Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

As a Canadian not paying much attention to the happenings south of here I do rely on the friendly banter here to base my opinions. Given schuylaar’s propensity for racist leanings and her being a supporter of Bernie, I’m assuming he’s a tad racist as well??? She is right though, fuckable helps IMO.
I’ll settle for someone whose heart doesn’t suck

you'll find Sanders perfect then because he's the only one you can trust based upon his exemplary history- this is about trust, Buck..forget policy or anything else..when it comes down to it he owns the trust category and that's what you elect a president based upon- not pop culture and it's perverted sense of how you have to have a likability factor..what's your number? how ridiculous.

Sanders will become the 'Peoples President'.
you'll find Sanders perfect then because he's the only one you can trust based upon his exemplary history- this is about trust, Buck..forget policy or anything else..when it comes down to it he owns the trust category and that's what you elect a president based upon- not pop culture and it's perverted sense of how you have to have a likability factor..what's your number? how ridiculous.

Sanders will become the 'Peoples President'.
His life expectancy is 2-3 years at this point

he will become a corpse
You'll settle for someone the political establishment tells you to settle for
You'll settle for someone the political establishment tells you to settle for
If I hadn't already went through the thought process you are trying to exploit my first time in college right out of high school, I might almost fall for it.

But I already had my 'wealthy are out to get us' phase and like most others that then have to go out into the world and earn a living, I realize it is all bullshit selective editing.

"The wealthy are out to make their lives better and barely spend any time really trying to figure out how to use their money in ways to get the rest of us a better life."
If I hadn't already went through the thought process you are trying to exploit my first time in college right out of high school, I might almost fall for it.

But I already had my 'wealthy are out to get us' phase and like most others that then have to go out into the world and earn a living, I realize it is all bullshit selective editing.

"The wealthy are out to make their lives better and barely spend any time really trying to figure out how to use their money in ways to get the rest of us a better life."

This is just my lone opinion, but I don't feel like anyone is responsible for my financial well being except for me alone, I don't need a babysitter. I take a lot of pride in earning my own way and being independent. It's not easy and I struggle somewhat but challenge and struggle builds strength. I don't expect a wealthy person to pay my bills or make my life easy. I definitely don't hold envy and hatred for someone who is better off than me financially.

It's disturbing to see so many folks that truly believe it's someone else's responsibility to take care of them, they're perfectly happy to be weak and dependant. What these people want is equality through poverty.
Call it “grass roots” , I call it annoying unwanted solicitation begging for money door to door. Those pesky door to door Bernie preaching beggers are worse the the Jehovah Wittnesses. I have told them to never come back and leave me alone! Slamming the door doesn’t work anymore so next time I’m ready!

Burn for Burnie!!!!!
This is just my lone opinion, but I don't feel like anyone is responsible for my financial well being except for me alone, I don't need a babysitter. I take a lot of pride in earning my own way and being independent. It's not easy and I struggle somewhat but challenge and struggle builds strength. I don't expect a wealthy person to pay my bills or make my life easy. I definitely don't hold envy and hatred for someone who is better off than me financially.

It's disturbing to see so many folks that truly believe it's someone else's responsibility to take care of them, they're perfectly happy to be weak and dependant. What these people want is equality through poverty.

so you have a federal minimum wage job which is allowable by law..your total for the week is $290..ummmmmmmm, where do you live for less than $300 per week and once you pay that how do you feed and clothe yourself?

what these people want is equality through wage...

it's time to force the wealthy to pay a 'living wage'..if you work a full time job you should be able at the very MINIMUM have a ROOF, FOOD and CLOTHES!!! no ones' talking about the latest iOffering or Nike gear or cable..or even a 2nd hand car.

do you feel that it's an equitable expectation?

i do.
Do you understand how government works and how laws get passed?

We came within one vote of losing the ACA in 2017 but Bernie is going to get Congress to pass Medicare for all?

Is he throwing an ecstasy party for Congress before they vote?

it was the proper answer considering the question..garbage in/garbage out.