other Americans at risk every day (see Trump 40% approval rating). Fuck this.
its OK mate, The Americans and English the same. Vast majority of apps mine, collect and sell data. Its were the money is.
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