Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

The “rights” in FDR’s list differ substantially from the rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The natural and inalienable rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights are mostly negative. This means that they stop interference by others or by the government with the individual’s freedom to act (e.g. believe, worship, speak, and publish freely, defend oneself, remain silent, acquire property, etc.). But they do not require the government to bestow material benefits upon the citizenry.

The new rights FDR proposed, however, were positive, such as the “right” to a well-paying job, a “decent home,” or a “good education.” Rather than protecting the individual’s natural freedom, FDR’s list of rights was a set of things people were owed—entitlements and services the government must, in theory, provide to certain individuals at the expense of certain others. In other words, the assurance of the “new” rights would come at the expense of the “old.” They would authorize the government to limit liberty.

Personally, I tend to default to a position of freedom. I want the freedom to find my own fate. To fall down, skin up a knee. I don't want nanny gov't to require me to wear a helmet and training wheels.

The 'list of rights' offered by FDR are identical to the ones offered by the modern American DemoSocialists.
Communism has been around for a long time.

We will never have a socialist or communist president.
Not in the USA.

I have had some very good discussions there. But, few of them end with the statement of "you are dumb."
And, about half of the members are Democrats, and about half of them are communists.
You still didn’t list any communism in the Democratic Party and fdrs policies have been ruled constitutional

you are dumb, sock

please stop derailing our productive political conversations with your right wing spam and propaganda
The “rights” in FDR’s list differ substantially from the rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The natural and inalienable rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights are mostly negative. This means that they stop interference by others or by the government with the individual’s freedom to act (e.g. believe, worship, speak, and publish freely, defend oneself, remain silent, acquire property, etc.). But they do not require the government to bestow material benefits upon the citizenry.

The new rights FDR proposed, however, were positive, such as the “right” to a well-paying job, a “decent home,” or a “good education.” Rather than protecting the individual’s natural freedom, FDR’s list of rights was a set of things people were owed—entitlements and services the government must, in theory, provide to certain individuals at the expense of certain others. In other words, the assurance of the “new” rights would come at the expense of the “old.” They would authorize the government to limit liberty.

Personally, I tend to default to a position of freedom. I want the freedom to find my own fate. To fall down, skin up a knee. I don't want nanny gov't to require me to wear a helmet and training wheels.

The 'list of rights' offered by FDR are identical to the ones offered by the modern American DemoSocialists.
Communism has been around for a long time.

We will never have a socialist or communist president.
Not in the USA.

I have had some very good discussions there. But, few of them end with the statement of "you are dumb."
And, about half of the members are Democrats, and about half of them are communists.

"That's my boy."
The “rights” in FDR’s list differ substantially from the rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The natural and inalienable rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights are mostly negative. This means that they stop interference by others or by the government with the individual’s freedom to act (e.g. believe, worship, speak, and publish freely, defend oneself, remain silent, acquire property, etc.). But they do not require the government to bestow material benefits upon the citizenry.

The new rights FDR proposed, however, were positive, such as the “right” to a well-paying job, a “decent home,” or a “good education.” Rather than protecting the individual’s natural freedom, FDR’s list of rights was a set of things people were owed—entitlements and services the government must, in theory, provide to certain individuals at the expense of certain others. In other words, the assurance of the “new” rights would come at the expense of the “old.” They would authorize the government to limit liberty.

Personally, I tend to default to a position of freedom. I want the freedom to find my own fate. To fall down, skin up a knee. I don't want nanny gov't to require me to wear a helmet and training wheels.

The 'list of rights' offered by FDR are identical to the ones offered by the modern American DemoSocialists.
Communism has been around for a long time.

We will never have a socialist or communist president.
Not in the USA.

I have had some very good discussions there. But, few of them end with the statement of "you are dumb."
And, about half of the members are Democrats, and about half of them are communists.
You are really dumb.

Dumb people can't have "thoughtful conversations".
You say you like chaos, does that mean you approve of Russia attacking American citizens online using their military?

Of course not.
Why would I approve of someone attacking my home?
Do YOU approve?

But, so what ... what does that have to do with anything?
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You are really dumb.

Dumb people can't have "thoughtful conversations".
"Dumb" is just ignorance ... unless you think I can't talk. I can.
If you're talking about ignorance ... l can cure that.
I can learn from someone who can converse.
Unless they too dumb to have those skills.
"Dumb" is just ignorance ... unless you think I can't talk. I can.
If you're talking about ignorance ... l can cure that.
I can learn from someone who can converse.
Unless they too dumb to have those skills.
Can you list some of this communism that you insist is in the Democratic Party?

third times the charm, dummy
Can you list some of this communism that you insist is in the Democratic Party?

third times the charm, dummy
OK, ok.
You want a list. This is only a partial ...

Here is is:
Lynn Woolsey, Calif.,
George Miller, Calif.,
Nancy Pelosi, Calif.,
Maxine Waters, Calif.,
Patsy Mink, Hawaii,
Jessie Jackson Jr., Ill.,
Barney Frank, Mass.,
John Conyers, Mich.,
Jerrold Nadler, N.Y.,
Charles Rangel, N.Y.,
Dennis Kucinch, Ohio,
Bernard Sanders, Vt.,
James McDermott, Wash
You just demonstrated the Dunning-Kruger Effect brilliantly.
Thank you for recognizing my brilliance ... in writing too.

But, I think that the DK Effect is a malady of most humans.
In my case however, I have documented evidence that what I say is true.

But, lets get back to politics.
It is a much more interesting topic than me.

Gonna have to be later though. As much as I like sparring with you - I am at work, and therefore have work to do.
Maybe tonite.
OK, ok.
You want a list. This is only a partial ...

Here is is:
Lynn Woolsey, Calif.,
George Miller, Calif.,
Nancy Pelosi, Calif.,
Maxine Waters, Calif.,
Patsy Mink, Hawaii,
Jessie Jackson Jr., Ill.,
Barney Frank, Mass.,
John Conyers, Mich.,
Jerrold Nadler, N.Y.,
Charles Rangel, N.Y.,
Dennis Kucinch, Ohio,
Bernard Sanders, Vt.,
James McDermott, Wash
You’re not smart

communism is defined by state control over private businesses

besides trump, who said “I hear by order” American companies to cease doing all business with China, can you name anyone who is calling for state control over private business?

only communism I see is coming from trump, socky McFistuptheass
ummmmmm nooooooo sadly, the rules aren't clear even some millennials were fooled- i told everyone here to warn all, that voter suppression exists and that anyone can be fooled, Buck.

sadly this point was missed..all you have is your one vote and when it gets taken away..?
Didn’t like 13 million figure it out?
Of course not.
Why would I approve of someone attacking my home?
Do YOU approve?

But, so what ... what does that have to do with anything?
I do not approve of Russia attacking us, and I also do not approve of them attacking other democracies causing chaos stirring up hate and divisiveness. I especially do not like Trump's inviting it (and other countries interference) and his campaign giving the Russians our voting data so that they know how to attack us down to the district we vote in giving him the best chance at re-election.

I bring this up because you appear to be a new member here posting in the political section. If you have not read up on the invasion or understand how widespread their propaganda machine has been pushing, and are a actual person and not some planted Trump troll, this information would be helpful to understand what you will find here.