Saddest moment of my life ..


Active Member
Okay, I hate how I always look at my plant , but I do it to make sure no bugs get on it . I stepped on one of my sticks that are holding alot of my 'rope tape' it split the branch. like I have 4 main stems n where it V's it cracked about 2 inches down. I taped it down as good as I can with the 'rope tape' i got , It held it together nicely I suppose but its still open a little at the top.



Active Member
ahhh thankyou.. I was trying to move a little more just so the inner nugs could get sun, n boom crack /:

How long does it take for nug to 'fill in' ? I hope these aren't popcorn nugs


bud bootlegger
saddest moment of my life was when my dad died...but yeah,breaking stems is close
yah, i was thinking maybe he had to put his dog to sleep or someone close to him died, but jesu, his plant snapped in two.. slap some tape on that bad boy and close it up as good as you can and it will be just fine imo..


Mine split where the main stalk which in more than six inches thick and the two main branches split and I tied a rope to pull the branches together and all is fine for the past two weeks so far. All the growth above the split is just fine huge buds everywhere :weed::weed: I just hope for no more 50 mph winds. Symetre


Well-Known Member
It will be just fine as long as your tape holds good. One of my plants main stem got bend all the way to the ground (didn't brake in 2 thank god) I just taped her up and didn't seem to really mess with her at all...not even the leaf drooped. Good luck with yours!


bud bootlegger
My buds havn't finished 'filling'. What did you guys use it to tie it and hold it together .
they make a grafting tape, probably sold at a local nursery, which is designed to do this job, but you can substitute some string or even duct tape or something similar to use in it's place.. :D


Well-Known Member
Earlier this year my sister came over to visit and brought her 4 yr old twin boys. They were playing starwars in the backyard, and one of them whacked my prized Super Silver Haze plant in half with their toy sword.

I tossed the upper half (it was to thick to root), used blue painters tape to seal the wound, and let mother nature take it's course. Luckily, by the second day the branches just below the cut line were already growing and taking over. Within a month, I had four strong colas.


Active Member
part of the 'crack' is still open.. is that alright ? will it eventually heal ? ugh im stressin.. haha


Well-Known Member
it really don't matter what kinda method you use.. u can tie it or tape it. As long as its effective.. if part of the crack open then tape over the crack.

Don't matter what tape at this point. Id start duct taping all my stalks just so its easier when trimming comes i can hold onto that and not have stickyass hands :-P but I make hash so...