Interest rates are very low right now, so hopefully the impact of S&P's downgrade is minimal (moody's and others still have us at AAA, right?).
Blame the Tea Party; If they allowed Beohner to accept Obama's "grand bargain" the deficit reduction would've made it over the ARBITRARY(but that's a whole different argument) mark of $4 trillion and we would've averted a downgrade. That's right BLAME THE FUCKING EXTREMIST, NO COMPROMISE DICKS
If you had used one size bigger font, i would have believed you...
The Tea Party has been divided into so many groups, it hardly means anything to anyone with a rational grasp of reality. The only ones who seem to hang on to it are those like yourself.
The Tea Party did not write and pass the Federal Reserve Act, did they?
The Tea party did not write and pass (supposedly) the 16th amendment (income tax), did they?
The Tea party did not incrementally and systematically strip us of almost all of the Bill of Rights, did they?
The Tea Party did not create the War on Drugs, did they?
The Tea Party did not invade sovereign nations under false pretexts, did they?
In fact, the Tea Party has no official role in government whatsoever, do they?
You KNOW it is the socialists that have infiltrated our government, our schools and the news media, that have created this mess. Some of us, who want to return to the Constitution, can empathize with Tea Party people because we all recognize that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way our government operates. That doesn't mean we all agree on who the best candidates are.
Why is it extreme to want to adhere to the law, when those who pervert the law, to promote their agenda of tyranny, are considered as main stream?
Despots and dictators through out history have used this same tactic. Blame the opposition of the same illegal and immoral activities that they, themselves are guilty of. Rinse and repeat. If you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it.
Do you honestly think if Boner had caved and accepted the deal the President and Harry the Reed wanted, we would not have been downgraded?
Smoke and mirrors, that's all they have. Misdirection and diversion. Just like a magician, keep your attention HERE, so you won't see what we are doing THERE.
Compromise is fine when talking about where to go for vacation or what to have for dinner but when it comes to having a Constitutional government... I am reminded of the the film Braveheart, where the Princess of Wales is trying to negotiate peace with William Wallace, by granting him land, title and money: she says "peace is made in such ways" to which he replies "SLAVES are made in such ways".