Sad droopyness -


Well-Known Member
Temps - 77
Humidity - 40 (past day been low, 35)

Tap water. PH 6.5 Fox Farm Ocean Forest. 30% Perlite
Fox Farm Grow Big Big Bloom and I just started bloom nutes cuz I was convinced I was going to flower but now Im having problems.

The plants looked healthy. I watered and got signs of "over-watering" even though I was CONVINCED i didnt. PH 6.5. 1.75 gallons in 12 pots of this size 3 gallon pots. Overwatering, no way.

I let them sit out for awhile because I was told I overwatered. They got droopy couple hours after water.

I realized these things needed water and I watered them. They bounced back about 1/2 way by the time I went to sleep. When I woke up they were sick as hell looking again.

The droop hasnt gone away. I was convinced it was something wrong with my rootball and my tips were fried or I had root rot or something. These girls just didnt respond well to anything. I decided to pull one out of the pot and check the roots.

The strong white roots made me believe I wasnt over-watering by any means and that things should be doing well. What I did notice is that my dirt was drier at the bottom then it is at the top and I believe they're breathing out of the size vents on my pots from the bottom up, causing me to underwater. (I watered yesterday) I watered the one that I pulled out and looked dry, as well as her next door neighbor. Im waiting to see any reaction in those two.

Any ideas?


Active Member
when my plants look like that, generally, it is cuz i underwatered. whenever i water, they perk back up within the hour. i'd say you should FULLY water. the 1.75 gallons for 12 3-gallon pots does not seem like enough to me. in 3-gallon pots, i almost always use a gallon of water. it is far more beneficial for the plant's root system to completely water infrequently than to water sparingly frequently.


Well-Known Member
Its important that when you water you give them a good soaking then let that dry out. Generally speaking a good 10% 'run off' from the bottom is what you look for in soil, let it run out then sit in a drip tray so it soaks back up again. Then give it 2/3 days dependent on pot size to dry out before soaking agaion.

Example, I use 7 litre pots and when I water during flowering I put close to 2litres through for that 10% run off. I water every 4 th day. This may help you gauge your watering regime? Early flower/veg is obviously less, maybe a litre+ at that stage gradually increasing. Both under and over watering can give you that 'drooping' but a quick feel of your roots will tell you straight away which it is!

Btw, just a thought, hows your 'lights off' temps? is there a big drop?


Well-Known Member
Lights off temp hasnt been a big drop lately. About 8-9 degrees. I raised the lights. I'm going to get some RO water and give it a shot.