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Your guys got raped!

Your guys got raped!
It appears that there is a rich, imaginary rape culture tended by the left.
Moar Victimz!
There just has to be a rape crisis on campus. There just has to be. There is a war on women, after all. Poor Sandra Fluke can't get the Jesuits to pay for her birth control pills. It's a war, I tell ya!
Did that dumb bitch call the cops and press charges? No? Then fuck that cunt, and every bitch like her with their bullshit years old "rape" allegations, and fuck the g'damn media for spreading that bullshit.
This is little more than the media intentionally destroying a man they don't agree with politically for the sake of ratings.
Any proof other than her word.
If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.
A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut. It doesn't make it her fault she was raped, but her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.
Maybe they can get the IRS to manage sexual relations in America. Make sure you complete and sign standard form 69!
We all need to go back to carrying guns.
That would put chicks on equal footing with dudes, making it extremely unlikely a dude would rape her. If she's blacked out, that's her own fucking fault. If I were a chick, I would never walk into a frat house for instance with the intent of getting shit faced drunk and expect nothing to happen to me. Stay at home and drink with those your comfortable with. That way you know the chances of bad things happening are very low respectively. Everything is everyone else's fault any more. We all take chances when we do anything. And when it doesn't go the way we though, you gotta say "I'll never do that again".. and move on. The girl in one of the articles said, she thought you had to be in an ally with a stranger to be "raped" It sounds like she got her self into a situation that she later regretted. Live and learn. I am in no way condoning rape or anything which harms another person, but don't be pissed if you get shot in the woods because you dressed up like a deer.
LF is not a bright guy. He can't help it. TravisW seems like a bright guy, hence he is a willful liar, and he spent a fair amount of time editing my posts. What a stupid waste of time, arguing with the voices in his head.
still defending the guy who said you deserved to go to prison?Nice meltdown.![]()
It's not a kangaroo court. It's a hearing to determine what punishment a student faces for violating the code of conduct. They have these hearings for things as simple as cheating, to things like rape or assault. If the violation is criminal, the criminal justice system is involved. The college judiciary hearing is like seeing a principal to get punished. The students agree to this when they sign up for school. It's not something that's permanent. And if you happen to get branded with the mark, but in your criminal trial are acquitted, you have legal grounds for the mark to be removed.Sorry, but you are wrong. The feds have changed the rules specifically to create these Kangaroo courts on college campuses, citing title 9. Guilt is determined by a "preponderance of evidence" test. Basically, these things usually boil down to a "he said, she said" situation and the colleges have expelled students, almost always male students, because of unprovable, or demonstrably false allegations. This is a charge of rape documented on official records that follow these students forever. Would you want your angry ex-girlfriend to be able to charge you with rape and have no legal recourse to defend yourself? Would you want to produce your transcripts to a potential employer with "RAPIST" plastered on it?
If a girl is raped, call the police. If a guy rapes a girl, put him in prison. If the guy is innocent, then exonerate him. Lynching is outlawed for a reason.
The UVA rape case chronicled by Rolling Stone is an excellent example of this. It was a pack of lies, and never happened. It's the Kultur war in action.
It's not a kangaroo court. It's a hearing to determine what punishment a student faces for violating the code of conduct. They have these hearings for things as simple as cheating, to things like rape or assault. If the violation is criminal, the criminal justice system is involved. The college judiciary hearing is like seeing a principal to get punished. The students agree to this when they sign up for school. It's not something that's permanent. And if you happen to get branded with the mark, but in your criminal trial are acquitted, you have legal grounds for the mark to be removed.
Nice meltdown.![]()
No I'm not wrong. In every set of guidelines I've read for a college's judiciary hearing, if the misconduct is criminal it is reported to the authorities. Your own article even states the rarity of a university not giving a fair hearing.You are wrong. No due process, no criminal trial, no criminal charges, just a Kangaroo court, a suspension/expulsion from school and the permanent brand of sexual assault on his record.
This whole problem is simple to solve: if a rape occurs, call the cops. That is what the criminal justice system is for. It's a political football in the Kultur War Games, though; it's the continuation of the "War on Women" trademarked by the left. To me, it looks more like a war on men. From the goofy girl at Penn State who carried around a mattress on her back for a few semesters to the fabricated UVA gang-rape story and persecution of the fraternity, it's just another stupid, unfounded moral panic created and then exploited for the benefit of a few politicians. It reminds me of the "Satanic Preschool" hysteria that was all the rage in the 80s.
In the headlines this morning.
Experts say a new ruling in a sexual assault case involving two students at UC San Diego should be a wakeup call to schools across the country that sexual misconduct processes can be flawed.
The alleged assault happened after the students met at a party early last year, and began having consensual oral sex later that month, the Los Angeles Times reports. On Jan. 31, the couple went to a fraternity party and returned to the male student’s apartment, where they had sex.
That led to a sexual assault complaint, a university investigation, and suspension of the male student. The students have been identified only as “John Doe” and “Jane Roe” because of the sensitive nature of sexual assault cases.)
But Doe pursued legal action in court and won, in what is believed to be the first ruling in recent history that found a university failed to give a fair trial in a sexual assault case.
In his ruling, Superior Court Judge Joel M. Pressman cited the fact that Doe was prevented from fully confronting his accuser in the trial, as well as insufficient evidence that sexual encounters occurred without Roe’s consent. Pressman also ordered the school to drop its suspension against Doe.