Safe Discreet way to dispose of plant leftovers?


Well-Known Member
Leftovers mate, like in the stuff you aint gonna use/have no use for......... stalks, fan leaves, soil, coco shit like that. Aint gonna make any hash outta that crap.
In my town they hand sort all trash! Never put a leaf in the trash! If you have a lawn mower with a bag just take the left.overs outside and mow them up! Ive done that before too!


Well-Known Member
Put them in a bag call the po po and tell them you found it on the street and you want them to come pick it up. lol Just kidding of course. I live in a house I have a fire pit I torch the crap.

If you dont then grind them up as much as you can and flush them be careful to grind them up so you dont clog the toilet