
This is really heavy on my heart right now. I have a friend who recently lost it. He’s been diagnosed for over a decade and has been a ward of the state since.
Now he’s likely looking at life in prison for mentally insane…. He ended up stabbing someone and killed him. Complete tragedy…. For all parties, mainly the states supervision is completely at fault. They cast these people to the sides, and mandate medicine and hope to keep them down and out. The state doesn’t let them have jobs or they lose their disability insurance…. The couple weeks before we all new he was having a hard time. Where was social worker? Where was any intervention? Or even some type of monitoring parameters to identify something like this befor it happens??? No nothing. Crickets from community mental health. He was under their “care”? Idk this stuff is tough and i don’t understand this thread. We should be talking about how to bring mentally I’ll people into the folds of society and not really have any more conversations about them turning off the voices.
I read a story about a schzophrenic person where she said suddenly i started experiencing strange syptoms(paranoia, hearing voices, mood disorders etc.) so if she was aware that she was experiencing strange symptoms why didn t she tried to ignore them or act normally, or if she was conscious about it why didn t she tried to stop those symptoms? I mean i imagine if i would started hearing voices of course maybe i will freak out a little but i would try to ignore them or stuff like that, so is very hard for me to understand this disease and why it may happen, altough i understand those who go through this and i feel compassionate towards them, is it maybe a spiritual problem and ur soul may be suffering from demonic atacks? I mean it s clearly a disease of the counciousness but i wonder if what this could be i heard something like their soul is not completly integrated in their body or they suffer from an imbalance...Can this disease be cured?
Get off the spiritual shit, It's chemical. You think and process thought and remember based on chemical and electrical processes. Everyones chemical balance is different thats why the same weed effects everyone different. Bodies regulate chemical balance different no ones balance is the same. My ex wife and I used to run an adult foster care home where we lived with 5 schizophrenics, 3 of which were paranoid schizophrenics. That was a wild place to live!

Everyone of these guys displayed different symptoms and none of them wanted to be that way. One of our guys resented me so much that it got to the point where all he did was look at me with hatred. After counseling it came out that he was jealous of me having a wife and family that he could never have. This guy certainly didn't choose the hand he was dealt and had no way to fight it. I get you don't understand but take my word for it 3 generations of my family have lived with and cared for people with mental illness they don't want to be that way. If they had a way to turn it off they would. Be very thankful you are clueless about what schizophrenia looks like from the inside.
That lady can't stop "voices in her head" the same way you can't control the thoughts that pop into your own head.

It's super easy for any of us to just say "just ignore the voices then", mmmyeah NO SHIT SHERLOCK.

WTF is the post even for? To scathingly insult the mentally ill??
No man u understood it all wrong
No man u understood it all wrong
Whether you think so or not, the sentiment of "why can't they just fight the voices?" is insulting. It's a gross oversimplification of something you're not medically qualified to understand. And before you lash back with it's your opinion, also doesn't make it magically not insulting because it's something you came up with in your own head.
This is really heavy on my heart right now. I have a friend who recently lost it. He’s been diagnosed for over a decade and has been a ward of the state since.
Now he’s likely looking at life in prison for mentally insane…. He ended up stabbing someone and killed him. Complete tragedy…. For all parties, mainly the states supervision is completely at fault. They cast these people to the sides, and mandate medicine and hope to keep them down and out. The state doesn’t let them have jobs or they lose their disability insurance…. The couple weeks before we all new he was having a hard time. Where was social worker? Where was any intervention? Or even some type of monitoring parameters to identify something like this befor it happens??? No nothing. Crickets from community mental health. He was under their “care”? Idk this stuff is tough and i don’t understand this thread. We should be talking about how to bring mentally I’ll people into the folds of society and not really have any more conversations about them turning off the voices.

It seems everyone knows a story like this. I know 3. The son of one of my best friends almost killed his own mother. He still believes he is a savior of the world that was driving out demons. He is a pariah with his own family and doesn't understand a bit of it. He says it too real to be delusions. Very, very sad.

My brother had to go down to the police station to explain he didn't murder the person his wife saw in the news report after she reported him for that murder. The police understood. They said it happens all the time.

I discovered how prevalent this is when placing food orders to go. It seemed like every food preparer understood because they had a friend or family member that had to have food prepared or packaged in a certain way not because of taste, but paranoia.
Get off the spiritual shit, It's chemical. You think and process thought and remember based on chemical and electrical processes. Everyones chemical balance is different thats why the same weed effects everyone different. Bodies regulate chemical balance different no ones balance is the same. My ex wife and I used to run an adult foster care home where we lived with 5 schizophrenics, 3 of which were paranoid schizophrenics. That was a wild place to live!

