SayWord's 600w Perpetual Clone Army!

no man, i wish i had an aswer to that question!! i'm going to hope for 8-12g off each. if i get 4 trays in there, with 12 in each, thats 48 x 10g = 480g!! one pound out of my 600w would be fab.
That would be a mighty impressive yield. A true sea of green by any standards. I'll be interested to see how well the little clones do. I am thinking of trying to adapt something similar to the 1 week veg cloning. I like the idea of being able to pop new clones in the box in as short as 1 or 2 week intervals. That would be headed in the right direction towards the ultimate goal which is the lovely term perpetual harvest.
dude so the white widow and power skunk are having some fuckin PROBLEMS. fat rust spots. just like the small dots that started poppin up on the clones, they're like taking over on the PS. someone said it may be a cal/mg deficiency or something.

im gonna pick up some lime stuff from the store and am hopin that may help the problem. besides that the clones are lookin beautiful besides the rust spots. there are some spider mites that im spraying almost every day.

im flushing the puny flowering plant. it seems like there is no new bud growth at all. the other two are showing MASSIVE bud eruption after two feeding of gravity. im pretty impressed. im planning on pullin the one plant in a week or so to free up some room. its also a huge cause of the mites. its got a ton.

anyone know any tricks to harvesting with mites? i had to do it with the last grow anf there was some wierd stuff on the buds for sure from them
dude so the white widow and power skunk are having some fuckin PROBLEMS. fat rust spots. just like the small dots that started poppin up on the clones, they're like taking over on the PS. someone said it may be a cal/mg deficiency or something.

im gonna pick up some lime stuff from the store and am hopin that may help the problem. besides that the clones are lookin beautiful besides the rust spots. there are some spider mites that im spraying almost every day.

im flushing the puny flowering plant. it seems like there is no new bud growth at all. the other two are showing MASSIVE bud eruption after two feeding of gravity. im pretty impressed. im planning on pullin the one plant in a week or so to free up some room. its also a huge cause of the mites. its got a ton.

anyone know any tricks to harvesting with mites? i had to do it with the last grow anf there was some wierd stuff on the buds for sure from them

Sweet set-up man! props and good luck with the mites! awesome watchin the stages!
harvesting with mites .... just dont think about it ... lol
theres nothing u can do really

i got my ladybugs workin overtime in my rooms.... im guessing i should be seeing some larvae hatching soon and those bitches should kill off most of my mites
heres a quick couple of flicks




the rust problem


the WW has a nice bud already, the PS is takin foreverrrrrr


bushy ass mother plant in first week of flowering
My plants do that when I splash nutes on them when feeding. I don't know if it's possible that happened here.
Making that crib do some serious work. That is what I like to hear. I am setting up my flowering room this weekend :D getting my cloning supplies tomorrow most likely. Do you have any advice on cloning? If I remember correctly you were having a little trouble with it at one point.
sweet man. dont really have any advice u probably dont know. as long as you do it right, keep the temps good, keep the dome sweating all day every day and can leave it for two weeks without peeking you should be fine
my computers down so i cant get picks up yet but the mother plant is lookin so good. it has 16 tops! i chopped the puny large plant. its drying right now. so weak looking, probably less than an ounce. all the clones are lookin good. the oldest ones are on their fifth week flowering. week six i'll feed them a couple feedings of gravity, then flush, then chop. cant wait
Do you give your clones a week to get rooted and then a week to veg for 2 week total or are you just flipping them after the first week? I remember you saying something about only 1 week in veg.
heres some flickies


flushing these two plants. theyve been flowering forever



the clones! (week 5)






week 4 clones

the WW and PS LST'd



and the mother plant with a billion tops

Imagine how much bud that mother would pump out. *drools*

its now entering its second week flowering! you wont have to imagine much longer!! i cant wait to see either. the stem at the bottom is fatter than any of my fingers, but i havent had a fan on it in a lont time, so all the new growth is skinny and weak. im wondering if this is gonna be a problem or not....
Just read through your whole thread, really nice work here man. Ever consider SCRoG'ing?

thanks man. scroging wouldnt really do anything for me in this setup cuz its all single colas anyways. plus itd make it way fuckin hard to water/feed. but if i ever learned hydro and switched over id think about it