Saving male pollen. Best way.

i have some male pollen and i was wondering the best way to store it? i have heard u can mix it with flour and store it in the fridge.. does anybody know a good way in witch it will last for a while..

Jar Man

Active Member
Or freezer to last longer. Dark, airtight container. Have had it remain viable enuf for 2+ yrs. Could go longer. Apply with small artists paintbrush to select buds. Watchout, it can spread further than expected and polinate far more than you want.


Well-Known Member
dry is a key part here, I put some pollen in the freezer in an airtight container, and it got wet, cause I didn't take the time to dry it out long enough. That said, it was the first time I actually saw a full male banana, and I wasn't sure what to do with it, I've usually killed my males at the first sign of a ball, I don't let the banana get big enough. I will try to dry some out next time, I have 2 wild thai males, and 2 double white cheese males now I want to save


Well-Known Member
I am with Jar Man same way I store with the exception that Put a few grains of rice in the jar to prevent and/or absorb any moisture. Males are a good thing for me, these days I always say a little prayer for a fifty fifty split males to females. But that's just me. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Make sure all plant material is removed from the pollen, it's dry, in a closed container with some sterile rice (for example), and then freeze it.
so, do u think mixing it with flour is a bad idea? seems like flour might hold some moisture. i like the rice idea canefan, i put rice in almost everything i dry out... so far the best way seems to just put it in a small jar with some rice and store it in the freezer..


Well-Known Member
i think that it would be a great idea
You may think so, pretty sure the 'seed' companies don't ;)

I don't think mixing with flower is a bad idea. Search for Uncle Ben's Pollination method, includes flower as well. It's heated in an oven to sterilize it first, pretty sure it's dry after that too. :) The flower is more meant as a carrier, a transporter, and to make use of the pollen you have more efficiently. I don't know if freezing with or without mixing it first makes much of a difference.