Everyone of these guys displayed different symptoms and none of them wanted to be that way. One of our guys resented me so much that it got to the point where all he did was look at me with hatred. After counseling it came out that he was jealous of me having a wife and family that he could never have. This guy certainly didn't choose the hand he was dealt and had no way to fight it. I get you don't understand but take my word for it 3 generations of my family have lived with and cared for people with mental illness they don't want to be that way. If they had a way to turn it off they would. Be very thankful you are clueless about what schizophrenia looks like from the inside.
Of course it s chemical but this chemicals create an experience through wich we experience life so wich is more important the structure of the chemicals or the experience. I d say u are here to experience life for example when u experience love u don t think is just chemicals in my brain doing this, u seek the experience thats how i see things
Whether you think so or not, the sentiment of "why can't they just fight the voices?" is insulting. It's a gross oversimplification of something you're not medically qualified to understand. And before you lash back with it's your opinion, also doesn't make it magically not insulting because it's something you came up with in your own head.
It was just my misunderstanding about the situations and i was seeking some answers that s all
i had a friend in college. her mom was also schitz. very hard to understand. she tried to off herself while in school, i grabbed my then girlfriend’s car - picked her up and got her stomach pumped. not a fun day. she was in her late 50’s when she did the deed. i miss her.
on trip out to laramie, wy, (where she lived) i had advised her of the trip many times, when i arrived to take her out for lunch….”you can’t come in” was all she said.

Whether you think so or not, the sentiment of "why can't they just fight the voices?" is insulting. It's a gross oversimplification of something you're not medically qualified to understand. And before you lash back with it's your opinion, also doesn't make it magically not insulting because it's something you came up with in your own head.
U are acusing me of insulting when it s clearly not the case and u clearly understood the message wrong, so it s not my fault it s just ur interpretation because i was clearly not tryina insulting no one i said "that i understand they suffer and i am compasionate towards them" so i have nothing to be sorry about. Be well! :)
U are acusing me of insulting when it s clearly not the case and u clearly understood the message wrong, so it s not my fault it s just ur interpretation because i was clearly not tryina insulting no one i said "that i understand they suffer and i am compasionate towards them" so i have nothing to be sorry about. Be well! :)
Not accusing you of anything. I'm pointing out that what you're saying is insulting whether you think so or not.

If you were compassionate towards them, your very first sentiment wouldn't be "why can't you just ignore it if you're aware of it?". Again, a gross oversimplification of something you don't suffer from, nor apparently understand.
U are acusing me of insulting when it s clearly not the case and u clearly understood the message wrong, so it s not my fault it s just ur interpretation because i was clearly not tryina insulting no one i said "that i understand they suffer and i am compasionate towards them" so i have nothing to be sorry about. Be well! :)
It’s like when my 10 year old says “ not tryin to be mean but….(insert mean comment)….”
Still a mean ass comment kid even if you start by saying your not trying to be.

Of course it s chemical but this chemicals create an experience through wich we experience life so wich is more important the structure of the chemicals or the experience. I d say u are here to experience life for example when u experience love u don t think is just chemicals in my brain doing this, u seek the experience thats how i see things
Sure even I myself never think about the chemical side when I'm experiencing life. It's almost like that side is in a different dimension. I suffer from mental illness though I'm lucky because I'm a boarderliner that after so many years has learned to deal with it and see and understand my own signs and symptoms. It's not always easy but it's doable and I function. I never think of it as chemical in the moment but it is. How do I deal with it? I self medicate, most of my problem is caused by decades of sleep deprivation. I treat myself with cannabis, alcohol, diet, bed time and water. Yes water! I've found that hydration plays a noteworthy part. Kinda got off track there but the point was that even someone that is hyper aware of their mental state at all times doesn't think about the chemical dimension in the moment of experiencing life.

That's kinda the long version of me agreeing with you and explaining why.
Sure even I myself never think about the chemical side when I'm experiencing life. It's almost like that side is in a different dimension. I suffer from mental illness though I'm lucky because I'm a boarderliner that after so many years has learned to deal with it and see and understand my own signs and symptoms. It's not always easy but it's doable and I function. I never think of it as chemical in the moment but it is. How do I deal with it? I self medicate, most of my problem is caused by decades of sleep deprivation. I treat myself with cannabis, alcohol, diet, bed time and water. Yes water! I've found that hydration plays a noteworthy part. Kinda got off track there but the point was that even someone that is hyper aware of their mental state at all times doesn't think about the chemical dimension in the moment of experiencing life.

That's kinda the long version of me agreeing with you and explaining why.
I wish u well a happy life and all the good things in life find ur way!